Chapter 266

The movement here caught Yu Yan's attention.

She glanced sideways at the man who was arranging his robes,
"Have you applied the medicine?"

What kind of clothes are you wearing yet?
Yu Yan already knew that Feng Su would not be obedient, this time she was watching, if she was not around, he would probably go too far.

Feng Su paused as he put on his belt, and after a long time, he said in a hoarse voice,
"It can't be wiped from the back."

Yu Yan withdrew her hand, and a butterfly flew eastward along her fingertips.

"Mu Ran, follow me, I'll be there in a while."

Xiao Qinglong shook his tail and immediately followed the butterfly.

Feng Su glanced at Qinglong, then walked towards Yuyan.

As he got closer, the undried moisture on his body came towards Yu Yan.

The woman looked up at him with a half-smile.

Full of words, they were defeated by Yu Yan's eyes that seemed to see through everything.

Feng Su lowered his eyes, he seemed to have something in his mouth, and the voice he said was inexplicably affectionate, just listening to him ask,

"Master, can you help me?"

After the words fell, he only heard his heart beating uncontrollably again.

"No." Yu Yan directly refused.

After speaking, the woman returned to the tree again,
"It's a quarter of an hour, hurry up and get it done."

Yu Yan only left one sentence.

Feng Su spread out his palms.

The expected result, but he didn't believe in evil, so he insisted on betting on a possibility.


Feng Su said rather disappointedly, from an angle that Yu Yan couldn't see, the man's face was as soft as ever.

In Yu Yan's ears, this person was unhappy because of her rejection.

So what, he has hands and feet, she will not help him.

It's useless to be coquettish.

Yu Yan closed her eyes directly, but couldn't help but think of Li Zhan's words just now.

Expel Feng Su from the sect?

She knew that Li Zhan would not say that without a reason, but she was absolutely unwilling in her heart.

Yu Yan's eyelashes trembled slightly, she has been raising him for so many years, now let her drive people away, thanks to her.

Feng Su never disobeyed Yu Yan's words, he adjusted his clothes with his slender fingertips, and the man who said that he would not wipe the wound on his back was ready to apply the medicine in the blink of an eye.

He turned his head to look at Yu Yan, seeing her eyes closed quietly, his heart was filled with sadness.

Putting on his robe calmly, Feng Su walked towards the ancient tree.

"Master, I'm fine."

He looked up at the treetops, at this angle, he could only catch a corner of Yu Yan's clothes.

I saw that the corner of the clothes moved at his words.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Yan had already stood in front of Feng Su.

She looked Feng Su up and down, then called out the Qingyu Sword,


Feng Su glanced at Qingyu.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but the moment Qingyu came out just now, he seemed to sense a trace of resentment from it.

It's resentment against him.

Feng Su was in a trance for a moment, seeing that Master had raised his sword, he quickly followed.

the other side

The man in Tsing Yi had two small horns on his head.

Shui Muran's eyes were dark, staring at the big rock in front of him, full of anger.

The man's breath disappeared here, and the master's tracking butterfly stopped motionless on the big rock.

He checked for a long time, but there was no mechanism on the stone.

Here is the summit, and there is nothing but this bare rock.

Shui Mu punched the stone angrily, and with a click, a long crack appeared on the stone.

Yu Yan's voice came from behind, and the man's expression immediately became aggrieved.

Yu Yan asked: "How?"

(End of this chapter)

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