Chapter 209 Wanting Homura's Hand

Yu Yan raised her eyebrows slightly.

Naturally... is very different.

At this time Feng Su had already turned around and walked quickly to Yu Yan's side.

"Master!" The boy's voice was full of joy.

Master must have come here just now, obviously he didn't see her when he passed by.

If he is still staying in the East Palace now, he will miss it.

Thinking of the conversation he just heard, Feng Su turned his head to look at Feng Luoyan.

The opponent held a bunch of red flame fruit stained with syrup.

It just so happened that the peddler handed him two bunches of candied haws with slightly smaller fruits.

Feng Su couldn't help thinking of when he was a child, he used to hide in a dirty corner of the street, looking up at other children's parents who bought them red fruits.

At that time, he also longed for it, longing that one day someone would be willing to buy him a bunch of candied haws with a smile.

Feng Su's eyes flickered slightly.

"Brother, are you here too?"

Feng Luoyan threw a spirit stone to the peddler, and ran to Feng Su with a smile.

The peddler looked at the spirit stone in his hand in disbelief.

Not to mention the quality of this spirit stone, in the mortal world, even a low-grade spirit stone is enough for their family of three to live for two years.

The peddler excitedly stroked the glowing red spirit stone.

He had a hunch that this spirit stone was not just low-grade.

The little boy had an extraordinary bearing at first glance.

He is lucky!Thank goodness!

The peddler quickly kicked the Lingshi into his arms, as fast as he was afraid of being discovered by others.

Feng Luoyan has always called Senior Brother Feng Su.

He didn't dare to call him by his name like Li Ze.

Don't look at the elder brother who usually looks aloof from the world and is as gentle as a spring breeze.

Apart from being by his sister's side since he was a child, he was "forced" to spend the most time by his side.

He was so afraid of him.

Although the elder brother didn't do anything to him from the beginning to the end.

Feng Luoyan pretended to ignore the cold look Feng Su gave him.

He looked at the three bunches of fruit in his hand.

One bunch was bought for him by his sister before, it was a bit sweeter, but he has never been willing to eat this bunch.

The other two strings...

Feng Luoyan rolled her eyeballs, and stuffed them into Yu Yan and Feng Su's hands one by one.

"Sister, big brother, you guys try it first, I'll buy it later!"

The boy turned around after speaking, and chased after the extremely fast peddler.

Feng Luoyan was puzzled.

The peddler obviously still has a lot of candied gourds on the rake, so he ran so fast because he didn't want to buy them?
In the eyes of the peddler, the young man who "spends money like water" does not know that he wants to run away from him quickly to prevent him from thinking about it.

Feng Su's thin lips were slightly pursed, and he looked down at the red fruit skewers in his hand, not knowing what he was thinking.

Already the syrup was starting to melt and run down his fingers.

The boy moved his fingers, letting the syrup slip into his fingers.

He actually wanted the string in Homura's hand.

Just now what he meant in the conversation with the master was that the red flame fruit was bought for him by the master.

Yu Yan looked at the back of Xiao Yan who was running away at a high speed and smiled lightly.

Coming out of the Qinglong space to prevent Li Zhan from discovering her, Yu Yan returned to the appearance she used to wear when walking in the world of cultivating immortals.

Dressed in Tsing Yi, with a delicate face, if one ignores her temperament, she is indeed very ordinary.

Of course, everything is compared with her original appearance.

Her current appearance may be said to be a little common in the world of cultivating immortals, but it is not so common in the world of mortals.

As more and more sights see through the surroundings.

Feng Su raised his eyes and looked around, he finally moved his fingers and made a trick to wipe off the sticky syrup.

(End of this chapter)

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