The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 604 Episode 45: Sister Xi Joins the Group

Chapter 604 Episode 45: Sister Xi Joins the Group
[God!God!After so many years, I finally waited for Sister Xi to join the group. ]
[Extremely good news, extremely good news, there are pictures and the truth, Sister Xi has joined the group! ]
[It must be because I have accumulated virtue and done good deeds, and I am willing to do good deeds, which has touched the heavens, so I let sister Xi join the group. ]
[To celebrate Sister Xi joining the group, today my dessert shop will be [-]% off! ]
[Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!Live, live Dean Chu!my idol! ]
[Help!In my lifetime!Oh my God!I want to go to the crew. ]
[Sister Xi!Sister Xi!Sister Xi! ]
There was a lot of excitement on the Internet, and at this time Chu Qingge was packing her luggage in Ye's house.

After she came out of the research institute yesterday, she went to the crew to try on makeup early, depending on the time, and came back after the test.

Today is the time to prepare to join the group for a few days of shooting.

Both Ye Tingjun and Ye Chunuo are five years old, and there are many people at home looking after them, so she doesn't need to worry about them.The research institute is quite free during this period, and Chu Qingge has left many things to Yue Guyuan to deal with.

So when Shangguan asked her to play a role, she agreed.

The shooting location is in the Imperial Capital, and if there is anything, she can rush back to the research institute in time.

"Mom, how long are you going?" Ye Chunuo squatted beside the suitcase, helping to fold the clothes.

Naturally, Ye Tingjun was sitting on the other side of the suitcase, and was also folding the clothes. After folding, he put them neatly in the suitcase.

"Not sure yet." Chu Qingge stood in the cloakroom, looking at the clothes in the closet, and threw the one she liked in the suitcase, and asked them to fold it.

"What if we miss you?" Ye Chuno tied two small scorpion braids, lowered his head and seriously folded the clothes, with a soft and childish voice.

"You?" When Chu Qingge said this, he took a special look at his son.

Ye Tingjun felt her gaze, raised her eyes to look at her, lowered her eyes again, paused and said, "I will miss you too."

"You wish I could go." Chu Qingge said with a snort.

The two children in her family, the son looks like a father, and the daughter looks like a mother.

Ye Tingjun and Ye Hanzhi looked alike when they were young, but there was a bit of Chu Qingge's shadow in their nose and mouth.

There are Chu Qingge's genes, but not many.

It's just that this personality is too mixed, it seems that these two families, or more than two families, and formed after contact with other people, these are mixed together.

When Chu Qingge was around, he was well-behaved and cute, and he was very pleasing.

But when Chu Qingge is not around, he can go to heaven.

And this Ye Hanzhi. Chu Qingge never imagined that Ye Hanzhi is a father who loves his children very much.

As long as he didn't run into any issues of principle and made Chu Qingge anxious, Ye Hanzhi felt that everything was easy to talk about.

As a child, it's normal to be naughty when you are young.

As long as the roots are not damaged, the rest will follow the children.

He advocated the free development of children.

So it led to the image of Chu Qingge as a strict mother in this family.

She has no opinion on the composition of her family education.

After all, the image of a loving mother, from the moment she met Ye Tingheng, she knew she couldn't do it.

At the beginning, she was also worried that strict mothers and strict fathers would appear in her family, and whether the children's growth environment would be too harsh, and she needed to change her image.

Later she found that her worries were unnecessary.

That's why Ye Tingjun is usually only afraid of Chu Qingge.

He and Ye Hanzhi were fighting wits and courage, digging pits for each other.

Of course, if Chu Qingge was really angry and Ye Hanzhi got angry, he would be even more afraid.

So at a young age, he has a good grasp of his own sense of proportion.

"I'll be good." Ye Tingjun said obediently.

"Mom. I'll watch over my brother." Ye Chunuo said.

Compared with Ye Tingjun, Ye Chunuo is simply a good girl, honest, obedient and well-behaved.

This character is not like Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge.

They have had their own opinions since they were young, and they will not easily change what they insist on.

But Ye Chunuo was too obedient.

Ye Hanzhi was always worried that she would be soft-tempered, afraid that she would suffer in the future.But he didn't expect that the child's personality turned 180 degrees inexplicably later, and he became extremely domineering.Of course, this is also many years later.

Chu Qingge didn't care about the two of them anymore, and threw all the clothes she wanted to wear in the suitcase, and asked them to stack them, and went out of the cloakroom to pack some other things.

Ye Hanzhi went to Yunji to deal with matters, and when he came back, Chu Qingge had already left.

In the north courtyard of Ye Zhai, apart from the housekeeper and a few servants, only his son and daughter are left.

"Where's Qingge?"

The two villains were building Lego. Seeing him come back, Ye Chunuo smiled and called out, "Daddy."


Ye Hanzhi approached and touched her little head.

"My mother has gone to the set." Ye Tingjun said.

Ye Hanzhi frowned slightly.Didn't you promise to wait for him to come back and send it to her?Why come back and everyone is gone.

"Mom said, you said to send her off, but she didn't agree." Ye Tingjun said again, "So she left early."

Ye Hanzhi still has a meeting tomorrow morning to send Chu Qingge to the crew. If he doesn't come back after dark, he has to go back early tomorrow morning.

Chu Qingge felt that he was too tired to toss like this, so he didn't wait for him.

"Mom doesn't want you anymore." Just when Ye Hanzhi was about to call Chu Qingge, Ye Tingjun added another sentence.

Ye Hanzhi lightly touched his little butt, and said coldly: "Your mother will only want you."

"I just watched the crew, there are many young and handsome guys." Ye Tingjun said casually while putting on Lego, "I heard that there is a boy who just made his debut, and he likes his mother very much."

Ye Chunuo looked at his brother, pursed his lips, and did not speak.

Ye Hanzhi narrowed his eyes suddenly, and said for a moment, "Ye Tingjun, what do you want to say?"

"It's nothing." Ye Tingjun pretended nothing happened, "It's just for the good of our family. I don't really want to have a stepdad."

Ye Hanzhi pinched the back of his neck, making him turn around and look up at him, and said coldly, "You want to send me away, so you can be at home with your sister."

Parents are parents after all, and Ye Hanzhi dotes on them, naturally, there is no limit, he must teach everything that should be taught, but compared to Chu Qingge's simple and rude, he is very patient.

But such a big child has a big playful heart, how can he have such a big heart to learn things.

Chu Qingge is not at home, so naturally Ye Hanzhi is not at home, so it is best to let grandparents, or brothers and sisters play with them.

So Xiao Tingjun thought about it.

"Hey." Ye Tingjun's thoughts were seen through, and as soon as he stretched out his little hand, he hugged Ye Hanzhi's leg, raised his head, and said with a smile, "Dad, aren't you worried?"

"Worry." Ye Hanzhi knelt down and pinched his little face.She smiled, and said in a gentle voice, "So. After the meeting tomorrow morning, I'll take you to find your mother. I'm not usually here, so you help me protect my mother."

"Okay." Ye Chunuo obediently responded.

She likes being with Chu Qingge very much, because her mother is beautiful, and she has all kinds of beautiful clothes and jewelry.

And I watched a lot of TV series with Lin Nai since I was a child, but I have never been to the crew, so I am also curious.

Ye Tingjun twitched the corner of her mouth, and performed a smile disappearing technique, and her whole body went limp.

He dug a hole successfully, but buried himself.

(End of this chapter)

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