Chapter 78 Calling Him So Kind
Feng Su murmured in a panic,

"I'll just say she—"

Ji Wuye's voice came suddenly, and he stared blankly at the white figure that suddenly appeared above his head.

Yu Yan made a trick in her hand.

The moment the protective cover fell, the scorching heat was pushed out by the next door.

Feng Su twitched his eyelashes, and his expression came to a sudden.

Seemingly having no more strength, the Yuliu Sword slipped down with his loosened hand.

The protective cover supported the bodies of the two.

Ji Wuye supported Feng Su in time.

"Master." The boy called out.

He had already restrained his astonished expression, and he was so proud of being well-behaved at the moment.

Yu Yan thought he was frightened.

"never mind."

The woman looked at Feng Su, who had been hanging his head since she appeared.

"Feng Su, what's wrong with you?"

Feng Su shook his head: "I'm fine."

Even though Yu Yan had repeatedly emphasized that she didn't care about her appearance, but without the cover of the mask, he didn't dare to face her for a while.

Seeing the side face of the boy exposed outside, Yu Yan probably knew the reason.

She didn't poke, and she didn't force.

Ji Wuye has been observing the two of them.

From the corner of the eye, he caught the flash of guilt in Yu Yan's eyes, and his whole body was burning with anger.

Senior brother's injury was actually related to her!

Ji Wuye quietly supported Feng Su, the complex emotions in his heart were surging one after another.

Last time he thought she would not save him, but she came.

This time he thought she was too late, but she still came.

She... Maybe she really regarded him as an apprentice.

Finally returned to the ground.

Feng Su put on the mask again.

He followed closely beside Yu Yan in fear.

"It's really you!"

Yan Ning stared at Ji Wuye with wide eyes happily.

She recognized his breath in the forest before, so she pulled Yanyan over.

Ji Wuye looked at Yan Ning, his calm eyes did not fluctuate at all.

"Yanyan, that's him, he's the little boy I told you about!"

Yu Yan's expression was a little subtle.

She didn't forget that she said just now that she wanted to take him as an apprentice.

Ji Wuye took a step back and stood beside Yu Yan.

"Ji Wuye, right? Come with me and be my Yan Ning's apprentice!"

The red-clothed woman's eyes were shining, she looked at Ji Wuye full of anticipation.


Yan Ning: "Hey, good student——" brother.

Yan Ning looked at Ji Wuye's hand holding Yu Yan's sleeve in disbelief, she pointed at the two but did not react for a long time.

Yu Yan burst out laughing.

"Ningning, it doesn't seem to be a coincidence."

Yan Ning covered her forehead depressedly, she gritted her teeth,
"The building is cold!!!"


Devil's Temple
The man in black was sitting at the head, leaning on the couch, his handsome face was full of melancholy.

He pinched his itchy nose.

Reflecting again in his heart, he was indeed wrong.

But if he was given another chance, he would still do it.

How can she accept disciples?
He never had the chance to be that close to her.

Female disciples are fine, but male disciples are fine!


"So, he sent Wuye to Cangmiao Sect?"

Yu Yan looked at the boy who was cuddling up to the tree trunk.

Her voice was not loud, and she didn't deliberately cover up the conversation with Yan Ning.

Even if Feng Su and Ji Wuye are a little far away from each other.

The sound of "Wuye" still came to Feng Su's ears clearly.

He clasped the trunk tightly with his palms, and his fingertips sank into the wood.

He glanced sideways at the young man who was close at hand.

They are also her apprentices, why did Master call him so kind.

He also wants to...

(End of this chapter)

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