Chapter 62 Senior Brother Yuyan, You Are Injured
He held the storage ring tightly, and inserted his fingertips around the silver ring into his palm.

One drop after another of bright red blood fell down.

It must be her trick.

She just wanted to lower his defenses, pretending to be kind and conscientious to treat him well.

When he trusts and relies on her like Senior Brother Feng, he will agree to whatever conditions she asks.

He will even defend her like a senior brother!

Everything is connected without hindrance, and Ji Wuye feels that he has figured out the truth.

The young man looked at the door with red eyes, he was standing just right where he could see the geese returning to the gate of the hall.

At this moment, the luxurious and quiet hall was closed tightly, and his eyes were dark.

Yu Yan was stroking the soft fur between the rabbit's ears.

She frowned suddenly.

What happened to Ji Wuye, he was so moved by the mere meeting ceremony?
Yu Yan has been paying attention to the movement on his side.

When she saw the boy's blood dripping palm, her palm trembled.

Not really, really not.

She Yuyan has always been generous to her disciples, since he is already her Yanhui Peak person, there will be better ones in the future, and only better ones.

The woman sighed faintly.

Sure enough, the boy must have had a miserable life before.

Fortunately, he has a clear mind and no demonic obstacles.

Thinking of the clear and translucent eyes of the young man when she met him for the first time today, Yu Yan curled her fingertips slightly.

She won't let anyone bully him again.



The rabbit in his arms turned into a phoenix unexpectedly.

He broke free from Yu Yan's embrace and stood on the table.

Head towards the direction of the window kept barking.

Little Phoenix seemed very excited, his golden wings kept flapping.

"what happened?"

Yu Yan had never seen Little Phoenix so active.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The little phoenix screamed and was about to fly out the window.

Yu Yan didn't stop him, following the little golden figure, she quickly arrived at the foot of Yanhui Peak.

The golden shadow ahead still has a tendency to continue flying down.

Yu Yan looked in the direction of the phoenix's trajectory.

That is the main peak.

Yu Yan's peach blossom eyes flashed slightly, she pulled Fenghuang back.

A finger of spiritual power hit Fenghuang between his eyebrows, and he turned into a rabbit again.

"Want to go there?" Yu Yan lowered her eyes and rubbed the rabbit's back.

The fingers circled as they touched his tail.

Rabbit shuddered violently and buried his head in her elbow.

"Heh." Yu Yan chuckled lightly.

"Lie down obediently, and I'll take you there."

The star marks between the woman's brows reflected light in the sun, and she patted the rabbit's buttocks to make him shrink even tighter.

She raised her eyes to look in the direction of the main peak, her beautiful peach eyes narrowed slightly.

There is a waterfall hot spring pool on the mountainside of the main peak.

When Yu Yan first became a teacher, she often asked Shen Qingyi to come here to practice.

At this moment, the turbulent waterfall fell vertically, slapping on the stones one after another and blooming huge sprays.

Under the waterfall, the man closed his eyes tightly.

Not knowing what he noticed, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Yu Yan immediately noticed the aura behind the water curtain.

Chitu had already regained his composure, and was lying in her arms very quietly at this moment.

Shen Qingyi swam out along the current, her exposed shoulders were bloodless white.

Yu Yan's gaze flicked over it without hesitation.

She frowned, "Brother, are you injured?"

The previous unhappiness seemed to not exist.

Her eyes were worried, and she walked closer to the pool as she spoke.

The woman in white was bound by her slender waist, and when she squatted down by the pool, the pink lines on the hem of her clothes were all wet by the water vapor.

(End of this chapter)

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