Chapter 401 Searching for Fugitives
This is a tall three-story passenger ship, which is the fastest means of transportation from Luozhou to Jiangzhou.

There were a hundred people on board the whole ship, and there were so many guest rooms, Jun Rong and the others didn't want the best ones on the third floor.

However, as soon as the window was opened, the sound of water from outside would keep pouring in, mixed with the noisy voices of people at the bow.

Jun Rong lowered his head and looked down, the free wind on the river was blowing away with the scent of flowers from nowhere, it was moist and pleasant.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, as if he could vent all the worries and thoughts that were pent up in him.

Looking at the endless river, he gradually calmed down, Taifu, are you okay now?

Looking at his lonely back, Ning Zhao felt sore in her heart. She looked at Han Yi and Qing Yi, and whispered: "Do you feel that Miss is different from before?"

Hearing her address as "Miss", Han Yi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was Jun Rong. He glanced at him and saw his side face bathed in the sun. Although he disguised himself as a girl, beautiful and weak, but that The pair of eyes, which were vicissitudes and calm, were incompatible with this face.


Thinking of these two words, Han Yi frowned, "It's really different."

If it was in the past, why would there be vicissitudes in Jun Rong's eyes?He was so well protected by Xiao Yu, even though Xiao Yu had high demands on him, he didn't make him suffer at all.

Tsing Yi sighed: "Adversity makes people grow up. After coming out of Qishan, he is no longer what he used to be. He is now changing—a new life."

"Although it is a good thing to grow up, it still makes people feel distressed." Ning Zhao shook her head.

"No way, if he wants to be our pillar, he will always have to bear these."

Han Yi pursed his lips, "All we can do is protect him."

Tsing Yi got up, "Needless to say, we all understand, well, it's almost time for dinner, I'll go down and have a look, you guys just wait here."

"Be careful." Ning Zhao instructed, Tsing Yi waved his hands and coughed, and made the previous high-pitched voice again, "Okay~"

Ning Zhao: "..."

Han Yi with a black face: "Hurry up!"

Tsing Yi twisted her waist and rolled.

Jun Rong bent the corners of his lips, in fact, he heard everything they said, vicissitudes?In fact, it's okay, he didn't think there was anything wrong, people will always change after experiencing great joy and sorrow.

If he doesn't grow up as soon as possible, how can he meet his Taifu?


It was a calm afternoon, and at night, the boat became more and more lively, and many people gathered at the bow to talk and talk.

Jun Rong woke up from a sleep, feeling a little stuffy, pushed open the window and stood in the window wearing a cloak, saw a little fire below, could not help asking curiously: "Why are there so many people underneath? What are they doing?"

Ning Zhao poured him a cup of tea and said, "We're going to the next port soon. The big ship will stop in a while, and we can go to the shore to replenish some supplies. They've been suffocated on the ship for so many days. They probably want to go down for a walk. excited."

"Get off the boat..." Jun Rong coughed, thoughtfully: "No, someone will come up to search the port once you arrive at the port, so be careful."

Ning Zhao nodded: "I understand, I will call them back in a while, and the paperwork is ready."


While speaking, the big boat shook suddenly, then stopped still, the sound of rushing water disappeared, and the voice of people became clearer instead.

Jun Rong raised his eyebrows: "Here we are."

Ning Zhao turned and pushed the door to go out, Han Yi was guarding the door, seeing her coming out, raised a thick brow on the scarred face after disguise and said: "Don't worry, Tsing Yi went to inquire about the news, she will be back in a while, you go back first. "

Ning Zhao nodded, lowered her voice and asked, "Where's the blue clothes?"

"He's at the top." Han Yi pointed at the top, Ning Zhao understood, nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

She scanned the first floor and saw many people gathered around the table, chatting and laughing, and some were drinking and punching. It seemed that there was nothing wrong, so she turned around and went back.

The big boat stopped for a while, and someone yelled: "Stop the boat for an hour, everyone wants to buy whatever you want, get off the boat quickly, and set off on time in an hour's time, don't wait when it's late, hurry up if you want to get off the boat."

Soon the people in the cabin came out one after another, men and women, old and young, all went down, and the whole ship boiled.

At this time, a group of garrison troops wearing light armor and long knives on their waists suddenly came to the shore. The leader was holding a portrait in his hand. Take people on board to check to see if there are any fugitives, and only after the check is all right can you be released."

"Ah, what are you checking for? There are no fugitives in our ship?" Someone yelled in dissatisfaction. The ship hadn't been parked for a long time. time?

Sighs came and went, and the leader frowned and shouted, "Why are you arguing? Shut up! The garrison is doing things routinely, and that's the order from above. Anyone who dares to obstruct or interfere with the search will be treated as a fugitive. Put in prison!"

As soon as this statement came out, the effect was outstanding, and the common people shut their mouths unwillingly, not daring to confront him again.

"Commander, let's go up quickly, we can go drink after we're done searching!" Someone from the bottom moved closer to the leader man and said.

The commander's face softened a little, he snorted while holding the portrait, and waved: "Go up and search! Don't let go of any corner, make sure everyone is okay before letting them go!"

"Yes!" The garrison responded, quickly boarded the boat, divided the people into two groups, and began to question them.

The command room led people directly into the cabin, "Open the doors of the rooms and search one by one!"

"Hey, what are you doing? Who allowed you to open my room?"

"What are you doing? Can the girl's boudoir be entered casually? Is there any law?"


The garrison guards kept a straight face and searched room by room, regardless of who lived inside, and broke in directly. Some people were changing clothes, some were sleeping, and some were doing some human life activities. All the harmonious things were interrupted, and the screams were louder than the screams.

The commander watched coldly, and when he saw someone dissatisfied, he took out his badge and said: "The garrison is acting according to the order. If any of you are dissatisfied, you can go to the government office to file a complaint, but this order was personally issued by the current emperor. Do you agree with the order?" To be dissatisfied is to be dissatisfied with the Holy Majesty, and you will bear the consequences!"

After the emperor was moved out, everyone dared not discuss any more, and could only watch the garrison rummaging around in the room in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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