Chapter 244
According to legend, the water kylin family has a god-cleaning pool.

The water in the pool for washing the gods can cleanse the soul, and what's more, it can transform evil cultivators full of evil into Buddhist disciples with a heart for all people in the world.

Full of evil represents greedy desire.

And the Buddha, as we all know, is ruthless and desireless, compassionate and sympathetic to others.

The effect of washing the gods' water varies from person to person, and also depends on the depth of evil thoughts of the user.

The deeper the evil thought, the more serious the reaction will be.

When she saw Ji Wuqing coming with the man beside her, Ji Wutang's breath trembled.

Ji Wuye, who was distracted, immediately looked at the banquet hall.

Ji Wuqing's dress was very eye-catching, but what Ji Wuye saw at a glance was the man in white mask next to Ji Wuqing.

Ji Wuye's expression froze for a moment, and then he seemed to be joking, and touched Ji Wutang's shoulder with his elbow,

"Sister, isn't that person our brother-in-law?"

Ji Wutang cast a sideways glance at Ji Wuye.

Before the other party woke up, she never thought that the other party had such a naughty character.

As for her, Ji Wuqing, a concubine who gave birth to a son, who should have been trapped in the mud, is also worthy of being their sister?

"Oh, it looks like it is."

Ji Wutang didn't correct him either, she knew it would be useless to argue with him.

"Then shall we go there?"

As Ji Wuye said, he was about to move forward. If you follow his gaze, you can see that he has been looking at the masked man without moving away.

But Ji Wutang will notice this, and her heart is full of calculations to bring her younger brother to slap Ji Wuqing in the face later.

Ji Wutang held Ji Wuye back: "Wait!"

Ji Wuye: "Huh?"

"not the right time yet."

Ji Wutang forcefully pulled him behind him, for fear that he would run out impulsively.

The man in blue took advantage of the situation and stood back. He touched the necklace, and his eyes seemed to be glued to the man in white.

His gaze was open and bold, without any concealment, as if he deliberately wanted to be discovered by the other party.

The other party did exactly as he wished, and looked towards him.

Feng Su's originally aimless gaze was fixed, but he was momentarily surprised when he saw the appearance of the man in blue.

Why is junior brother here?

But soon, a bigger doubt arose in his heart, it seemed that the junior brother didn't know him.

But, if you don't know him, why stare at him?
Feng Su didn't think there was anything wrong with Ji Wuye's changed blue hair.

After all, he has practiced in Cangmiao Sect for many years, and he often goes to Cangshu Pavilion, and there are many ways to change the color of his hair.

Feng Su doesn't know Ji Wuye's purpose for the time being, in order not to disrupt his possible plans, the man glanced at him and then looked away.

Or, in fact, the other party's strange eyes are acting.

Feng Su seemed to connect everything together.

According to Ji Wuqing's arrangement, he sat down.

Ji Wuqing originally wanted to pull Feng Su's arm affectionately, but he avoided him.

The expression of the woman's Duixiao changed slightly, but the gaze she was looking at Feng Su became a little stronger than the original tenderness.

Feng Su sneered slightly in his heart, and when he got what he wanted, he would naturally leave here as soon as possible.

Ji Wuye's face changed slightly, a feeling of grievance welled up in his heart, he actually pretended to ignore him? ? ?

Intuition told him that the other party must have something to do with him.

He may be a breakthrough for him.

Ji Wuye pursed his thin lips, and he hammered the rock beside him.

The stone cracked and cracked.

Ji Wutang turned to stare at him.

"When will it be over?"

Ji Wuye said impatiently, he didn't even bother to pretend.

He just wanted to talk to the man quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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