Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 332 Am I the heroine?

Chapter 332 Am I the heroine?
Yao Ying left the hotel in a very bad mood with a displeased expression on her face.

She knew how to hook up with this old man because he believed his family was related to Tao Zeming.

She said this after she knew that Tao Zeming had been transferred to work in Yangcheng, so she said a few words after drinking some wine.

In fact, she just wanted to get more attention from everyone. If it was the beginning, she would still be complacent about her good figure and appearance, and knowing the future trend of things.

After being educated in several circles without knowing how many times, Yao Ying knows that in that circle, there are really countless people who rely on their appearance for a living.

As for the so-called knowing the future development, she dare not say this, if someone spread it as a joke and attract the attention of some interested people, that would be a very bad thing.

And even if she said that, and few people would believe it, it might be spread as a big joke.

So after knowing that Tao Mingze came to Yangcheng, she wanted to use this name to gain some attention.

In the end, she said it, but no one believed it at all. They all said that she was bragging, and said that if she was really a relative of Tao Zeming, why would she be here.

Although what they said was vague, but who is Yao Ying, she is famous for being able to drill, give her some information, and she will find a way to find out.

In the end, she really didn't know if she didn't inquire about it, but when she inquired about it, she was very frightened. She thought it was an ordinary job, but it turned out to be so powerful.

The most important thing is that in this position, as long as Tao Zeming slackens his hand a little, it is enough for some people to make money, and it is the kind that is often full of money.

When Yao Ying knew that Tao Mingze's position was so important, it's not like she didn't pray, hoping that Tao Zeming would eat free meals because of corruption.

At that time, she will go to Liu Wen to see how she can get away with it. After all, there is no face for having an uncle of a corrupt criminal.

Yao Ying thinks that Liu Wen is so beautiful now because she has a powerful aunt's family.

Otherwise, how could she marry Song Boyang? Even if it was her second marriage and she was a stepmother, it was really too strong to hold back Song Boyang.

Yao Ying used to think that Song Boyang had a little money in the country and couldn't compare with Tang Hai, but what she accidentally heard that day made her realize that even if Song Boyang didn't go to work, he was living a good life.

He turned out to be Tang Hai's benefactor when he made his fortune. She remembered that after Tang Hai made his fortune, all the industries he founded had his benefactor's shares.

Originally, she was envious of someone who had such good luck. After investing some money, she would be able to exchange it for a steady stream of income.

It turned out that the person she envied turned out to be Song Boyang, and she was really in a bad mood.

Originally, this news already made her mad with jealousy, but she never expected that there would be news that made her even more jealous.

That is, Song Boyang's ancestors actually established a trust fund in the beautiful country, so that future generations will not have no money to survive.

Even if he is in China, Song Boyang still has his shares. Although he doesn't know the size of the trust fund, he knows that it will not be small.

Otherwise, his cousin would not want to invest in real estate in Yangcheng, relying on the living expenses provided by the trust fund.

Considering that Song Boyang has money in China and a lot of assets abroad, it doesn't mean that Liu Wen is not short of money at all.

Originally, Yao Ying found it difficult to catch up with the gap between them, but unexpectedly bad news came out one after another.

Speaking of the past, Yao Ying still wondered if she could catch up, but now she chose to lie flat, even if she went to great lengths to find a rich man, how much money could she get.

It's not as good as Liu Wen, who can easily get a lot of money. In the future, if she wants to travel abroad, she can go abroad and do whatever she wants. In a word, she is not short of money.

Since Yao Ying was reborn, no matter whether she was chasing after Gong Jun, returning to the Yao family, or trying to find a way to go to Yangcheng, she wanted to become a rich man.

In order to accomplish this goal, she can say that she is completely shameless, and the bottom line is not necessary.

In the end, after being busy for a long time, he was still not as good as Liu Wen.

Yao Ying felt wronged when she thought about it, what did Liu Wen do?After being kicked by Geng Tao, she returned to Su City and became a embroiderer with peace of mind.

In the end, the relationship with Gong Li actually eased up, and it was even more unexpected that Song Boyang with two children that Gong Li casually introduced turned out to be such a potential stock.

No, Yao Ying suddenly had an idea, she was really curious, did Gong Li really not know about Song Boyang?

According to what we have learned before, it is said that Song Boyang and Gong Li have a very good relationship, especially after Song Boyang's parents passed away, they almost grew up under the care of Gong Li.

Perhaps it was impossible for Song Boyang to tell Gong Li the whole situation, such as overseas money, and overseas relations before, if he could not mention it, he would not mention it.

But Gong Li should know a thing or two about domestic investment. It is because of knowing these things that she introduced Liu Wen and Song Boyang to each other.

Originally, Liu Wen, as a powerful embroiderer, earned a lot of money. After opening the embroidery workshop, the business is not to mention, there are businesses in the capital, Shencheng, and Yangcheng.

The more Yao Ying thought about it, the angrier she became. She is obviously a reborn person, shouldn't she be a winner in life?

In her previous life, when she was free, she would occasionally read novels, and she had read a lot of novels about rebirth and time travel.

I also once fantasized about what she would do if she could be reborn, but it was just thinking about it. After all, such a thing as rebirth is impossible.

In the end, I didn't expect this impossible thing to happen like this, and I didn't expect that she would become such a lucky person.

But such a lucky person, Yao Ying didn't know what to say, she was reborn, not to mention the beauty, and became a celebrity, at least she wouldn't worry about money.

But it turned out that she was such a reborn person, she had bumps and bumps along the way, so don't even think about becoming famous.

Yao Ying hopes to become a rich man, and it has been several years, and she can't even touch the edge.

If someone is reborn once, it must be better than the previous life, but for some reason, Yao Ying feels that it is not as good as the previous life.

At that time, she relied on being Gong Jun's lover, and she lived a good life in all aspects.

But now it is very difficult for her to find a fixed meal ticket, and now the old man is forcing her to find Tao Zeming.

She knew that if she was disobedient, the old man might do something. What if he took her to see Tao Zeming?
Although she had never met Tao Zeming, she had also heard from Pang Yue that the public family did not like them very much, or hated them very much.

When Tao Zeming knows who she is, he will definitely say something very rude.

With a relaxed sigh, Tao Zeming is not the one she wants to see, she should go to Liu Wen first.

Even if she is not an easy talker, at least she can meet each other.

(End of this chapter)

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