Chapter 238 Bullying
The mung bean has a dense taste, and the mung bean soup is also very thirst-quenching.

Jun Cichu was directly amazed, he never eats sweets, but this time he was impressed by the mung bean soup.

"I'll also cook mung bean soup when I go back. It's really good."

"As long as you like it, I still have some fresh mung beans here. You are a neighbor, so take them back." Luo Yunjin gave the other party the half-basket of mung beans left in the kitchen.

Jun Cichu accepted with gratitude.

He returned home happily with the basket in his arms, and as soon as he closed the door, he met a pair of weather-beaten and bright eyes.

"Aunt Liu, you are at home. I'm going to cook mung bean soup..." Jun Cichu doesn't like this stepmother very much, but his father who is paralyzed in bed still needs her care, so he usually lets her make troubles and treats her with respect .

"You got it back from the little vixen across the door, right?" Liu Yun's tone was a little mean.

Luo Yunjin also came to this family yesterday with fried noodles and fruit, but Liu Yun was suspicious by nature and did not open the door.

This led the other party to think that the family was not at home.

Naturally, nothing was sent out.

Jun Cichu's face darkened, "Aunt Liu, you can't say that about her."

"Why can't you say it? She looks like a goblin and knows how to win people's hearts. The neighbors nearby have been fooled by her for the past two days. You are also fascinated by her? What a shameless vixen." Liu Yun shook Grabbing the basket in Jun Cichu's hand, he picked up a few mung beans, "It looks quite fresh, who knows if there is an ecstasy drug in it."

Juncichu immediately lost interest in stewing mung bean soup. "This is for me, you don't need to drink it."

"It seems that you are really fascinated by that little vixen, Xiao Chu, this is not acceptable, you are married, and Xinya is still waiting for you. You can't..."

Jun Cichu didn't want to talk nonsense with her anymore, the more he talked, the more outrageous he was, and he was lenient.

He snatched the basket and went straight upstairs.

Let Liu Yun shout from behind, but he doesn't respond.

After returning to the room, Jun Cichu took out all the pots and pans from the cupboard, and directly stewed mung bean soup in the room.

Because of Liu Yun's domineering temperament, he is used to setting up a small stove in the room by himself, and there are all kinds of snacks under the bed.

Jun Cichu, who is so beautiful outside, can only squat in a small corner of the room to cook and eat at home, and others may not believe it when he tells it.

He cooked a pot of mung bean soup with some sugar in it.

It didn't take long to smell the mung bean fragrance.

Sure enough, the mung beans were still fresh. Drinking a bowl of mung bean soup made me feel relaxed.

Outside the door, Liu Yun was lying on the floor, with her nose in front of the crack of the door, inhaling forcefully.

The faint fragrance is very attractive.

Every time Juncichu set up a small stove by himself in his room, Liu Yun would lie down in front of the crack of the door of his room and take a deep breath.

She has certain psychological barriers.

Hearing footsteps in the room, Liu Yun would stand up quickly, dust off her body, and return to her room.

The man who was paralyzed and with a crooked mouth leaned on the pillow and looked at her quietly.

Liu Yun picked up the corn paste on the table, mixed it with chili sauce and ate it with relish.

"What are you looking at? My mother serves you every day, so I'll eat first!" Liu Yun ate a pot of corn paste in one go, and then walked to the bed with the pot.

He picked up the rice spoon, scraped off the remaining corn paste on the wall of the pot, and fed it to the middle-aged man.

The other party turned his head directly, his eyes full of disgust.

But he was so weak that he couldn't break free from Liu Yun's arm.

Liu Yun watched with satisfaction as the other party ate the leftover corn paste.

"That's right, that's how you behave. Your son just doesn't obey. Don't eat good corn paste, go to drink the mung bean soup sent by other little vixen. I can smell the fox smell on that woman from a long distance away."

Jun Zhoutian couldn't help rolling his eyes, he felt that he was very dirty and was about to suffocate.

But he suffered from a stroke for so long that he couldn't even speak clearly.

Every day, Luo Yunjin exhausts its abilities to plant as many healing fruits and restoration fruits as possible.

Finally, on the third day, he broke through to the fifth primary level.

The qualitative improvement of the power generation, although it is not yet possible to activate all the special fruits planted at the fifth level, but the reserve of powers has increased, and she can plant more recovery fruits in a day.

The original seven-day treatment was shortened to five days.

Lin Xi's mother, Mu Lian, also woke up on the fourth day and was sent home by Lin Zhongquan.

The woman is very young, but her body is still weak.

When she saw Lin Xi, she was very upset, especially because there was a cute little girl beside him.

It is said that this girl's ability saved her.

"Little Xi..." Mu Lian sat weakly on the soft chair with a blanket on her knees.

"Stop talking, it seems that your body is still very weak, and you need to take care of it." Luo Yunjin could tell at a glance that the woman in front of her was severely deficient, and there was not much vitality left in her body.

And the recovery fruit can no longer provide her with vitality and nutrients.

Lin Xi's eyes flickered.

Many changes have taken place in this life. In the previous life, both parents had been deeply involved in the zombie virus and burned down together with the dormant chamber.

Seeing her mother again, Lin Xi didn't know what to say, but walked to her side and held her hand.

The other party's body has been frozen for a long time, and now the body temperature is about five degrees lower than normal temperature.

Mu Lian patted the back of Lin Xi's hand, then looked lovingly at the girl beside him.

Luo Yunjin hurriedly brought out the white fungus and barley porridge that was stewed in the morning, and added some complex fruit pulp, which was sweet, refreshing and nutritious.

It is very suitable for people who need tonic.

The craftsmanship of Luo Yunjin is very good. Although the porridge is light, it smells very fragrant. The whole kitchen is full of sweet tremella barley, which can stimulate appetite, nourish the stomach and beautify the complexion.

The little tabby and the little leopard cat ate a bowl, and the fur on their bodies became soft.

"Grandpa Lin, since everyone in the dormant warehouse has been unsealed, can I go too? There are still a lot of people in our team, and everyone is rushing home." Luo Yunjin said softly.

In fact, this place is pretty good, but she was a little worried about her second brother and Chen Yue who were left alone at home.

"Leave now?" Lin Zhongquan glanced at Lin Xi.

Luo Yunjin nodded, "The sooner the better."

"I'm with her." Lin Xi said slowly.

"Just follow, it's not safe for a little girl to go out." Lin Zhongquan murmured.

In his heart, he still hopes that both of them will stay. This girl's abilities are amazing. It seems that the previous rumors in H City are true. Those magical fruits she planted can even cure zombie viruses.

But it also depends on what the young people themselves mean. Lin Xi has been withdrawn since he was a child. It was the first time he met someone he liked. It will be safe if you don't encounter star powers.

And most of the star powers are in the central base.

And the girl's brother is also a star power user with rare powers.

They go out and don't care about these external factors.

Therefore, Grandpa Lin is still very relieved that the two are together, and he is very supportive.

In the past few days of getting along, he had already seen his love for the girl from his grandson's eyes.

"Okay, if you need anything, tell me. I've prepared everything. It's raining outside. I happen to have an air sports car here, which can be launched with a crystal nucleus. It hasn't been officially put into use at the central base, but I tested the performance, you can take it away."

"Sky sports car?" Luo Yunjin blinked his eyes curiously.

"Yes, it is a vehicle that can travel freely in the air. It uses the crystal nucleus to provide energy, but the speed is a bit slow. The speed is [-] kilometers per hour. A fourth-order crystal nucleus can provide power for [-] kilometers." Lin Zhongquan said, from the coffee table Take out a bunch of keys from the drawer and take a red key from it. "Come on, I'll take you around."

Mu Lian watched with relief as the old and the young went outside the house to test the car in high spirits.

The air sports car has the same appearance as an ordinary car, and it can be used for water, land and air.

There were six seats in the car, all upholstered.

Install the crystal core in the energy nest, start the engine, and you can choose the driving path of three modes: water, land and air.

After the air mode is turned on, the tray at the bottom of the car automatically raises a spiral airflow, allowing the car to be suspended in mid-air.

Because it is in the central base, it can be irradiated by the sunlight emitted by the artificial red giant star, and the car is a little hot when it lifts off.

The temperature here is protected by the outer shielding light screen, and it can also be maintained at normal temperature.

"It's very cool." Luo Yunjin opened a gap in the window, allowing the cool breeze to blow in.

When she was about to go back, she asked Qi Chi to try adding a flying function to the car.

"Really? When I was young, I also loved racing cars and driving. I also participated in the design of this car, but due to the scarcity of raw materials, not many were produced. This one is given to you, and I will drive it back. It's much easier, and you don't have to worry about meeting zombies." Lin Zhongquan parked the car on the ground and handed the key to Luo Yunjin.

"The most important thing is that this car is fully automatic, even a car novice can easily drive it."

Luo Yunjin's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Just as they were watching the car body and admiring the streamlined shape of the car, there was a heart-piercing roar not far away.

Diagonally opposite Jun's house, the door was knocked out a big hole.

A gray-haired man was in a mess and staggered into the yard, his face still covered with mud.

"Zhoutian!" Lin Zhongquan ran forward and helped him up, only to feel that he hadn't seen him for a few days, he became thinner and thinner, his cheeks and eye sockets were sunken, and he was skinny.

Jun Zhoutian looked at Lin Zhongquan, the corners of his mouth were crooked, tears streaming down his face.

Liu Yun was still holding a hammer in her hand, and she looked fierce, with her hair messily scattered behind her back.

"Mr. Lin, Zhou Tian has fallen into a stupid disease again. I am a weak woman, how can I hold him back? You have to judge for me today. The supplies sent by the Jun family every day are no more than our daily expenses for three days. , Zhoutian was already seriously ill, how can he stand this torment." Liu Yun said crying.

Lin Zhongquan glanced at the red scar on Jun Zhoutian's wrist, and knew that it was Liu Yun who hit him.

This woman has a strong body, but Jun Zhoutian and Jun Cichu are getting thinner and thinner day by day, and those supplies are clearly in her hands.

Usually, he has to pay attention to the dormant cabin all the time, and doesn't care about the family affairs of Jun's family.

But today, he can no longer let this woman go.

"Liu Yun, you have been bullying Jun's family by relying on several star-level supernatural beings from your natal family, thinking that I don't know? Zhou Tian is not bullied by you?" Lin Zhongquan carried Jun Zhou, who was so skinny, with a dark face sky.

Luo Yunjin and Lin Xi stood behind watching the play.

Many neighbors around opened their car windows to watch the excitement.

Liu Yunhe had been wronged before, she rushed out like a shrew, and threw herself on the ground regardless of her image like a crazy woman, "It's unreasonable, you Lin family and the Jun family are united to bully me, how can I Dare to bully him, Jun Zhoutian? He doesn’t eat this or that every day, and I serve him with tea and water every day, and wipe his urine, and I’m still being scolded by you?”

"I've done enough, you just rely on the number of people, I'll tell my brother when I get back!" Liu Yun snorted, turned her head and walked away, taking steps that her relatives would not recognize.

A group of people are watching the excitement.

Lin Zhongquan helped him to his home.

Seeing Jun Zhoutian's horrible appearance, Mu Lian couldn't believe it, "Is brother Jun's paralysis so serious?"

If he hadn't seen the jade pendant around his neck, Mu Lian wouldn't have recognized him for a while.

"He is also unlucky. He met that rude woman Liu Yun. He didn't know how he got here all these years. It was okay to see her a while ago. Recently, Liu Yun has become more and more unscrupulous." Lin Zhongquan frowned.

Luo Yunjin also brought Jun Zhoutian a bowl of porridge.

It's a pity that the other party couldn't eat it, so Lin Zhongquan fed it spoon by spoon.

Crying while eating porridge, looking very embarrassed.

Luo Yunjin saw a thin man from the photo on the wall of the living room, and by comparison, he could find that this was the thin middle-aged man in front of him.

Thin and out of shape.

"I have to talk to that old guy Jun Youzai about this matter. He forcibly maintains the relationship between the two families in order to obtain a high-level healing system crystal nucleus. This son has been tortured like this, and he doesn't care about it. Alas, Do evil." Lin Zhongquan sighed a long breath.

"I want to tell you what kind of person Brother Jun was back then. He would rather die than kneel and beg for mercy. Now life is worse than death. It's too painful. I can understand it." Mu Lian looked at Jun Zhoutian with great compassion.

The other party was too shy to look up.

He wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself, but his whole body was paralyzed, and he couldn't control his actions at all, and his precise control ability plummeted.

When Jun Cichu got the news and came back, he saw Lin Zhongquan was wiping the dirt from Jun Zhoutian's hair.

"Let me come, Grandpa Lin. I didn't expect Liu Yun to go so far as to do such a thing. I won't spare her this time, not even my grandfather!" Jun Cichu brought back his weak old father.

Don't forget to express your thanks before leaving.

There was a big hole in the gate of Jun's house, which was smashed by Liu Yun with a hammer. It is conceivable that if Jun Zhoutian hadn't escaped, he would only suffer more suffocating injuries now.

When Lin Zhongquan helped Jun Zhoutian wipe the wound on his wrist just now, he found that there were welt marks and marks from various sticks formed over the years on the other's arms, legs and shoulders.

A paralyzed man was injured like this by his step-wife. No matter how beautiful Jun Zhoutian was before, now he has turned into a puddle of mud on the ground.

Mu Lian couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Don't worry about it. I think his body is not bad. It's just some skin trauma. I'll talk about the old man Jun You. I really don't know the seriousness." Lin Zhongquan shook his head.

"I'm not worried about Brother Jun. What I'm worried about is that kid Cichu. He has a stubborn personality. Now that he has broken his relationship with Liu Yun, he won't do anything stupid, right?"

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  Xiaojin: My stomach hurts

  Baby Lin Xi: Drink plenty of hot water.

(End of this chapter)

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