Chapter 261 Master, why?

The Zhetian Secret Realm is not very dangerous, with Feng Su's ability, he can come out intact.

This time it's her fault, after all, she clearly agreed.

Yu Yan was a little annoyed.

"Master, why?"

Feng Su was obsessed with asking for an answer, his jaw was tense, and the veins in his neck covered under the placket were bulging.

It wasn't that he couldn't let Shizun go with him to the secret realm, but why Shizun had clearly agreed to him, but suddenly changed his mind.

Facing his moist eyes, Yu Yan's heart tightened, and she blurted out,
"Before, I promised your uncle as a teacher."

"Master Uncle? Is it Master Zi Lan?" Feng Su's tone was slightly relaxed.

Yu Yan hummed in a low voice, and then saw Feng Su raised her lips,
"That's good, the apprentice will not go."

"Feng Su!" Yu Yan frowned, "Don't be willful."

"Your apprentice is not capricious, Master, since you said that you can wait for me outside the secret realm, then it is not that there is no time. If so, why don't we go to another place to practice? Or go to the Qingyu secret realm?"

Feng Su said word by word, the whole person was full of anticipation for the next itinerary visible to the naked eye.

Yu Yan didn't know for a moment whether she was right or wrong in deciding to practice with her apprentice.

It's just that at the moment, she absolutely can't turn back and refuse.

The woman nodded slightly: "Okay."

"Okay." Feng Su followed suit.

In this way, the master and apprentice changed directions and went to Qingyu Secret Realm.

During the period, Yu Yan did not forget to send a message to Zi Lan,

"I know my junior brother, then I won't go."

At that time, Zi Lan was about to come to Zhetian Secret Realm.

After receiving Yu Yan's exact answer, he relaxed.

In front of the Zhetian secret realm, many sect disciples and casual monks gathered around the entrance of the secret realm, looking forward to it.

According to the news released by Tianjizong, there will be major turmoil in the Hidden Sky Secret Realm this time!
Therefore, the originally inconspicuous secret realm suddenly became a hot treasure in the eyes of monks in the world of cultivating immortals.

All monks practice against the sky, opportunities and risks coexist.

Regardless of whether the turbulence calculated by the Tianji Sect is an opportunity or a risk, for many monks, this trip to the secret realm is a must.

What's more, Tianjizong also brought his disciples here, didn't he?
When Zi Lan appeared around the secret realm, she met Li Miaomiao, who was leading the team of Cang Miao Sect this time.

The Cangmiao Sect naturally received such important news.

Li Miaomiao is responsible for escorting Cangmiao Sect disciples into the secret realm, and ensuring that they will not be murdered and seized by those who want to seize treasures after they come out.

The moment she saw Zi Lan, the woman's eyes lit up, and she beckoned to Zi Lan.

Zi Lan nodded slightly in response, but did not step forward.

No matter how his sister responds, he always has to watch here before he can rest assured.

No one knows better than him what will happen in the Hidden Sky Secret Realm this time.

It may be a challenge for other monks, but for him and his sister, if they are unprepared, they will die.

Zi Lan's eyes flickered slightly, he had already prepared everything.

But on the way, my sister sent him a message, and she said that the sword was a gift for her apprentice, and she asked him to ask her to mention it in time, and he didn't need to care about the time.

While Zilan was envious and jealous, she became more aware of a fact.

That is, my sister was not ready to leave at all.

If he took her away without authorization, she would only hate him when he got there.

This is definitely not what he wants to see.

Zi Lan stared at the entrance of the Zhetian Secret Realm, and at this moment the entrance had already begun to show a halo.

(End of this chapter)

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