Chapter 256 Master, Brother, He Has Amnesia

Hearing Ji Wuye's voice, Feng Su turned around.

He shook his head, "Not yet."

Ji Wuye glanced at the direction he was looking at just now, thinking that Renxiu could not dive underwater for a long time, he was a little more worried about this master who subconsciously cared about him.

I don't know if Master can find them in the sea.

"What happened?"

Following a burst of fluctuations in the enchantment, Qingling's female voice reached their ears.

Feng Sufeng's eyes lit up, he was stunned for a moment, and then immediately strode to Yu Yan's side.

The man in white looked down at her, undisguised joy flowed in his long and narrow eyes, and he suppressed everything else.

No one can see it, and Master doesn't know it either.

Yu Yan raised her eyes to look at him, Feng Su didn't say much to her during the interrogation, she didn't expect the two apprentices to be together.

She hummed in response.

Thinking of Ji Wuye, Yu Yan turned her head.

When his eyes fell on the other party's long blue hair, he was stunned for a moment.

"Master, Master?"

Ji Wuye asked uncertainly.

Is the woman in front of him his master?

It seems... It's different from what he imagined, and it seems like it should be.

Ji Wuye frowned slightly, trying to ignore his heartbeat that suddenly lost its rhythm as soon as his master appeared.

Feng Su's focused eyes fell on Yu Yan, and the two apprentices seemed to have no intention of answering her question just now.

Yu Yan raised her eyebrows, she reached out to Ji Wuye, "Come here."

The woman's fingers were slender and white, and as her arm was raised, her wide white sleeve slid down slightly, revealing a slender white wrist, which was adorned with a blue jade bracelet.

Ji Wuye's pupils shrank, as if a scene had passed before his eyes, he suddenly reached out and covered the silver chain around his neck.

With his heart beating uncontrollably, he approached Yu Yan step by step, his eyes fixed on Yu Yan's wrist.

Seeing this, Feng Su frowned, and there was an inexplicable vigilance in his eyes. He took a step and stood beside Yu Yan, only listening to him whisper,
"Master, Junior Brother has lost his memory."

When the words fell, there was no surprise on the woman's face.

It was precisely because she realized this that she called people over.

There is a seal in Ji Wuye's consciousness, it is easy for her to untie it.

"The teacher knows."

Ji Wuye paused slightly.

When he approached, Yu Yan's arms dropped, her wrists were hidden, and Feng Su's fingertips moved slightly.

"This is the Qilin royal family?"

Yu Yan drew a curse mark across the air and hit Ji Wuye's eyebrows, and she asked a question when she stopped.

Feng Su suddenly grabbed her arm just as she dropped it, Yu Yan was startled, and was about to throw her away, but she heard the man questioning in a low voice,

"Why is Master hurt again?"

The handsome face under his mask was gloomy and terrifying, and even his eyes were filled with unspeakable anger.

Feng Su lifted Yu Yan's hand without the green bracelet, he rolled up her sleeve, and there was a blue bruise on the forearm near the wrist.

It's very shallow and short, so low in existence that Yu Yan didn't even notice it.

I don't know how Feng Su caught it.

He moved his big palm to her wrist and circled it with his fingers.

Just as he thought before, Master's wrists are too slender, he can hold two with one palm.

Feng Su's eyebrows twitched, and his attention fell on the bruise on Yu Yan's arm again.

With the realm of a master, who can make her get hurt again and again?
Ji Wuye's dull eyes gradually gained focus.

Those memories that were forcibly sealed by Ji Wutang rushed to his sea of ​​consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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