Chapter 252

Yu Yan rested her chin, her eyes fell on the cold iron in his palm.

"Junior brother, if you are fine, you can also come to Yanhui Peak for a sit down."

After all, she will leave first after ten years.

I don't know when we will meet again in the future.

Zi Lan's eyes froze, and she even squeezed Han Tie with greater strength.

Instead of her words, he asked,

"Senior Sister hasn't said what you are going to do?"

Yu Yan felt bored, so she sat up straight and handed him a blueprint, which looked like a sword.

Zi Lan glanced at it and put the paper away,


"Tell me what's missing." Yu Yan added.

Zilan hummed.

The two sides were silent.

Yu Yan, who has been used to the excitement these years, suddenly felt that the current atmosphere was a bit weird.

She coughed lightly and stood up.

"Then I'll go first."

As for the thank you gift, he wouldn't accept it anyway if she gave it to him.

It's better to change the way, such as giving him some rare refining materials after finishing the work.

That's what she's done in the past, and she knows what he likes.

Zi Lan suddenly stopped her,

"Sister, can you do me a favor?"

Yu Yan paused in her footsteps, she turned around, her heart was stunned but her face didn't show it,
"of course."

Zi Lan never took the initiative to find her.

The woman looked at him with a twinkle in her eyes, and her peach blossom eyes were full of pampering.

It was the same as looking at Homura.

Zi Lan's heart skipped a beat, and when he looked over again, Yu Yan had already looked away.

A pang of regret floated in his heart.

elder sister……

"After two days, the Hidden Sky Secret Realm will open, I want my senior sister to accompany me to get something."

The Hidden Sky Secret Realm is just an ordinary secret realm.

Yu Yan didn't know if there was something that Zi Lan wanted her to take with him.

But she didn't ask too much.

He just responded with a quick voice: "Okay."

The man in purple curled his lips slightly, and left the hall one step ahead of Yu Yan.

Yu Yan glanced at where Zi Lan was originally sitting, and she thought that if she remembered correctly, this was his peak.

He walked with ease.

Qifeng Houdian
Zi Lan took out the drawing paper Yu Yan gave him.

The sword on the paper looks like a man's saber, the pattern is exquisite and majestic, if nothing else, it is drawn by the senior sister herself.

A look of sadness flashed across Zi Lan's eyes.

He threw the Wannian cold iron in the air, and gradually refined the outline of the sword body according to the sketches.

Senior Sister's three apprentices are very young, when he was as old as them...

Zi Lan frowned slightly, and quickly calmed down.


The Qilin King dragged the sick body over by force.

The slightly tired eyes of the middle-aged man were deep, and when he saw Ji Wuye, he was calm... like a pool of stagnant water.

"Who is posing as the Young Highness of our clan?"

In a word, Ji Wuye was directly sentenced to leave.

Ji Wutang frowned tightly.

The man in blue was still sitting quietly, sending voice transmissions to Feng Su from time to time, complaining about the Qilin King's demeanor.

Unexpectedly, Qilin King listened to everything he said thoroughly.

Ji Zao's complexion was getting darker and darker, he sat down on the head, panting heavily.

When the strength has reached the level of Qilin King, it is almost unnecessary to listen deliberately. There is no difference in Ji Wuye's ears whether he transmits the sound or not.

Of course, none of the others present could match him.

Otherwise, Ji Zao would not be able to sit firmly as the Qilin King for hundreds of years.

It's just that in recent years, the body has become weaker and weaker.

Shi Ji immediately entangled Ji Zao's arm,
"Your Majesty, it's him, but Tang'er wants to call him Wuye~"

 Babies, ask for some tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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