Chapter 351
Liu Wen heard someone knocking on the door, but she didn't want to move, "Someone knocking on the door."

At this point, it should not be Liu Shuhui who came to find her, because she is also busy today.

As the most promising and profitable daughter-in-law of the Liao family, Liao Jian's parents liked to hear neighbors praise Liu Shuhui for being amazing.

Every time at this time, they feel that they have gained face. As for the appearance, they feel that this is not a problem. Anyway, they are a couple with very big children, so they can't be forced to divorce.

In fact, they had thought about this before, but unfortunately, Liao Feng disagreed.

Now don't say that Liao Feng disagrees, but they all will not agree. Who doesn't know that Liu Wen likes to take Liu Shuhui with her when she gets rich, and no one will take Liu Shuhui with her except Liu Shuhui.

If Liao Feng and Liu Shuhui were allowed to divorce, wouldn't it mean that the money Liu Shuhui earned after the divorce would have nothing to do with the Liao family?
So now the old lady has changed her mode. She no longer treats Liu Shuhui with a pointy and indifferent attitude, but has become much more amiable, like a good mother-in-law.

It's a pity that the current Liu Shuhui is not the stupid girl she used to be. Regarding the changes in her in-laws' family, she maintains an attitude that she will pay what is due to them, and there is no extra money.

Back then they were having a hard time, and they didn't see anyone helping them. It's no longer difficult, and monthly filial piety money is indispensable.

Since it was done this way before, of course it will continue to be done like this now.

As for being a mascot occasionally, if she has time and she is in a good mood, she will appear once or twice.

As for more excessive demands, sorry, she doesn't have that much time and energy.

And on the first day of the new year, everyone will celebrate the new year, which is also the best opportunity to show off. Liu Shuhui will cooperate a little bit, so that everyone will be in a good mood.

Liu Shuhui, who spent most of the day socializing, knew that she must be very tired, so it was impossible to come here.

Who could it be? Liu Wen was very curious. Liao Jian and Liao Jian had already been here this morning, and there was a high probability that they would not come.

In the past, after attending family gatherings, they would come to Liu Wen to complain about one or two things, such as looking down on them verbally, and grandparents' partiality.

But now, whether it is the Liao family or the Liu family, their attitude towards them is not the same as before. It can be said that they are all flattering them.

After Liu Wen thought about it for a while, she couldn't remember who it would be. As for the neighbors, they either had dinner at home today, or went out to visit relatives and eat at the other party's house.

Tuanzi looked around and found that no one moved, knowing that he was the only one to complete this difficult task.

"I'll open the door." He said as he walked out the door.

As soon as they opened the door and entered the yard, Tuanzi's body trembled. Because the heating was turned on at home, they only wore a sweater in the house.

Staying in a warm environment all the time, I forgot to ask for a jacket. Even though Tuanzi was young and strong, he still couldn't help but feel cold.

He rushed to the gate at high speed, opened the gate, and was about to ask who the other party was, but unexpectedly it was Liu Bin.

What is he here for?Tuanzi slandered in his heart that they occasionally met in the small town, and everyone knew who the other was.

But every time everyone glanced at each other, they just kept on doing what they should do, without smiling or saying hello, just treating each other as a stranger.

Tuanzi didn't know why Liu Bin came here, but he also knew that the person who came here must be a bad person.

Tuanzi didn't make a sound, just looked at Liu Bin like that.

Liu Bin felt very uncomfortable. It was obvious that Liu Wen was his sister, his own sister, but in the end she always treated him as nothing, neither invited him to eat, nor gave him money.

On the contrary, it was a good thing for the kid in front of him. The more Liu Bin thought about it, the more unwilling he was, "That's my sister."

Looking for your sister?Tuanzi's first reaction was, if you were looking for your sister, why did you come here to look for it? Could it be that something happened to Yao Ying?
He remembered that a few days ago, Yao Ying made another mess in front of her house.

Also, Liu Yi came here yesterday, but of course he returned without success.

As a result, Liu Bin came over today, and Tuanzi laughed at Liu Yi in his heart. They really sent out all the people who could be used.

No, Tuanzi finally understood why he felt strange before, but now he remembered that it was Liu Bin's sister, not only Yao Ying, but also Liu Wen.

Fortunately, Liu Wen has broken ties with the Liu family. Otherwise, just imagine, if you want to call Liu Bin, uncle, Tuanzi feels that there is no way to accept it.

This guy is really stupid, stupid to death, his cousin brothers and sisters are flicking his money, trying to prevent him from learning well, but they didn't even notice.

No, not only did he not find out, but he even thought that the other party was a good person. How could such a stupid person be his uncle.

"Is she there?"

"Is Liu Wen here?" Liu Bin was furious. He really didn't know where it came from. Now he wanted to see his sister, but this person actually blocked him in various ways.

"Do you have anything to do with her?" Tuanzi blocked the door, and Beibei also ran over.

For the dumplings, Liu Bin is not afraid at all. He believes that he can push the dumplings down with a light push.

But looking at Beibei who was squatting beside him, he was scared, if he dared to push the dumpling, Beibei would definitely dare to bite him.

"She is my own sister. Do I need a reason to see my sister?" Liu Bin shouted.

Liu Wen waited in the room for a long time, and found that Tuanzi went to open the door, but hadn't come back for a long time, thinking who it was, and was just about to go out to have a look.

If you didn't expect to hear someone shouting for your sister?Who?Liu Wen felt that this voice was so familiar, but she still couldn't remember who it was.

Roubao walked to the door and took a look, "It's Liu Bin."

Roubao didn't understand, "Why did he come here?"

Ah, is it Liu Bin?Liu Wen didn't understand. Although Liu Yi and the others plotted against her in various ways before, only Liu Yi and Yao Ying came forward.

Pang Yue didn't show up because she was worried that she would irritate Liu Wen and mess things up instead.

As for Liu Bin's words, Liu Yi and his wife were reluctant to let their precious son be reprimanded by Liu Wen.

Liu Wen didn't use such a hole card before, how could he use it now, Liu Wen Liu Wen was a little puzzled.

But judging by his appearance, he probably won't leave if he doesn't see her, so let's ask what's the matter.

Walking to the window, "Tuanzi, let him in." Liu Wen motioned for Tuanzi to let him in.

Tuanzi didn't expect Liu Wen to let him in, but no matter how dissatisfied he was, he had already said so, so he could only let him go.

When Liu Bin heard Liu Wen tell him to go in, he was frightened, "I told you a long time ago, she is my own sister, how could she ignore me."

Liu Bin swaggered in excitedly. Liu Wen looked at the way he walked, "Do you think the way he walks looks like a gangster?"

"An ignorant bastard."

Liu Wen didn't care if what she said would make Liu Bin unhappy, because what she said was the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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