Chapter 622

It was noon when things were done.

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge went back to the North Courtyard for dinner.

Originally, Dihan Manor was used as a wedding room.

Before getting married, Ye Hanzhi also renovated the entire Dihan Manor.Because Chu Qingge likes Ye Zhai, the style has changed drastically, completely redecorated according to Ye Zhai.

Even dug a lotus pond in the backyard.Planted a lot of roses.

But Chu Qingge still prefers Ye Zhai.

So they have been living in Ye Zhai after marriage.

When I was at home, I spent most of my time eating with Ye Lin and his wife and Ye Hanbei in the main courtyard.

Occasionally in the north courtyard, only their family.

At noon today, everyone was very understanding. The main courtyard did not cook meals for their family, and the aunt in the north courtyard also cooked on time.

When Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge came back.Ye Chunuo and Ye Tingjun had already woken up and sat on the sofa in the living room, and Ye Tingheng was playing with them.

When Ye Hanyi entered the living room, the three children all looked over.

Ye Tingjun put her wrapped hands on her lap, glanced at him, then looked away in panic, lowered her head, pretending to look at the toy on her lap.

Ye Chunuo also looked at Ye Hanzhi without looking away, but there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

A few seconds of stillness and silence.

Chu Qingge stood beside Ye Hanzhi, and gave Ye Chunuo a little wink.

Ye Chunuo caught the look, pursed his red lips, and then whispered, "Father."

"En." Ye Hanzhi responded gently.

Seeing that he agreed, Ye Chunuo happily ran up to him and looked up at him.

Ye Hanzhi was too tall, and Ye Chunuo's little man was about to fall over on his back.

Ye Hanzhi leaned over and touched her little head, and hugged her: "When did you wake up?"

Ye Chunuo wrapped his arms around his neck, lay in his arms and said, "It's almost twenty minutes."

The father and daughter were chatting at the door, and Ye Tingjun sat on the sofa with her head down, secretly peeking at the door from time to time.

Seeing him like this, Chu Qingge smiled inwardly, then took Ye Chunuo from Ye Hanzhi's arms, and carried her to the restaurant: "Let's eat."

Ye Tingjun immediately jumped off the sofa and followed behind Chu Qingge.

And feeling Ye Hanzhi walking behind him, he quickened his pace and walked towards the restaurant.

After arriving at the restaurant and sitting down, Ye Hanzhi sat next to him within a few seconds.

Sensing the person beside her, Ye Tingjun's small shoulders trembled, her small heart trembled again and again, she moved her buttocks, and cast a look of help to Chu Qingge.

Across a table, the eyes of the two met.

Chu Qingge received his call for help.

But. Read it, don't reply!
This way was blocked, Ye Tingjun turned his attention to Ye Tingheng again.

But Ye Tingheng directly refused.

He pretended to lower his head to adjust Ye Chunuo's clothes.

What's more, it's fine if no one pays attention, and after a few seconds, they start eating on their own, ignoring him.

He waited for a while, but no one paid any attention to him.

He purposely raised his wrapped little hands high, trying to attract their attention.

Chu Qingge on the opposite side noticed it, gave him a waiting look, and then filled a bowl of soup.Scooped a little with a spoon, and stretched out his arms to send it to his mouth.

Ye Tingjun was in a beautiful mood when she saw it. She first smiled, then opened her mouth and waited.

As a result, when he watched the spoon approach his mouth, he turned a corner and went back, and landed in his mother's own mouth.

Ye Tingjun's face collapsed: "."

Ye Tingheng lowered his head and smiled sullenly.

Ye Hanzhi looked at Chu Qingge and smiled dotingly.

Only Ye Chunuo looked sympathetically at his brother who couldn't eat with his hands up.

Didn't eat last night, and didn't eat in the morning.Only after waking up did I eat two biscuits.Ye Tingjun was so hungry that she was going to faint now.

He had a puffed up face, his eyes seemed to be breathing fire, and his expression was as brave and fearless as if he was about to start an uprising.

However, the biggest movement of this uprising was when he opened his mouth and yelled in a low voice.

Chu Qingge lowered her gaze, without even looking at him, said: "Your mother can't hear you."

Ye Tingheng laughed out loud, and then received a cold stare from Chu Qingge, be honest.

Ye Tingjun's face was aggrieved, and when her eyes were about to turn red again, a spoon was stretched out beside her.He tilted his head and met Ye Hanzhi's eyes.

Ye Hanzhi looked the same as usual, looked at his swollen eyes and asked, "Do you want to eat?"

Ye Tingjun pursed her lips, and after a few seconds, she moved a little towards Ye Hanzhi and drank the soup.

The warmth went all the way to the stomach, and Ye Tingjun's tense mood suddenly relaxed.He looked up at Ye Hanzhi, and was fed several mouthfuls of soup in succession.

After taking another sip, Ye Tingjun whispered, "Dad, I want to eat that little bun."

Ye Hanzhi put down the bowl, picked up a small bun, and brought it to his mouth.

Ye Tingjun took a bite, and after eating, she raised her head and said, "Thank you, Dad."

Ye Hanzhi's eyebrows softened a little and he said, "Eat."

"Yeah." Ye Tingjun laughed, finally feeling better.

His dad still loves him.

Seeing his bright little face, Chu Qingge raised his eyebrows slightly, and exchanged a glance with Ye Hanzhi.

After dinner, Ye Tingjun went to the main courtyard to apologize to Lin Naiyi.

Even if this matter comes to an end.

It's just that Ye Tingjun's two little hands hurt for several days.Every time I changed the dressing, I grinned and my face twisted.But he never cried again.

For several days in a row, Ye Hanzhi fed him.

The father and son didn't have any estrangement because of this incident. On the contrary, their relationship became better and better, and by the way, he changed his picky eating problem.

Originally, the day Ye Tingjun ran away from home, his family was going to Chu's house, so they didn't go because of the delay.

On the contrary, the Chu family was almost abducted because of Ye Tingjun, and because he was beaten, they ran to Ye's house a few times.

After Ye Tingjun got better, they all went to Chu's house.

In the years after they got married, their family lived in Ye's house for a while, and Chu's house for a while.

Occasionally, Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge would go to Rose Garden, Dihan Manor or Doomsday Hotel alone to live a two-person world.

It happened that Cheng Nanzhi's due date was approaching, and they could help by staying there.

I just went to Chu's house for the day.
As soon as I entered the house, what I saw was a group of black and white people.

Chu Qingge immediately stood outside her living room, not even wanting to go in.

Gu Xia, the yellow shirt, Li Gui, and the black ghost brought Yu Nanshu, and even Luo Nanchen, who hadn't been out for thousands of years, and Yu Gui and Duize.

A group of people talk and laugh, talking and laughing, very noisy.

"Sister, you're back." Gu Xia saw Chu Qingge first.

As soon as he made a sound, a group of people looked over, and then immediately surrounded him with a whoosh.

Li Gui and Huang Shan each picked up a child to hold.

Gu Xia patted Ye Tingheng's shoulder.

"It's already here, you're still standing outside, what are you doing seeing people like this?" Li Gui said to Chu Qingge.

"You don't see outside." Chu Qingge said.

"We're at our own home, so there's nothing to see." Li Gui pinched Ye Chunuo's face and said, "Boss's home is our home, and Boss's parents are our parents."

Chu Qingge glanced at her and didn't bother to pay attention to her.

(End of this chapter)

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