The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 610 Episode 51 The older you get, the more energetic you are

Back at the hotel, swipe the card to open the door.

After entering the room, Chu Qingge found that the light in the living room was still off.

In the past, no matter where she was or where she was, Ye Tingheng used to keep the light in the living room waiting for her to come home.

When I entered the room today, it was pitch black.

She frowned slightly, and was about to observe the surrounding situation, when Ye Hanzhi suddenly put his arms around her waist, turned around, pressed her against a wall, and kissed her.

The lips and teeth were pried open, Chu Qingge trembled slightly, and tightly clenched the clothes at Ye Hanzhi's waist.

She grabbed the clothes at his waist and pulled him, but she didn't pull it. After a while, she snorted and resisted again.

"Ye Hanzhi"

Ye Hanzhi bit her lips lightly, stepped back a little, and pressed against her forehead.

The room didn't turn on the lights, it was pitch black, only the hot and humid breath of each other.

Ye Hanzhi pecked her lips lightly.

"Children" Chu Qingge wanted to hide, but Ye Hanzhi held the back of his head and couldn't dodge.

"Open another room for them." Ye Hanzhi touched her face, then kissed her side face.

"You..." Chu Qingge felt the danger from Ye Hanzhi.

A faint ruthlessness was pressing towards her.

"Madam is so beautiful, I can't help it." Ye Hanzhi kissed her eyes.

"Am I beautiful today?" Chu Qingge said quietly.

"Every day is beautiful, so when I was not allowed to touch it, I suffered." Ye Hanzhi rubbed her waist with his hand, "Not to mention today is even more beautiful, so beautiful."

Chu Qingge chuckled lightly: "It's not the first time I've done this makeup."

"I thought about it last time, but those two little ones are too intrusive." Ye Hanzhi also smiled.

"Who are you to blame for bringing it here?"

"Blame me." Ye Hanzhi let Chu Qingge put his arms around his neck, then lifted her up, letting her legs wrap around his waist.

Supporting her leg with one hand, pressing the back of her head with the other hand, kissing her carefully.

The ambiguity heats up in the dark night.

Ye Hanzhi walked two steps with Chu Qingge in his arms, plugged in the room card, and turned on the light.

The whole room lights up.

Both Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge closed their eyes uncomfortably.

When the two of them opened their eyes again, Chu Qingge's eyes were filled with water vapor, his complexion was stained red, and his thin lips were a little swollen, making it itchy.

Ye Hanzhi looked deeply, his long and narrow eyes were stained with desire, burning hot, and the ends of his eyes were blood red.

He gave a low laugh, and carried Chu Qingge to the bedroom.

Put the person on the bed, bend over and press down.

Chu Qingge raised her hand to hold his shoulder, not letting his kiss fall.

Ye Hanzhi's eyes flickered, his breathing was heavy, but he still asked patiently: "What's wrong?"

The look in Chu Qingge's eyes became clearer: "I suddenly have a bold idea."

At such a time, this sentence. Just savoring these words, it makes people feel a fire in their hearts, and the ambiguity is boundless.

But Chu Qingge's expression, and the tone of this sentence, it is obvious that this "idea" has nothing to do with Fengyue.

"What?" Ye Hanzhi held her fingers and kissed her fingertips.

"Shangguan suddenly added a scene to me. You did it."...

Ye Hanzhi smiled and said nothing.

Chu Qingge narrowed his eyes.

Ye Hanzhi confessed honestly: "Isn't it a little bad to settle accounts at this time?"

Chu Qingge still looked at him.

Ye Hanzhi and her stared at each other for a while, then suddenly put her two hands on top of her head, leaned over and kissed her on the side of her neck: "I want to see you wearing today's clothes again. After much deliberation, the most effective way , I want you to shoot another scene from that day."

"Don't bite." Chu Qingge said.

Ye Hanzhi touched her lips lightly, and slowly unbuttoned her clothes with one hand: "So I contacted Shangguan to enrich the plot of the characters."

"Paid again?" Chu Qingge's voice was hoarse.

"Shangguan's budget is not enough, I will support a little." Ye Hanzhi's breathing became heavier.

Chu Qingge: "."

"Qingge, don't think about it." Ye Hanzhi said, "Think about me more."


"Open." Ye Hanzhi couldn't control himself a little bit, and the ending sound was a little ruthless.

The room is brightly lit, and the ambiguity heats up.

Chu Qingge's consciousness sank little by little, and suddenly, there was a stabbing sound, and the sound of the cloth being torn, awakened a little bit of her consciousness.

Just struggling for a while, there was another sound.

"Ye Han."

He called his name, but the last words were buried in his throat because of the rapid breathing.
Ye Hanzhi will make plans for anything related to Chu Qingge.

For example, he tosses people to choose the time.

Chu Qingge didn't play for half a day the next morning, and had to deal with some research institute documents.

So Ye Hanzhi chose to attack her when she had a rest day.

Even the time for supplementary filming was discussed with the monk.

It can guarantee that Chu Qingge can put on the cheongsam again, and it can also guarantee that Chu Qingge can rest the next day.

The next day, when Chu Qingge woke up, it was already past ten o'clock.

The curtains of the room were drawn, leaving only a small gap.

She opened her eyes and saw Ye Hanzhi's waist first.

The man looked at it awkwardly for a while, then stretched out his hand and pinched it.

Ye Hanzhi was leaning against the head of the bed, with a computer on his lap, holding the documents of the research institute in his hand, helping her with the affairs of the institute.Suddenly his waist hurt, and he took a light breath.

Turning his head, he saw the little girl's sinful hands and cold eyes.

Ye Han smiled and touched her face: "Are you awake?"

Chu Qingge patted his hand away, closed his eyes and ignored him.

Ye Hanzhi put the documents and computer on the bedside table, lay down, hugged her in his arms and kissed her: "Little girl, do you know what you look like?"

Chu Qingge ignored him, but rubbed her head on his shoulder.

"It's like a scumbag." Ye Hanzhi smiled, "Get off the bed and don't recognize anyone."

Chu Qingge opened her mouth and bit his collarbone.

Ye Hanzhi hugged her a little tighter, and didn't dare to bite her hard on the pinna: "Little girl, why do you love to bite so much?"

Chu Qingge still didn't speak, nestled in his arms for a while, moved and said, "Go to the bathroom."

"Okay." Ye Hanzhi let go of her, and kissed her eyes again.

Chu Qingge got up and tied the belt of her nightgown.

Last night, Ye Hanzhi gave her a good bath and put on her nightgown.After a night's sleep, the nightgown was a little loose.

After tidying up, she got out of bed.

After taking two steps, he stood still.

Ye Hanzhi immediately got out of bed and walked to her side: "What's wrong?"

Chu Qingge glanced at him, paused and said, "It's okay."

Then he pressed his hands on his lower back and went into the bathroom.

Ye Hanzhi watched her rubbing her waist, his eyes flickered.

Last night, he was a little too much.

Chu Qingge went into the bathroom and locked the door.When I turned around and walked in, I saw the broken cheongsam thrown in the laundry basket.

In an instant, many images flashed through her mind.

Last night, Ye Hanzhi was excited by some kind of stimulation.

I used to know restraint, but now I am more and more ruthless.

Later, she couldn't take it anymore and wanted to escape.

But was pulled back again.

Chu Qingge grabbed a bath towel and threw it into the laundry basket to cover the torn cheongsam.

Why is this man getting older and more energetic?

And what she still doesn't know is that someone not only became more enthusiastic, but also fell in love with tearing clothes

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