Chapter 291 Pray for her eyes to stay longer
She raised her hand to pinch his side face.

Feng Su turned her head away, pursing her lips as if sulking.

Yu Yan smiled and withdrew her hand.

"Yes." She replied.

Feng Su raised her eyes and stared at her, water drops hung on her long eyelashes, which couldn't fall off.
"Then why?"

Yu Yan: "Soon."

Why hasn't it been cured for so many years?

Yu Yan knew what Feng Su wanted to ask.

She didn't lie to him either.

It is indeed fast, ten years, only ten years will be able to "cure".

Feng Su always felt that Master's answer was too perfunctory.

But the master is unwilling to say it clearly, and he can't ask anything if he asks again.

It is already the limit to have the opportunity to see Master's injury today, even in the future, Master will guard against him vigilantly.

Ke Fengsu has no regrets.

Master's injury has always been on his mind, like a big stone in his heart.

"Does it hurt?"

Feng Su touched Yu Yan's shoulder as he spoke.

With a snap, the claws were opened.

Yu Yan circled a wave of spiritual power with her fingertips, and Feng Su was immediately sent to the shore.

The delicate and smooth fingertips feel instant, but Feng Su's heart throbbed for a long time.

He sat by the medicine pond.

As if he finally realized his current situation, the red color spread from his ears to his neck.

His sight became erratic again, not daring to look at Yuyan.

Yu Guang couldn't help but go whoring to the woman in the medicine pond.

Yu Yan remained leaning against the pool wall without moving, her skin turned pink from the steaming mist, and her originally glistening face was even more peerless.

Even if the other person is just looking at you so quietly, the person who is staring at you will only pray that her gaze can stay longer.

Feng Su knew that Yu Yan was looking at him.

He stared at a corner of the medicine pool without saying a word, but in fact, the blood all over his body was due to the restlessness of the master's gaze.

The boy bit the tip of his tongue tightly to prevent his emotions from leaking out and betraying him.

I don't know how much time passed, Yu Yan seemed to be tired, she finally looked away.

The woman's brows were tinged with tiredness, Yu Yan raised her hand and rubbed her forehead.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Su's small hands came up instead.

"Master, I will help you."

Feng Su did not know when she came behind her.

He skillfully put his hand on Yu Yan's forehead, and gently rubbed it with the strength she was familiar with and liked.

The tails of Yu Yan's eyes slightly raised, because the mist blew out traces of water vapor, instantly becoming enchanting and seductive.

But no one can see it.

Feng Su lowered his eyes.

From his angle, he could just see Master's slender swan neck, slender and tender, as if it wanted to arouse some raging delusions in his heart.

Feng Su paused, then quickly resumed his rhythm.

Further down is the woman's slightly sunken collarbone, if the water is lifted up, it will definitely be able to catch it.

The tip of Feng Su's tongue seemed to be bleeding from biting, and the dark color in his eyes almost solidified.

He couldn't see the scenery hidden in the blue opaque pool water, but just thinking about it for a moment, he lost the strength to breathe.

"Okay, you go out."

In fact, Yu Yan liked Feng Su's technique very much, he used to massage her often in Yanhui Peak.

It's just that today, probably because she was running to Yaoquan, even if nothing happened, subconsciously Yu Yan had some scruples after all.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Feng Su's heart.

He groaned, and when he withdrew his hand, he brushed away Yu Yan's hair that was sticking to her back.

Wet hair sticking to the skin must be uncomfortable.

The moment the three thousand blue silks were lifted up, a ray of strong peach blossom fragrance penetrated into the tip of Feng Su's nose.

His body froze, he closed his hands and walked out quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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