Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 342 Things Are Not Simple

Chapter 342 Things Are Not Simple

Song Boyang brought up what he had inquired about in order to reassure Liu Wen.

When Liu Wen heard this, she couldn't help being surprised. Tao Zeming kept this matter from her, which meant that he should have known the risks, but he still went.

But Song Boyang only found out about this today, and no one else left Suzhou City, probably made countless phone calls, and they were able to find out about this.

What does this mean?It shows that he has a wide network of contacts beyond Liu Wen's imagination. Maybe there are many people who have a good relationship with him in the capital.

But Liu Wen still insisted that if he didn't say anything, Liu Wen wouldn't ask.

When Song Boyang said this, he remembered some things and forgot to mention them again, "Did your brother mention it to you? He grew up in the courtyard at the beginning."

Liu Wen nodded, "I know, before my uncle moved to Yangcheng, didn't he live in a compound?"

"Actually, that compound was moved later. The earliest compound in my memory was really a big compound. My parents are doctors and both lived in the compound."

"Later, my parents passed away, and the compound was used for other purposes, so we separated and divided into several compounds, and there was also a distance."

"Combined with the relationship of work transfer, everyone will be separated, divided into different places, but we will still contact occasionally."

"I later went to study in the capital and got back in touch with a few friends"

"It's not bad to mix, and the relationship between uncle and them is not bad."

"This time Tao Yu can stay and work in the capital, apart from his good ability, another reason is that there are people above him."

Song Boyang said briefly. In Liu Wen's view, although he said it, it felt like he said it and thought he didn't say it.

But she doesn't care about these, people, don't be curious, curiosity is a bad habit, "Okay, that's good."

"I'm just two elders, uncle and aunt, and I don't ask whether they want to be in high positions. I just hope that they will be peaceful."

An old family is like a treasure, and if Gong Li and his wife are present, the three of them can have a place to go.

Otherwise, they would be scattered to work in three places, and each of them is a workaholic. I also know that once Gong Li and his wife are away, let alone a meeting every year, I don’t know if we can get together in three years.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Song Boyang couldn't help saying, "And you have to believe that uncle is not incapable of self-protection."

Song Boyang knew that Tao Zeming felt low-key, but a low-key person really has nothing?

Well, think about it too, "I should have confidence in my uncle."

"By the way, you said that since Yang Zhi came here for business, why would he abandon Yao Ying?"

Liu Wen kind of knew why Yao Ying knelt down that time, "I thought he probably wanted to see me."

"I'm really curious, how did you say Yao Ying fooled Yang Zhi." Knowing that Yao Ying's mouth is really good at talking, but being able to calm down an old Jianghu is really good at fooling people.

"Of course, it could be Yang Zhi. There is really no way. He will become nervous when he hears about people and things related to my uncle." Liu Wen said that no matter what happened, one should not let one's mind get confused because of interests.

"I don't know how much money I lost this time." Liu Wen also knew what happened to Liu Yi who would come to the door in the [-]th year of the year, and she probably wanted to persuade her not to foolishly push the benefits out.

"Tell me, if I go to Yangcheng and visit my uncle, Yao Ying and I have no interaction, can you still have her?"

There are some things that don’t need to be grandly explained. It’s better to visit someone lightly and not see someone. This is already releasing a lot of meaning.

"Of course everyone knows that Yao Ying is bragging."

"You have to know that many people are staring at Yang Zhi. Once he can really visit his uncle and get some orders, just watch, Yao Ying is really not short of benefits."

Song Boyang could hear Tang Hai's eagerness to see a joke, "Tang Hai said that old man Yang Zhi chased Yao Ying because he was generous."

My god, Liu Wen was still muttering in her heart before, saying how Yao Ying would get so far and commit herself to an old man, but she didn't expect that such a thing would not be easy to accomplish.

"Isn't it?" Liu Wen looked forward to the following.

"No, everyone is not stupid. Although they haven't contacted uncle in private, they also know that if they have a good relationship, it is impossible not to visit Yi Er at all."

"Even if my uncle arrives in Yangcheng and is busy with work, it's not like he won't be able to find time to meet his relatives, especially if we have a good relationship."

Liu Wen couldn't help nodding, "Yes, yes, I just find it strange that no one will find the problem in Yao Ying's words."

"It's still the same sentence, interests have blinded their eyes and brains." Song Boyang remembered what Tang Hai complained on the other end of the phone.

"You don't even know, Tang Hai complained on the other end of the phone, saying why he has a good relationship with his uncle. When uncle and the others went to Yangcheng, he was the one who picked them up."

"Then we interacted a few times, which was obviously much better than that fake relative who said he had a good relationship, but in the end, no one approached him for a relationship."

Song Boyang really couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't know what to say.

Liu Wen also couldn't laugh or cry, "President Tang is the same, he doesn't think about it, if I were those bosses, I wouldn't look for him."

"Why are you looking for him? Can Mr. Tang take away the business?"

"Didn't you say last time that there are rumors in Yangcheng that Mr. Tang's business is not good, that there is a problem with the capital chain, and that many businesses cannot continue."

"Still looking for new business growth points." Liu Wen really admires those people's brains, which are really not ordinary.

"That's right, who is willing to increase the number of opponents." Song Boyang was also happy, and it made sense after thinking about it.

Liu Wen didn't think those people were chicken belly, she would think so. In fact, she was also curious about one thing, "Tell me, does Mr. Tang have such an idea."

She knew that there was nothing wrong with Tang Hai's business chain, but in some businesses, he was really slowly withdrawing, and some projects were cut directly, but that was also to better develop advantageous projects.

In the eyes of some people, this kind of behavior has turned Tang Hai's business into a bad business, otherwise how could he give up some business.

Now that some businesses have been given up, of course it is only by finding new profitable businesses. Everyone knows that those partner places that will be vacated immediately are definitely making money, so how can they give up.

And Tang Hai is a businessman, so he actually wouldn't think about giving up.

About this, Song Boyang also discussed it, or Tang Hai already had an idea, "Tang Hai mentioned it to me."

"He didn't have that idea."

"After all, his relationship with uncle, and the company has our shares, once it gets out, it will be a big blow to uncle."

"And it's not that we don't have profitable business. The business on the other end of the brother is to cooperate with Tang Hai."

Of course, Song Bohua proposed to cooperate with Liu Wen, but unfortunately she has no money. After the former went to Yangcheng, he felt that he had a good chat with Tang Hai, so he took advantage of the situation to get along.

(End of this chapter)

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