Chapter 275 Twin Babies Crossing the Tribulation (Dangerous.[-])

Had the Devil Baby Thunder Tribulation been brewing for so long?

Feeling the increasingly heavy thunder calamity above the abyss, Yu Yan felt inexplicably uneasy in her heart.

She took out the communication stones of Yan Ning and Lou Qinghan.

The platform extending from the abyss wall is actually a huge thin rock, which is about one-third the size of the Zongmen Square at a glance.

To avoid Feng Su's distraction, Yu Yan stood up holding the communication stone, and moved a little away from him.

Who knows, it was her actions that made the ball that had been holding its breath suddenly lose its rhythm.

Why is Master so far away from him?
Feng Su looked at Yu Yan's back and clenched her small fists fiercely.

The two forces in his body almost shattered his meridians, because only one was left under the counter pressure of the devilish energy.

The pain of bone erosion was gone, Feng Su's entire consciousness fell on Yu Yan, and the part of his attention to the devil baby's crossing the catastrophe was almost negligible.

Yu Yan never doubted her intuition.

Cultivated to her level, intuition is more accurate than any other explicit hint.

The woman's face was stained with three points of dignity.

She needs to ask, is the devil baby crossing the catastrophe so aggressively, the current situation is obviously different from what she understands.

Yu Yan turned around after sending the message to Yan Ning and Lou Qinghan.

Feng Su quickly retracted his gaze, and his eyes fell on Jieyun, as if he was ready to fight.

In fact, all the consciousness is on Yu Yan's side.

It's just, how could Yu Yan not notice his small movements.

Yu Yan frowned fiercely for the first time, she wondered if the apprentice's body became smaller and his mind became childish?
"Feng Su, don't be distracted." Yu Yan reminded him aloud.

Focus on what she does, and she won't discharge it.

Yu Yan pretended to be angry.

It has to be said that Feng Su was bluffed.

In fact, Master is rarely angry, and he is rarely angry with him.

The only time he could remember was that when he was quietly lying on the door of Yanhui Temple and overheard the conversation between the master and the uncle, the master found out, and the master was very angry at that time.

Feng Su didn't dare to be distracted.

At this moment, he also discovered Jieyun's abnormality, which seemed to be different from what he had imagined.

This Devil Infant Thunder Calamity... is much bigger than the Nascent Soul Thunder Calamity he expected.

Not knowing what to think, Feng Su suddenly reached out and took off the white jade mask.

Some water droplets were stained on the mask, probably because it was rubbed by the branches and leaves of the magic vine when it flew down the abyss.

Feng Su reached out and carefully wiped off the water droplets, then put the mask into the storage ring.

He didn't forget that the mask that Master gave him last time was smashed into pieces by the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation.


A dull thunder came from the sky, and the echo on the side wall of the abyss was even more frightening.

Yu Yan's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she began to think about how many magical weapons she still had in her hands to resist the thunder disaster.

After some investigation, the woman couldn't help being a little annoyed.

Like all the arrogant sword cultivators, Yu Yan didn't save much to resist the thunder disaster.

After all, in her consciousness, why does a sword cultivator need to use too much external force to cross the thunder calamity? A sword is enough.

Yu Yan was thinking about the possibility that she could come back in time if she left to collect the magic weapon now.

Boom, boom, boom—

The thunder became more and more intense, and Feng Su's little face full of scars showed no fear at all.

The devilish energy began to drill into his dantian rapidly, the boy let out a muffled grunt, then quickly adjusted his state to guide the transformation.

He knew very well that the Devil Infant's Tribulation was about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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