Chapter 300 Impossible To Kill Her With Sound
Yu Yan looked at him and blinked innocently,
"I have never learned how to play the piano, how would I know?"


Pei Yan glanced at her, but did not reply to her words, his fingers hooked the strings again.

"Hard to hear." Yu Yan said with a smile.

Pei Yan: "Yes."




"Not nice."


"Yu Yan, have you discovered your problem?"

Pei Yan sat in front of the piano and looked up at her with a solemn expression.

"What's the problem?" She said a little guilty.

"Before, you praised all the things I played."

Pei Yan narrowed his eyes and looked away from her. Speaking of this, his ears inevitably turned red.

"Could it be that you lied to me before?"

Thinking of this possibility, Pei Yan seemed to be full of complexities.

"I never lie." Yu Yan said sideways.

"You mean, the piece you played just now has been played in front of me before?"

The woman's eyebrows were lightly drawn together, and seeing Pei Yan nodding, she fell into deep thought.

"Of course, except for the first one."

Pei Yan stood up and approached her, adding.

"The last song is a divine song recognized by the world of cultivating immortals. Although my current piano skills are not perfect, they are above the average level in the world of cultivating immortals."

Pei Yan sat on the soft couch opposite Yu Yan.

He lightly rolled up his sleeves, shook his teacup,
"But to your ears, it's ugly."

In fact, Pei Yan is being modest. There are few sound cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals. His level, in this interface, is already unmatched.

As far as aesthetic surprises are concerned, one song and two capitals are acceptable, but she denies the repeated popular songs...

"Yu Yan, you don't seem to be tone deaf."

Pei Yan's eyes were complicated, "You were not like this before."

Not only praised him, but also praised others.

Only today, after praising the old way, she changed.

Yu Yan took a sip of tea as if hiding.

"I didn't lie, I just felt uncomfortable after listening to it. Isn't it unpleasant to make me uncomfortable?"

she muttered softly.

The piece that Pei Yan played just now was almost denied by her as soon as the first two syllables came out.

Yu Yan had already noticed something was wrong.

The skill of Yinxiu lies in Yinsha.

It is impossible for Pei Yan to use sound to kill her.

But these ordinary voices all had a bad influence on her mood.

Since when?
Probably, just now, after listening to the old man playing the piano.

Yu Yan's face darkened.


"Brother, what should I do, my little sister heard me playing the piano!"

In the forest outside Qianque City, a tall and handsome man in white clothed anxiously paced back and forth.

The dead leaves under his feet creaked and creaked when he stepped on them.

The projection on the opposite side was pitch black, and a human silhouette could be vaguely seen.

"Well, remember to receive the punishment when you come back."

Yu Xuan's back tightened immediately, he wanted to hug his head and cry, but now he was outside, he had to pay attention to his image.

"Brother, it's not a matter of punishment or not, you know, if little sister hears my piano, she will,"

"It's okay, no one in the world of cultivating immortals can hurt her."

There was obvious pampering in the man's tone.

Yu Xuan seemed to be belatedly aware, he punched the thick tree in his hand, "That's right."

"Well, don't play outside for too long, remember to receive the punishment when you come back."

The man repeated the matter of receiving the penalty.

The projection gradually dissipates.

Yu Xuan was shocked, the elder brother is still the same elder brother, he shouldn't look for him impulsively.

He managed to sneak down.

(End of this chapter)

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