Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 344 Why We Can't Go Abroad Together

Chapter 344 Why We Can't Go Abroad Together

Compared with the Liu family who each had their own plans, Liu Wen's New Year's Eve dinner was much more lively. Although there were only four of them eating, the table was full of food.

Originally, according to Liu Wen's intention, there should be more varieties of dishes, but there is no need to have too many dishes in terms of quantity, but Song Boyang couldn't help but said, anyway, I still have to watch the Spring Festival Gala at night, so I can eat while watching.

Well, what can I do, the child's father has said so, so he has to give some face to the family's main earner.

But when watching the Spring Festival Gala at night, what should I eat? Liu Wen thought about it and thought it would be better to eat hot pot.

In the past, Liu Wen ate it directly in the yard without thinking about it, so that the smell would dissipate quickly.

But now, Liu Wen didn't even think about it, just eat it in the living room, there will be a smell, so what, just open the doors and windows overnight.

And they had to leave early in the morning in the third day of junior high school, even if they still felt the smell in the living room, it was fine, even if the wind blew for a long time, it would be fine.

Of course, they have no problem with such an arrangement. Of course, Liu Wen reckons that even if they have ideas, they won't say anything, because she is the chef.

Eating food and drinking the fruit wine I made, "I don't know if the grapes in Yangcheng's house can bear fruit in summer."

"It should be possible." Song Boyang is also looking forward to the day when they go to Yangcheng. It's not that Sucheng is not good, but that there are no friends here, and they usually have contacts with Liu Shuhui's family.

Moreover, the relationship with his colleagues is also weak. At first, he thought it was because he came from another place, but he still wanted to return to Shencheng's relationship in the future.

It turned out that it wasn't at all, but that someone told him about his old house in Sioux City.

Originally, this was nothing, but I don't know what happened, and I don't know how they inquired about it, but they even inquired about the rent of that old house.

Afterwards, everyone said that he was a rich man, Song Boyang was also helpless, he is rich, is this a crime?
But he can't argue with those people, after all, these are facts, and sometimes he will tell Tang Hai about these troubles.

The other party was happy on the other end of the phone, saying that this is not a problem in Yangcheng, because it is better to think about how to make money than caring about the assets of the people around them.

And in the past two years in Sioux City, although he often read medical books and went to the operating table a lot, he knew that his medical skills had not improved.

It’s a scary thing if you don’t make progress. If you don’t make progress, you will regress. People around you are trying to improve themselves, but if he doesn’t improve by one or two, there will be a big gap in the future, and it’s really tiring to catch up.

Although it is not impossible to return to work in Shencheng, I don't think it is any better than Sioux City.

When he went to Yangcheng, what moved him the most was that the hospital had a cooperation plan with a large hospital in Hong Kong City, that is, he could go there for advanced studies, or share some medical knowledge.

This is what makes Song Boyang most excited. Only by getting in touch with more cases can he improve himself better.

As for Tuanzi, they are now muttering about all kinds of things that they don't adapt to after they arrive in Yangcheng, so he just listens to them.

The two of Tuanzi's social skills are not bad. As long as they are willing, they can really make friends in minutes. Remember when they first came to Sioux City, did they have any friends?

They also have no friends, but now they know so many friends, it makes no sense that they can still have no friends when they arrive in Yangcheng.

From Song Boyang's point of view, his children have really grown up, knowing that Liu Wen is worried that they will be lost and unhappy when they arrive in Yangcheng, and also worried that they will not be able to make friends.

After the two children knew about it, they could take advantage of Liu Wen's worries and magnify their worries, and then they made various demands.

If he hadn't seen that Liu Wen wasn't tired, he would have made the move long ago, but privately told the two children not to make excessive demands.

The only problem is that she is worried that Liu Wen will not get used to it after arriving there. There is Liu Shuhui chatting with her here, but after going to Yangcheng, if she encounters problems, who should she chat with.

Song Boyang didn't worry about the two children at all. They just didn't get used to one or two at first, but then they would adapt very well.

But with Liu Wen's words, Song Boyang was really worried that she would be the last one to get into the rhythm.

Song Boyang knew that Liu Wen might not think this was a problem, but he felt that people lived in groups, and it would be lonely without friends.

Perhaps this is the reason why he is not very receptive to this city even though his hometown is Sioux City. He has no friends and no sense of belonging.

Thankfully Liu Wen didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise she would definitely say, can I have a sense of belonging in Yangcheng?Sorry, that doesn't exist at all.

If Liu Wen were to choose, she would say that the place where there are people who love and people who love her is where they belong.

But at the moment, the three of them are still happily eating the New Year's Eve dinner and talking about interesting things.

Tuanzi and the others have thoroughly prepared for their going to Yangcheng to live and study. For them, Yangcheng is also a good place with many delicious foods.

The point is that their home in Yangcheng is also very good. The only problem is, "We really don't understand what the people over there say."

Roubaozi nodded, "That's right, I really don't understand, I always think it's more difficult than English."

They were actually learning English. Since Song Bohua came, they knew that the speed and requirements of their English learning were constantly improving.

The two of them have already denied the matter of studying abroad last time, but they know that this matter will not be mentioned now, and they will definitely bring it up when they are older.

I don't think about this issue now, I should be worried that they are young. After they go to the United States, no one will take care of them. When they are older, such problems will not exist.

Although Tuanzi and the others are young, they also know that many people hope to study abroad, not only because they can learn more things abroad.

Some people want to stay and work abroad, because the income abroad is high, and even washing dishes can make more money than domestically.

Tuanzi and the others know better that if they study abroad, except for Song Boyang and Liu Wen, their lives abroad will only be better than those at home, and will not be worse than here.

But what Tuanzi didn't understand was why they couldn't go out with the whole family. Whether they moved to Sioux City before or went to Yangcheng to work and live, their whole family had to go. Why couldn't they live a beautiful country together.

Tuanzi asked Song Bohua privately if it would be okay for their whole family to go to the beautiful country.

He still remembers the indescribable expression on his uncle's face, telling him that sometimes there are other reasons besides money to restrict going abroad.

He thought about this reason for a long time, but he didn't understand it. At first, he thought that Aunt Liu earned all the money in his family, so Song Boyang was embarrassed to use Aunt Liu's money, but according to his uncle, it means that his father has money.

Although it is not a lot of money, it is enough for their family to live a good life in the beautiful country.

Since you don't understand, Tuanzi said, then ask.

(End of this chapter)

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