Chapter 296
Li Ze thought to himself.

Feng Luoyan immediately understood what he meant,
"Then you have been hanging upside down for so long!"

Li Ze glanced at him lightly.

Through those enchanting fox eyes, the ordinary eyes are quite unusual.

Why did he hang upside down for so long?
Li Ze twitched the corner of his mouth and said,
"I'm called inspecting the enemy's situation. Does anyone know if there are other ethnic groups besides Linglong fish under this cliff?"

"What if it's someone who is related to your Phoenix clan, and in the end, if someone sends a message to the Demon King, you and I will not be invited to the Demon King Palace for tea?"

"I don't want to waste time, he will leave when he catches fish!"

After speaking, Li Ze rolled up his sleeves, and stepped into the silver lake cautiously.

"Be quiet and don't move."

He said to Feng Luoyan.

"What are you explaining so much for?"

Feng Luoyan said quietly.

Li Ze ignored him, and then he didn't know if he thought the rabbit was in the way, so he lifted the rabbit by the back of his neck and threw the rabbit onto the rocks on the bank.

"Li Ze! Don't tell me!"


The boy turned into a human and stood on the stone.

He gritted his teeth and stared at the deserted lake.



Li Ze poked his head out of the water, the lake water wet his black hair, dripping drops of water slid down the brow bone to the end of his eyes.

Feng Luoyan was enclosed in the encirclement circle that Li Ze had drawn for him, the boy's eyes staring at the lake lit up, seeing him come out, he asked,

"How, did you catch it!"

Li Ze wiped the water from his face, his beautiful brows were tightly frowned,

"Feng Luoyan, are you lying to me?"

Where is the Shi Linglong fish, there is not even a piece of fish bone.


Feng Luoyan stood up abruptly.

The boy in white clothes glared angrily, and as he said that, he was about to jump into the water to find it.

Li Ze manipulated spiritual power to stop him,

"Don't come down, once you come down, even if there are any, they will all be scared away."

Feng Luoyan stopped in her tracks.

He puffed his cheeks and sat down on the rock,
"As far as I remember, it's in this place."

Otherwise, why would there be an enchantment?
The Linglong fish family is a rare pure aquatic family in the demon world. It is said that they originally lived in the sea area, but later migrated to the mainland for unknown reasons.

This area was specially designated for them by their ancestors.

Li Ze scooped up a handful of water and raised it high,

"Forget it, I'll look for it again."

The man in red plunged headfirst into the lake again.

Half a quarter of an hour passed, a quarter of an hour passed, two quarters of an hour...

Seeing that the other party did not come up for a long time, Feng Luoyan couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Could it be that Li Ze encountered some kind of predicament?
The boy anxiously paced back and forth on the rock.

"My son, why didn't you tell Wei father when you came to the demon world?"

Suddenly, a deep and majestic male voice came from behind.

Feng Luoyan froze.

Feng Lin stared at the young man's back, his eyes seemed to have emotional ups and downs, and he approached him step by step.

It wasn't until she walked up to him and saw his appearance clearly that Feng Lin smiled and sighed,

"Yan'er, it's really you."

He clenched his hands tightly behind his back, looking closely, he seemed to be trembling.

Feng Luoyan's blood had already returned to his ancestors, even if his father was here, he would inevitably be suppressed by him.

Feng Lin endured the pain of being suppressed by his blood, he wanted to raise his hand to hold Feng Luoyan in relief, but was dodged by the other party,

"What are you here for?"

Feng Luoyan didn't look at him from the beginning to the end, her tone was vaguely stinging.

Although it was not obvious, Feng Lin was still keenly aware of it.

His eyes darkened, and he withdrew his hand.

"You shouldn't come here, I'm worried about your danger for my father."

"What danger!" Feng Luoyan immediately panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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