Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 359 The Popular Babe

Chapter 359 The Popular Babe
After receiving Liao Jian's reply, Song Boyang talked with Tuanzi and Roubao about going abroad.

Tuanzi and the others knew that if there were no accidents, they would definitely study abroad.

They only went abroad because of the two of them, no matter whether it was Liu Wen or Song Boyang, at most they went to visit them once or twice, but they stayed with them there for a long time, so don't even think about it.

They have already made it up, only the two brothers plan to depend on each other abroad.

In the end, I didn't expect that there was a big surprise. The two brothers Liao Jian and Liao Jian were able to study abroad with them, and the two of them were absolutely happy.

So when they heard Song Boyang say that, they didn't find it strange, but thought it made sense.

"Brother, when you can take the driver's license test, take the test immediately, so that when we arrive in the beautiful country, we can also have our own car." Tuanzi was excited.

Originally, I thought it would be a long time before they became adults, and I didn't know whether they would be old enough to get a driver's license when they went to study in a beautiful country.

If they didn't get a driver's license, what would they do if they wanted to go out? They couldn't always look for Song Bohua.

Although they also admitted that Uncle is a good person, he is a relative after all, so he can't always bother him.

Tuanzi didn't think about it at all, and I was very embarrassed to trouble Song Bohua, so could it be enough to trouble Liao Jian?
If you ask him, he will definitely tell you firmly that Song Bohua is an uncle, so he should be treated politely, and Liao Jian is a big brother, and it is normal for an older brother to help a younger brother.

"When we all have driver's licenses, we will also drive around the beautiful country." When Song Bohua chatted with Tuanzi and the others, he would talk about his life there, and Tuanzi remembered that he drove to many places.

Of course Liu Wen knew that people would go there to study, and would definitely drive around to play, but she didn't expect that the child had already had this idea before going out.

He glanced distractedly at Song Boyang, wanting to see what the child's father thought.

Song Bohua drove around half of the beautiful country, and Song Boyang had heard him mention it a long time ago.

It's not surprising that Tuanzi would know, he just hoped that through this method, he could agree to study in a beautiful country.

Now it seems that Song Bohua's strategy was right, but what he didn't expect was that Tuanzi wanted to hang out with his brothers.

But, Song Boyang thinks that his child is a little too arrogant. You say that the child wants to play, which is normal.

Don't talk about children, even adults like to go out to play, but the question is, can we not be so arrogant, can we scruple the existence of his old father.

Just as Song Boyang was about to say something, he saw Liu Wen scan over, well, forget it, they can do whatever they like, anyway, they will make demands on them when the time comes.

Liu Wen didn't know that it was because she glanced at Song Boyang that he changed his mind.

What she wondered was that Song Boyang was really not usually enlightened, since he was stunned, he didn't say a word to teach Tuanzi and the others a lesson.

Liu Wen just wanted to say that he was a father who really dared to let go. If he were an ordinary parent, even if he didn't reprimand him, he would still say that he should study hard when going abroad.

Since he didn't say anything, she shouldn't be too fussy, and she also believed that even if he let go, Song Boyang would not really let their studies go.

Even if he let it go, Song Bohua would not agree, he would definitely find Song Boyang and let him manage one or two.

It's more about trusting Liao Jian and the others. With the two of them around, Tuanzi's performance will definitely not be bad.

Before lunch, Liu Wen and the others arrived at the place where they rested today. Because they had greeted them in advance, the staff did not show any surprise when they saw a big dog entering the guest house.

Although they don't have much contact with dogs in their usual work, they are familiar with Beibei.

So after knowing that Beibei's owner was going south to Yangcheng due to a job transfer, the family decided to drive south to bring Beibei with them. That was so touching.

You must know that driving all the way from Sioux City to Yangcheng is really not an easy job, and it is not an easy job for an experienced driver to drive all the way south, let alone Liu Wen and the others.

Generally, when encountering such a situation, many people would find a new owner for their dog, but Liu Wen and the others would rather work harder along the way and take Beibei south. This is definitely treating Beibei as their own family.

Liu Wen was worried that if they traveled all the way south, even if they lived in a related guest house, would they be annoying.

Liu Wen thought that Beibei was very good, but she couldn't stand Beibei's size. Many people would exclaim when they saw him, and would keep asking if he would bite.

In the end, I didn't expect that the feeling of checking in today would be very good. She was relieved to receive them warmly and greet Beibei warmly.

"Don't worry." Song Boyang whispered in Liu Wen's ear.

Rao Tao Yu said that the arrangements for the journey had already been made, but he knew that Liu Wen was still worried. He was always worried that someone would hate Beibei along the way and would make things difficult for them when they checked in.

Fortunately, the first stop gave people a good feeling, and Song Boyang also heaved a long sigh of relief.

After checking in, I ordered something to eat directly at the place where I lived.

Asked the staff here.They all said that, except for the shopping malls, restaurants were closed, so Liu Wen and the others settled it directly at the guest house, saving the time to go out and find a place.

After they had eaten and drank enough, they put Beibei in the house, not because they didn't want to take him out, but because there were some places that he wasn't suitable to go to.

Fortunately, Beibei is a sensible dog, even in this strange Di Fan, he didn't make any noise.

Seeing Liu Wen's worried look, Song Boyang took her hand, "Don't worry, Beibei will be fine."

Beibei is a strictly educated dog, and she will never bark unless necessary.

It's not that Liu Wen doesn't know that Bei Bei is a good dog and usually doesn't make trouble, but she just doesn't feel at ease.

"After all, this is a strange place for Beibei."

Song Boyang doesn't like Liu Wen putting too much energy on Beibei, although Beibei is very good.

She raised her chin and motioned Liu Wen to look at the children happily walking in front, "Look at how happy they are."

Well, Liu Wen also knows that for Tuanzi and the others, they will be very happy when they come to a strange place, although they haven't eaten the food made by the good restaurants here.

But it doesn't matter, it's not a pity if you can't eat delicious food, and there are still beautiful scenery to see.

Tuanzi thought it over, if someone looks down on him at that time, it doesn't matter, let them know that although he is not from Yangcheng, he is not a bumpkin.

He has taken a train, taken a plane, and even drove all the way from Sioux City to Yangcheng. He doesn't believe it. After saying that, he can't hold back these people.

Although he is not from Yangcheng, he also knows that not all Yangcheng people are rich, and some people's family conditions are just average.

(End of this chapter)

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