Chu Qingge was serious about filming, and Ye Hanzhi played with the children on the set.

Because of Ye Hanzhi's patience with the two children, the members of the Ye family were uncomfortable for a long time.

Ye Hanzhi took care of most of the two children when they were tired.

Everyone in the Ye family understood that Ye Hanzhi was afraid that Chu Qingge would be tired.

Pregnant in October, or pregnant with two, is already very hard.He can't replace the matter of pregnancy, so he almost takes care of the children after they are born.

It's just that the most troublesome time for this child has passed, and Ye Hanzhi's patient care for them has not diminished, which makes the members of the Ye family quite strange.

After all, Ye Hanzhi gave them a completely different impression.

The Ye family members are slowly getting used to it, only Ye Tingheng thinks it's normal.

After all, Ye Hanzhi treated him very well when he was young.

Of course, being so patient with him is because I want to please his mother.

But he knew that Ye Hanzhi really liked him.

His father was a very emotional man.

"What's the plan in a few days?" Ye Hanzhi asked Ye Tingheng while playing with the two little ones.

Ye Tingheng came back to his senses and looked at Ye Hanzhi: "Go to Shanhaizhou in a week."

"Is the second brother going too?"

"Well, let's go together." Ye Tingheng said.

When Ye Hanbei first came back, Ye Hanzhi almost trapped him in Ye's house, and when he went out, people would follow and stare at him, for fear that he would run away.

It wasn't until Jing Yanbai and the M state laboratory were dealt with that they regained their freedom.

Afterwards, most of the affairs of Shanhaizhou Huiyao were handed over to him.

Ye Hanzhi is at ease with the research institute and Yunji Consortium, and Ye Tingjue is also at ease with his own company.

"Ting Heng."


Ye Hanzhi rolled up Ye Chunuo's sleeves with downcast eyes, and said, "Choose something you like and want to do, and just do it well."

Ye Tingheng's eyelashes trembled slightly.

"Everything Qingge and I do, except for the necessary responsibilities, is what I like, what I want to do, and out of my love." Ye Hanzhi said slowly, "You don't have to put many things Press on me."

Ye Tingheng was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "Dad, I know."

"I told you to take over Yunji. If you don't like it, you can refuse." Ye Hanzhi said.

"No dislike." Ye Tingheng said, "But you should leave it to your younger siblings."

"What for me?" Ye Tingjun asked.

"Yunji Consortium." Ye Tingheng said.

Ye Tingjun was not interested at all, and started playing with her toys again: "I don't want it. It's not fun, and it's tiring."

Ye Tingheng smiled.

Ye Hanzhi said: "If you focus on doing one thing well, you will be excellent. You don't have to be strict with yourself in everything."

"Dad, I have a sense of proportion." Ye Tingheng said.

Ye Hanzhi nodded and said nothing more.

"Father, my hair is loose." Ye Chunuo was drawing, with paint on his hands.She accidentally grabbed Ye Hanzhi's shirt sleeve.

The black shirt just caught a white little finger print: "Dad, I'm sorry."

Ye Hanzhi glanced at the clothes his wife designed for him.
"It's okay." Ye Hanzhi looked at her apologetic face, pinched her little face, and said softly, "Turn around and tie your hair."

Ye Chunuo turned his head obediently, waiting for her to tie her hair.

The four people here are peaceful, and not far from the resting place of the actors, a woman wearing a costume and Peking Opera makeup is looking at them.

"That person is Ye Hanzhi?" the woman asked the assistant next to her.

"Yes." The assistant said.

"I didn't expect this real person to be several times more beautiful than the photos on the Internet." The woman looked at him, "The person looks gentler than the photos on the Internet."

"It is said on the Internet that the third master is very gentle to his wife." The assistant said.

"Chu Qingge?"


The woman raised the corner of her mouth indifferently: "She is indeed beautiful and capable enough. But no matter how beautiful a person is, she will get bored if she always looks at that face. And as far as I know, this woman is too strong. How many times does a man A person who likes his wife to be strong."

The assistant glanced at her but said nothing.

"I heard that his mother was born in a famous actor." The woman smiled and said, "Let's go over and say hello."

The assistant followed her.

"Third Master."

Ye Hanzhi was wiping Ye Tingjun's nose when he heard someone calling him.

The child suddenly sneezed three times, and tears came out.

Ye Hanzhi raised his head and looked at the person in front of him with opera makeup.

He heard that there will be a few performances related to Peking Opera today, and the stage over there has been set up.

The main song is "Snow in June", and the girl's makeup and costumes are also Dou E's.

When the movie was being prepared, Shangguan had told Ye Hanzhi that he would ask Peking opera actors from the theater to guide him.

The woman met Ye Hanzhi's gaze, and grasped the hand hanging by her side.

The person who was clearly gentle just now, but now those eyes are looking directly at the heart, making people tremble.

"Hello, third master, my name is Le Li." The woman greeted with a smile, "I'm an actor from the same crew as Sister Xi."

Ye Hanzhi glanced at her, then looked away, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"There will be a play about opera in a while, and I would like to ask the third master to guide me." Le Li said softly.

Ye Tingheng looked at Ye Hanzhi with an expression of gloating and watching the excitement.

Ye Tingjun and Ye Chunuo looked at Ye Hanzhi and then at Le Li, and then they looked at each other again, then lowered their heads and played with themselves.

"Director Shang hired a professional teacher." Ye Hanzhi said.

"That's right." Le Li smiled politely.

"Is there anything else?" Ye Hanzhi asked again.

Le Li shook his head: "Master, excuse me."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave, but happened to see Chu Qingge walking this way, she didn't move anymore, and stood where she was.

Ye Hanzhi was sitting, blocked by Le Li, and saw Chu Qingge a little later than her.

When he saw someone, he immediately stood up and walked towards Chu Qingge: "Little girl, what's wrong?"

Chu Qingge approached, glanced at Le Li, and then at Ye Hanzhi said: "There is something wrong with the props, we have to wait a while."

"Just take a break." Ye Hanzhi said.

Chu Qingge nodded, then looked at Le Li again.

Le Li took a step forward and said with a smile, "Sister Xi, I'm Le Li. We'll have a scene later."

Chu Qingge nodded: "Do you know each other?"

Before Ye Hanzhi could speak, Le Li said first, "I heard that the third master knows Peking Opera very well, and I want to ask him for advice."

"Shangguan invited Peking opera actors to guide." Chu Qingge said softly, "He should have told you."

Shangguan is very strict in selecting candidates. For scenes like this, they must be trained in detail before filming.

Le Li should know best.

If he hadn't hired someone from Liyuan, Chu Qingge might not have known about it.

The thick opera makeup didn't cover the panic and embarrassment on Le Li's face. She smiled and said, "I thought the instructor didn't come to the scene today. I'm afraid that something will go wrong today and the shooting will be delayed, so I want the third master to help guide me. "

Chu Qingge looked at her, and Le Li lowered his eyes, not daring to look at her calm and ostentatious eyes.

A few seconds later, Chu Qingge looked at Ye Hanzhi and said, "Does the third master have time?"

Le Li looked up at Ye Hanzhi.

But Ye Hanzhi didn't look at her, he just looked at Chu Qingge, and said softly: "No, I'm busy."

Chu Qingge nodded: "My third master is busy."

Ye Hanzhi's thin red lips hooked happily.

Ye Tingheng also smiled.Showing affection in front of others, his parents are too black-bellied.

Le Li squeezed the hand beside him, and said with a smile, "Excuse me."

After speaking, she left.

Chu Qingge sat on the chair, glanced at Ye Tingjun with tears in her eyes: "What's wrong?"

Ye Tingjun sniffed.

"Looks like I'm going to catch a cold." Ye Hanzhi patted his little head, "Sneezed a few times."

"Take them home when you leave tomorrow." Chu Qingge said.

"Well, good." Ye Hanzhi responded.

Ye Chunuo listened to their chat, and when they finished chatting, he hesitantly approached Chu Qingge.

Chu Qingge looked at her little face that hesitated to speak, and said, "Do you have something to say?"

Ye Chunuo nodded, hesitantly said: "Mom, cheongsam."

I borrowed it and said it would take one day to return it to others, but I never returned it.

Hearing the word "cheongsam", Chu Qingge's face froze for a moment, and the sound of "stabbing" from last night returned to his ears.

After a pause for two seconds, Chu Qingge held her small shoulders, turned her to Ye Hanzhi, and said softly, "Ask your dad."

Ye Tingheng felt something strange.

Ye Chunuo looked at Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Hanzhi took a look at Chu Qingge, and said with a smile: "Father asked Uncle Mu to make you an exact pair, so you can wear it now, okay?"

"Ah?" Ye Chunuo's face was bewildered.

"That one has to wait until he grows up to wear it, and the new one can be worn now." Ye Hanzhi coaxed the child.

Chu Qingge pretended not to hear.

"Is it exactly the same?"

"Well, it's exactly the same." Ye Hanzhi said.

"Okay." Ye Chunuo smiled, "Thank you, Dad."

"You're welcome." Ye Hanzhi replied.

Ye Tingheng listened, shook his head, and thought: Children are easy to deceive.

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