Chapter 273
People came and went, a group of survivors waited in line in the rain, and many people set up tents nearby.

If you take a closer look, you can find that many flower beds have been built outside the Beiming base. There are many clean lawns in the flower beds, and strange wild flowers grow in some flower beds.

The grass seeds and wildflowers in these lawns seem to tolerate the toxins in the rain and thrive.But at this time, due to the large number of people, many flower beds became temporary footholds for people, and many lawns and wild flowers were trampled.

Luo Jinbei was about to drive away when he saw someone in front of him besieging and fighting because he had waited too long and jumped in line.

All kinds of abilities fluttered, and the dilapidated flower beds suddenly became even more dilapidated.

This made the guards outside the base gate angry, so the scuffle began.

"You guys are going too far, grab the number plate! Obviously I am in front!"

"I can exchange supplies, let me go in first, my wife is also in the base, hurry in!"

"I, me, my second uncle's third uncle's second nephew is also in it, so I have something to do with it!"

"Stop pushing, you've trampled the flower beds to pieces!"


A group of people are cursing.

Luo Jinbei looked at the crowd blocking the way with a headache.


A sound from a wooden barn quieted the bustling crowd.

On the watchtower outside the Beiming base, a man in a silver-white uniform opened a wooden warehouse towards the sky. He looked at the crowd below very seriously, "All survivors who cause trouble are not allowed to enter the base."

His words were very authoritative, and soon a group of guards went out to catch those involved in the brawl.

People with control abilities directly collected the number plates from the hands of all the people who were in the front and participated in the battle, and began to drive away the crowd.

It didn't take long for the crowds that were already crowded to be empty, at least there were trails that could accommodate cars.

Luo Jinbei was about to drive when a guard knocked on the car window.

"Sir, may I ask if your surname is Luo?" The guard held the list that had been registered before.

Luo Jinbei nodded hesitantly.

"Are you from City H? We give priority to accepting high-level supernatural beings from City H. The two of you can follow me into the base." The guard said respectfully.

Many cars followed the guards and drove directly into the base.

Among the survivors here, one-third are from H City.

However, their work efficiency has suddenly become very high, which is a bit strange.

Although puzzled, Luo Jinbei still drove in.

The field of vision is gradually widening, and the base is very clean. Although there is a lack of plants, there are many kinds of flower beds full of lawns.

The houses inside are all stone houses, which are simple and have a large storage space.

Obviously, Beiming Base pays more attention to the standard of living. There are trees and small vegetable gardens planted outside almost every stone house here. Although there are few varieties, they can barely be self-sufficient. They have developed plants that can survive under gray rain.

After all the cars had entered an underground garage, the guards picked up the loudspeaker and asked everyone to register their personal information in an orderly manner.

Luo Jinbei and Chen Yueliang were taken away alone.

Behind the underground garage is a gloomy crude drug testing base.

There are red patterns drawn on the gate.

"Welcome, Mr. Luo, Ms. Chen." Zeng Zishan walked over enthusiastically. There were still many blood stains on her blue protective clothing, and the helmet and mask were also covered with dried black blood.

This test base can smell a very strong smell of disinfectant, which seems to be suspicious of something hidden.

"What do you mean by bringing us here?" Luo Jinbei frowned. He looked at the various experimental equipment around him, and there were many glass jars covered with white cloth.

"Your brother Luo Yuanting and I are good friends, and he asked us to take you in temporarily." Zeng Zishan took off his helmet, revealing a delicate face.

She looked at Chen Yue seemingly casually.

"Luo Yuanting?" Luo Jinbei continued to frown.

"Are Xiaojin and the others here?" Chen Yueyue's expression became serious, her intuition was always accurate, and she could feel the faint hostility towards her from the woman in front of her.

"You mean Commander Luo's sister, right? They're not there, but I've sent people to look for them, and I believe you will be able to reunite soon. So just stay with me for the time being. This test base is very safe and Suitable for you."

"How can I believe what you said? I need a radio and FM machine." Luo Jinbei condensed an iron knife in his hand.

Zeng Zishan was not surprised at all, and there was a look of excitement in her eyes.She motioned to the guard next to him to get the FM machine, then sat on the high chair and looked at the two of them carefully, not hiding the covetousness in her eyes at all.

"Looking at your expressions, you should be familiar with this place. The structure of this laboratory is the same as Ye Chao's. I transferred from Ye Chao's underground laboratory to Beiming Base. My biggest achievement is rapid cloning." , Zeng Zishan pulled back the white cloth on the glass cabinet closest to her.

A clone who is exactly like her is standing in a glass cabinet, slapping the glass from time to time, shouting hysterically inside.

"My ability is to copy, and the cloned person copied with this ability is myself. I used my own clone to do experiments, and finally found a way to quickly copy genes." She asked someone to open the front surgery On the white cloth on the stage, a dissected body lies quietly on the stage.

It's like a replica of Zeng Zishan herself.

"But Luo Yuanting felt that my experiment was worthless and meaningless. So I brought the results to Beiming Base, and the entire laboratory belongs to me alone." She suddenly laughed wildly, with a perverted expression on her face .

She pressed the green button on the remote control in her hand, and soon the white cloths on all the glass cabinets fell off.

Except for the clone of herself, the rest of the glass cabinets contained a clone of a man.

Luo Jinbei's eyes widened.

All of them are Luo Yuanting, and there are deformed products of failure. Every facial features and limbs are stitched with various biological parts of strange shapes.

On the front booth, a clone can move easily, and has a perfect body and a face that is most similar to Luo Yuanting, but his skin is blue-purple and his eyes are red.

Obviously it's a zombie.

Zeng Zishan walked to the counter obsessively, put her hand on the glass, and admired her work with great satisfaction.

Luo Jinbei felt sick.

No wonder Big Brother Cheap didn't want her. This is clearly a mental illness, something wrong with his brain.

This person has an obsession with Luo Yuanting and is morbidly concerned about all his relationships, wanting to take them away as his own.

The extremely pathological possessiveness is terrifying, and he is a ruthless person.

"So, you arrested us just to attract Luo Yuanting, and want him to come in here to save us, and to see your so-called achievements by the way?" Goose bumps all over Chen Yueyue's body, these people are really sick.

"You're only half right. I really want him to come to me to have a look, but I'm not here to show him the results, but to lock him up. I want to clone him." Zeng Zishan turned on the surrounding monitors .

All are monitoring images of single-room laboratories and test beds.

The clones of 'Luo Yuanting' are clearly displayed on every monitor. These monsters are very ferocious, and many of them can't see the specific shape at all. They are clearly unknown monster zombies.

Luo Jinbei originally thought that Luo Yuanting was perverted enough, but he didn't expect there to be something even more perverted.

"So, I won't hurt you, but I do need you to pay a small price." Zeng Zishan walked up to Luo Jinbei with a petri dish and tweezers, and first looked at her, "Tsk, It's a pity that you and your brother don't look alike."

She is very sorry.

The guards behind quickly caught Luo Jinbei and Chen Yue, so that Zeng Zishan could take their hair and a drop of blood.

"With this, I can clone your clones, aren't you happy? I will soon let you see another me, hahahahahaha." Zeng Zishan started laughing wildly again.

Chen Yueyue twitched the corners of her mouth, her smile was too clever.

So, the two were locked up.

All the surrounding cages are filled with 'Luo Yuanting'.

There are billions of horrors.

Chen Yue hugged her weak self in distress.

"Jinbei, do you think that woman is sick? Damn, you didn't see it. I could see the lipstick on her teeth when she laughed just now, yue~"

"These 'Luo Yuanting' are a great threat. Her experiment is very dangerous. The zombie that most resembles Luo Yuanting just now may be a zombie with a star power." Luo Jinbei said in a deep voice, "That woman's ability very scary."

"Isn't this nonsense? She said that she would copy the two of us in one day, isn't it scary? I'm afraid that she will use the limbs of various zombies to make an ugly and disgusting me, really The bolt Q." Chen Yueyue's mentality has already exploded.

In a cage right next to her, a 'Luo Yuanting' was leaning its face against the cage, looking straight at her, with a weird smile on its face, and the next second it rolled its eyeballs Pick it out, put it in your mouth to chew, and then a new eyeball grows quickly in the empty eye socket.

Chen Yue was really frightened.

What a disaster.

The movements of a bunch of 'Luo Yuanting' around were assimilated, and they all made similar moves, eating their eyes.

Luo Jinbei's expression was extremely complicated. He never thought that one day he would see countless cheap big brothers making strange movements in unison.


"Yo hoo~" Zeng Zishan came pushing two small carts.

"I didn't expect this time to be so smooth. It was completed in less than two hours. Are you curious?"

Chen Yue's face was pale.

Luo Jinbei closed his eyes and didn't look at it.

Zeng Zishan curled her lips, and she opened the black curtain, revealing the copied life forms in the two cages.

Still spliced ​​and sewn together, the body of the zombie, the faces of Luo Jinbei and Chen Yue.

It's very strange, these zombies seem to listen to Zeng Zishan's words.

Chen Yue is not well.

She happened to look at 'Chen Yue' in the cage, and saw that it was running nose.

Couldn't help shivering three times in a row.

"When will you let us out? If my guess is right, you don't even know Luo Yuanting's whereabouts. Instead of torturing us, let us go out and find someone for you." Luo Jinbei suddenly said coldly.

He flicked his finger slightly, and two golden thorns flew out from his fingertips, blowing the heads of the two clones in the cage.

Blood splashed Zeng Zishan's face.

"Can you find him?" Zeng Zishan suddenly approached the cage, forcing Luo Jinbei to look at her.

"I have a walkie-talkie that can communicate with him. As long as the distance is close, I can search for his signal. Of course, only I can use it. Even if you take the walkie-talkie, it's useless, iris recognition."

After they were locked up, their cars and backpacks were confiscated, including the walkie-talkies.

Zeng Zishan had already checked all the belongings of the two of them and knew that he was not lying.

She pondered, thinking about the feasibility of solving the problem.

"Okay, but I want to be with you. Moreover, you inhaled the smoke from the petrochemical powder when you entered the laboratory. If there is no antidote, you will become unconscious living dead!" Zeng Zishan threatened.

Luo Jinbei and Chen Yueyue made worried expressions on the surface, but they were actually calm inside.

They all hid the healing fruit given by Luo Yunjin in their underwear, and took it in advance when they entered the base, and they were not affected by these medicines at all.

But in order to go out, I can only pretend to be scared and compromise.

Zeng Zishan was very satisfied with their understanding of current affairs, she hummed a ditty and left.

Luo Jinbei and Chen Yueyue looked at each other.

Stone Mountain is fully completed.

There are a lot of hills, and all kinds of peaks are of strange shapes. In order not to make these earth and stone mountains look too shabby, they came up with various methods. They used paint to paint the mountains into colorful colors, and some used ice-type abilities to directly build up the mountains. iceberg.

Sitting on the top of the hill, Liu Yun shouted and chatted with the survivors on the next hill, and the echo echoed.

Because the peaks are densely arranged directly, many survivors with good relations built single-plank bridges between the mountains.

Liu Yun looked at the thin wooden bridge, and under the bridge was a [-]-meter abyss.

She watched in amazement as Shen Junwei shuttled on the single-plank bridge, trading supplies back and forth around the various hills.

There are many people who do the same as him.

These single-plank bridges are easy to build and easy to dismantle, but they are a bit useless.

Fortunately, there have been no crashes yet.

She enshrined the Coke she bought from Luo Yunjin in the deepest part of the cave, kept it cold with the ice water she bought, and only gave her sister a small bottle cap every day.

This coke is considered the most precious thing in her family.

"Sister Liu, do you want to buy some green vegetables? I just planted a lot. I was lucky today. My income has increased by more than 20% compared to before. There is still a small handful left. I will sell it to you at a cheaper price?" The strong man next door is smiling and ready to cross the single-plank bridge.

Liu Yun looked at his cold look, but didn't accept it. She is a water-type power user, there is no shortage of water in the house, and she has the ability to often exchange ice with an ice-type power user, and exchange vegetables with a plant-type power user.

Green vegetables are relatively rare vegetables, because it is difficult to cultivate, and there are not many plant-type superhumans who can grow green vegetables.

"No, thank you. I still have enough at home." Before the other party could step over, she moved the wood away.

There are only four girls in the mountain where she lives, but there are three hills deliberately built around it, eyeing them.

In desperation, the four of them could only patrol back and forth, and as soon as they saw a single-plank bridge appearing around the mountain, they would remove the logs. It happened that these logs could also be used as firewood, saving them from exchanging with others.

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(End of this chapter)

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