Chapter 224 When Did She Lie To Herself?

She sees that senior brother has something wrong today!
Forget it, she didn't care about him.

Yu Yan closed her eyes and quietly kept her back to the man, as if waiting for him to speak.

Shen Qingyi raised his eyes to look at Yu Yan's back, his right hand was still clasped on her slender shoulder.

His other hand was hidden in his sleeve, and the veins on the back of his cold white hand were bulging.

Finally, the man suppressed his voice and asked,
"Junior sister went to the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain last time, but what did she take away?"

After Shen Qingyi finished speaking, his handsome face tensed up.

He still asked.

He had just come out of the forbidden area, and came directly to Yanhui Peak on impulse.

The moment he saw Yu Yan, he suddenly regretted coming over, but no amount of hesitation could overcome the inner struggle.

The man's hand on Yu Yan's shoulder couldn't help but increase his strength, but he didn't notice it at all.

Yu Yan's pupils shrank, and then she frowned, it was painful.

"Senior Brother, do you want to crush the shoulder bones of Junior Sister?"

The woman didn't answer but changed the subject first.

Only then did Shen Qingyi quickly withdraw his hand, a trace of annoyance and distress flashed across his brows.

Yu Yan rubbed her shoulders and turned around, looking at the other party with a pair of peach blossom eyes full of doubts,
"Brother's question just now, what does it mean? What did you bring back?"

As she spoke, she moved closer to Shen Qingyi.

Shen Qingyi was taken aback, his eyes fell on Yu Yan's face, trying to find a trace of camouflage on the woman's face.

However, he was disappointed, no, he should be lucky.

Yes, they have been brothers and sisters for hundreds of years, when has she ever lied to herself?

Thinking of this, a warm current flashed through Shen Qingyi's heart.

The originally tense handsome face softened, his always handsome brows relaxed, and he finally turned his eyes to meet her,
"It's okay, brother is just asking."

Shen Qingyi smiled and rubbed Yu Yan's head.

As if the person who was awkwardly avoiding just now was not him.

Yu Yan let the opponent's big palm fall on her head.

This movement is what Master and Senior Brothers can do.

Others dare not, and will not be allowed by her.

Until Shen Qingyi left, Yu Yan was still standing under the peach blossom tree.

She raised her arms and rolled up her wide white sleeves inch by inch, revealing the blue jade bracelet.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she seemed to see the jade bracelet turn around.

Is Xiaoqinglong about to wake up?

Brother Cai asked her if she had taken anything from the forbidden area, and the first thing she thought of was Shui Muran.

No wonder she thought that if Mu Ran hadn't come back last time and said that the person who took his blood essence was not from the Cangmiao Sect, she might not be able to control her emotions and reveal her secrets today.

But senior brother came here specially...

In other words, the senior brother has always known the existence of Shui Muran.

Did he know that the old crocodile was actually a dragon?
If so, how much does he know?
If he didn't know, a lost old crocodile deserved his attention?
Yu Yan dropped her sleeves, and she raised her hand to stroke the messy hair of Shen Qingyi.

For the first time in her life, she was hiding from her senior brother, and she was somewhat uncomfortable.

Yu Yan jumped up and sat on the tree, her legs hanging down by the branches.

Since senior brother cares, she will explain the situation to him sometime later.

But certainly not now.

Yu Yan covered her lips and yawned, then lay back on the treetop and closed her eyes.

In order to supervise Li Ze's cultivation these days, she hasn't rested for a long time.

Even though she has practiced Mahayana, Yu Yan still has the habit of sleeping lightly occasionally.

If you don't settle down and practice, you just simply sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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