Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 326 Unhappy 2 Little Ones

Chapter 326 The Unhappy Two Children
After Liu Wen knew that they would leave Sioux City early, of course she had to mention it to Liu Shuhui and his wife.

Liu Shuhui and his wife knew that Liu Wen and the others would go to Yangcheng to work and live. Although they were reluctant, they also knew that there was no other way.

Not only Song Boyang was going to work there, but also some things in the embroidery workshop had to be transferred there. They just didn't expect that they would leave in the second half of next year, but they would arrive early for the Spring Festival.

"Can the house be decorated over there?" Although she also knew that there would be no place for them to live after arriving there, Liu Shuhui knew that Liu Wen still wanted to live in her own house.

"Okay, now it's finishing. Tang Hai urged the workers to speed up the renovation." Liu Wen couldn't help but feel lucky, otherwise, if the house hasn't been renovated, it's really all kinds of headaches.

"As for the furniture, Brother Song will inform them today that he wants to make all the furniture in the living room, dining room, study room, and the three bedrooms where we live."

"The furniture in the rest of the room or the non-important furniture is not in a hurry to build." Although according to Song Boyang's meaning, even if you move in advance, there are not many things to prepare.

But after Liu Wen made the food this morning and sent Song Bohua to the train, she thought about it for a long time, such as bringing those things there.

"Beibei will go with me." The last time they went to Yangcheng for fun, they didn't take Beibei there because they wanted to come back, but this time they were moving, so of course he had to take them there.

"How will Beibei get there?" It's no surprise that Liu Wen will take Beibei away when she moves, but the question is how to take it away.

Alas, Liu Wen is worried, it is impossible to get on the train, such a long time is a big test for Beibei.

In fact, the plane is actually the most convenient, but the current plane does not seem to have the business of transporting pets.

After removing all the options, "I still think I can only drive there by myself." In this way, the time is really tight, and I will probably drive on the road in the third year of junior high school.

Drive there by yourself?Liu Shuhui knew that Song Boyang could drive, and Liu Wen also said that she could drive, and it should be possible for two people to drive in turns, but driving from here to Yangcheng is not an ordinary horror.

"Where do you live?" That's right, she forgot a very important reason, they can drive all the way south, but along the way, where they live is also a problem.

Liu Wen didn't think there was a problem with this question, "You even forgot where Beibei came from."

"I heard from my brother that if possible, you can stay in the army's guest house."

"And I will contact my brother and them in advance."

"If you can't check in, let Brother Song and the others stay in a hotel, and I will live in the car."

Although Beibei can also be put in the car, Liu Wen is worried.

Live in a car? "Is that comfortable?" Liu Shuhui's first reaction was that the car is for riding, not for living.

If it is possible, Liu Wen also hopes to have a caravan now, but there is no way, maybe there are foreign countries, but there are no domestic ones, and the car is actually not very big, four people and a dog squeezed in, I always feel wronged Beibei .

If it wasn't for the bad weather, Liu Wen thought it would be cool to drive a big truck all the way south.

I don't know if there is a van now, it seems that there is probably no van, Liu Wen can only say that everyone should bear with it.

Yes, there is no other way but to endure, "By the way, have you ever driven it?"

"I haven't opened it, but you can ask my brother about it."

"And what's under the nose? Can't you ask someone if you don't know the way?"

"And sister, although we took the train last time, we saw a lot of scenery along the way, but how to say that, we still took a quick look."

"But the details are not enough. If we drive by ourselves, we can take a second look at interesting places." Although the driving process is very boring, it is also a good way to travel.

Liu Wen suddenly came up with an idea, if she could borrow a minibus, she could also take the healthy couple with her.

As for them coming back, they can still take the plane.

After all, such an opportunity, let alone when they will meet, even Liu Wen feels that it will take a long time for such a self-driving tour again.

But she will not tell Liu Shuhui and the others now, except that they may object, even the car problem has not been resolved.

If you can't borrow a big car, you can't bring them with you, which means that all plans are useless.

Tuanzi and the others were also dumbfounded when they knew that the date of moving had been advanced from summer to winter, "How could it be brought forward?"

"Can't we move according to the original plan?"

The two brothers who had already moved across cities were not too surprised by such a moving model. For them, as long as they were still with Song Boyang and Liu Wen, they would be fine.

As for the house that moved this time was a bit long, they didn't think it was strange, after all, they were the ones who almost moved to the other side of the ocean.

Since the move is still within this range, there is actually not much distance, so they are fearless.

What they care about is that it is too much to discuss such an important matter as moving in advance without discussing it with them in advance.

My lord Mingming also said before that we should sit down together when something happens, but I didn't expect it to be such a way of discussion. It's too much, it's really too much.

Song Boyang looked at the excited two sons, he really had a big head. He had already had an operation in the hospital today, answered many doctors' questions, and then went around the ward to answer the patients' conditions.

In short, it can be said that Song Boyang, who has been talking all day, really doesn't want to talk at this moment.

It turned out well, it didn't just happen because he didn't want to talk, there were two children waiting for him to explain.

At this moment, Song Boyang really wanted to be seen by others. Everyone said that his children were smart and sensible. If this was regarded as smart and sensible, no matter how tough the child was, it would not be so bad.

No matter how big Song Boyang is now, he can only patiently explain why he has to leave early.

"There is no way, I know, you have too much dissatisfaction, and I have no way, I am also a person with a plan, and now the plan is messed up."

"But there is no way, this is my job." Song Boyang patiently explained why he had to leave early.

Tuanzi and the others are sensible children. Knowing that this is all because of work, they can only helplessly express that they know.

Song Boyang knew they were unhappy, "We're going south with Beibei this time, so we should drive south."

"Are you happy?" It can't be all unhappy things, but let them know that there is still good news in this matter.

Driving south? "Let's drive to Yangcheng by ourselves?" Compared to Song Boyang whose face had changed at the thought of driving for so long, Tuanzi and the others were not very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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