Chapter 247 The more you control, the more crazy you grow

He thought, in case one day the situation he least wanted to face happened.

With this thing, it can also leave a way out for his relationship with the master.

However, at the thought of the delusional thoughts in his heart being completely erased, Feng Su's whole body was left with piercing pain.

Only two months after he came out, he already wanted to die as much as Master thought.

Feng Su stared at the reflection in the water tightly, and the veins on his neck burst out. He tried it, and some things, the more he controlled them, the more they would grow wildly.

The bottom of the man's long and narrow eyes was scarlet, and he could hardly hold on anymore.

"Who is there!"

It's probably time for the occult character.

When the voice of the patrol came not far away, Feng Su calmly took out another concealment talisman and stuck it on his body.

He stood up and straightened his robe, feeling a little annoyed that he forgot the time because he was distracted.

I don't know what happened to the younger brother.

Feng Su sorted out her thoughts, walked past the patrol team like a stroll in the garden, and headed for the banquet hall.

Qian Yaozong

Yu Yan was meditating at the entrance of Qianxun Yu's cave.

It's funny to say, ever since she gave him the pill to study, this man hasn't come out since he went in.

Yu Yan thought, there's nothing wrong with going back anyway, so it's better to wait for him here.

The woman held a message stone in her hand, while her other hand wrapped around the two strands of hair that were hitting her chest.

Ji Wuye, there is no news yet.

Yu Yan couldn't help but wonder if she was too incompetent as a master.

Probably because the protective consciousness she landed on Ji Wuye was intact, even though there was no news of her apprentice for so long, she was not too worried.

For example, at this time, although she was holding the apprentice's communication stone in her hand, she did not have the slightest desire to pursue it urgently.

Thinking of the information she found in the library, Yu Yan was a little worried.

According to the records, if the scars of trauma cannot be healed for a long time, it is probably that the body is about to decay.

She put medicine on the bruise that day, and the bruise is still there.

Yu Yan couldn't help calling out Shui Jing to look at her face, and gently pinched her cheeks with her slender fingers.

Her cultivation is all there, is there any internal injury, how can her body decay?
Subconsciously, Yu Yan didn't want to apply the set in the records to herself, but her symptoms were almost exactly the same as those described above.

I was injured, the pain disappeared, and the bruises did not decrease.

Yu Yan looked at the beautiful woman in her prime in the mirror, her fingertips brushed between her eyebrows, and then landed on the star marks.

She nodded lightly between her eyebrows, and the corners of her lips raised a shallow arc.

It shows no signs of decay yet.

But the more so, the more worried Yu Yan became.

She read the book in the sea of ​​consciousness countless times, but she didn't mention that "Yu Yan" would grow old before being stabbed to death...


Although she didn't care much about her skin, she still felt that her younger body suited her heart better.

Unlike Qian Xunyu, who is as childish as a naughty boy, but wants to wear an old beard.

"Master, I know how to solve it."

Shui Muran suddenly sent a voice transmission to Yu Yan.

"Huh?" Yu Yan waved her hand to remove the water mirror.

She rested her chin, her elbows resting on her knees, and her wide sleeves slid down, revealing the cyan color.

Yu Yan lowered her eyes to look at Qinglong, he turned his head and looked at her, and then raised his head, the two horns on his head swayed slightly.

Just listen to Shui Muran slowly say,

"Crossing Tribulation and Ascending."


Yu Yan's eyes froze, she blurted out and asked,

"Master's strength is close to crossing the catastrophe, and the spiritual energy in the world of cultivating immortals is gradually unable to nourish the body that is on the verge of transforming into an immortal, so it will decline."

Shui Muran faintly said.

(End of this chapter)

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