Chapter 378
Gong Li originally wanted to agree with Liu Wen's idea of ​​wanting to study. It is good for BJ people to study more and get a diploma.

Maybe Song Boyang didn't care, but if Song Bohua kept chattering on the sidelines and Song Boyang changed his mind, what would he do?

In the end, I didn't expect that before she could speak out, I heard Liu Wen changed her mind.

Well, the little girl is like this, she has this idea for a while, and then that idea for a while, and she is a person with a lot of ideas.

Thinking about it again, Song Boyang also liked Liu Wen at the beginning, so he married her, and he didn't say that a diploma is very important.

If he really valued diplomas, where would it be Liu Wen's turn? He already had a target candidate.

As for Song Bohua, even if he was dissatisfied with Liu Wen, he could only talk to Song Boyang, but his tutor would not allow him to say anything bad about Liu Wen.

As long as Liu Wen didn't do anything out of line, Song Bohua wouldn't really insist on Song Boyang changing his wife.

Looking at the relationship between Tuanzi, Roubao and Liu Wen, you can tell that the relationship between them is really good, and it is definitely not pretending.

Even if it is really changed to a so-called woman who is knowledgeable and courteous, will she really be good to the dumplings?
Thinking of this, Gong Li couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It wasn't because Song Boyang was rich now that he didn't want Liu Wen's marriage to be disturbed.

Rather, she was worried that if something went wrong with Liu Wen and Song Boyang's marriage, it was very likely that Liu Wen would not remarry.

Although Liu Wen is no longer married, it doesn't matter, you can tell Xiaoshan and the others to take good care of Liu Wen.

But the problem is that the two of them have no intention of getting married until now, not to mention having the intention of getting married, and they have not seen any sign of a partner.

At that time, who will take care of whom will be a problem. For example, Gong Li has been comforting herself non-stop, saying that it all needs fate, and when fate comes, they will be able to start a family and start a business.

I don't know how long this kind of thinking will support her. Up to now, she feels that she has no way to support it.

Forget it, she is the only one to worry about this matter, there is no need for Liu Wen to worry too, "By the way, have you and Xiao Song considered having a baby?"

Gong Li remembered that Liu Wen had been married for several years, but she hadn't had any children yet. What's the reason?
Song Boyang has two sons, so he must be able to have children. As for Liu Wen, she also had a check-up before she got married, and it can be said that she is in good health.

Since both of them have no health problems and both can have children, why did they not see Liu Wen give birth.

Gong Li didn't know if it was due to fate, or Song Boyang didn't want to be a father anymore. After all, he also had two sons, and someone took care of him until his death.

But it's a bit unfair to Liu Wen. Although the dumplings and meat buns have a good relationship with Liu Wen, after all, they don't have their own children, so they will always feel regretful.

Is this the birth of the legend?Liu Wen knows that Gong Li is also doing it for her own good. Sometimes after a long time of marriage, no matter how deep the relationship is, it will gradually fade away.

There are various reasons such as having children to support marriage. It can be said that having children will make men more responsible.

Liu Wen understands these principles, and Gong Li must also think that it is really difficult for her, no matter how anxious she is, she still persists until now.

"I didn't think about having children before because of the dumplings and meat buns. After all, they lost their mother first, then left their familiar environment and came to live in Sucheng."

"Even if they came to Sucheng to live with them, they were taken care of in various ways, but I have to admit that they were still quite hesitant."

"In addition, we had to consider going back to work in Shencheng at that time, and then we would be in a hurry and all kinds of chaos."

Liu Wen brought up the idea of ​​why she had been married for so long without having a child, "If I had a child, I would bring the child and come to Yangcheng from Shencheng. Thinking about it would be scary."

Rao brought Tuanzi and the others this time, they are also very sensible, and it can be said that they have done a lot of things along the way, so she is still very tired.

That's it, Gong Li couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good."

As long as you have the idea of ​​having a baby, that's fine. As for when the baby will come, it all depends on fate, so there's really no need to be nervous.

"Tell me when you are pregnant."

"And after giving birth, tell me that I will take care of your confinement." There is no natal mother, and no mother-in-law to take care of her. Even if Song Boyang and the others can take care of Liu Wen, they will not be able to take care of her well.

Only those who have experienced some things can know how to take better care of them.

Gong Li reckoned that once Liu Wen really gave birth, she would definitely not ask her to take care of Yi Er, and calling Liu Shuhui to Yangcheng to take care of Yi Er was also unlikely.

Their husband and wife are the kind of people who don't like to trouble others, especially Liu Shuhui has to come to Yangcheng from Sucheng to take care of him, which means completely letting go of things in Sucheng, which is not good.

Gong Li felt that she was up to the task and would definitely be able to take good care of Liu Wen.

Liu Wen knew that if she did not agree, Gong Li would not be at ease, "Okay."

"At that time, I will hire a nanny." After having a child, there will be many more things at home, so I still need to hire a nanny.

And at that time, Zhang Cuihua should be able to take care of the new nanny.

Gong Li had heard Liu Wen mention before that they wanted to hire a nanny, but they forgot to ask her, "How is the nanny?"

"It looks good so far." Liu Wen hoped that Zhang Cuihua could do a good job. After all, she felt tired after changing babysitters all the time.

After the news got out, everyone would think that she was a picky person, otherwise why would the nannies often have to be replaced.

"Be nicer to the babysitters." Now there are more people with good conditions, and some people will float when they have money.

Gong Li has heard that there are people who look down on the nanny, look down on the nanny verbally, and even beat the nanny.

She really didn't understand what those people thought. They came out to work, not the former servants and long-term workers. If something really happened, don't worry about what will happen.

But now a nanny who is a little knowledgeable will call the police and file for compensation. If the matter has reached such a stage, the reputation will be bad. If you find a nanny in the future, if someone inquires and finds out that the boss is such a person, they will not be willing to work.

Now here in Yangcheng, there are quite a lot of requirements for nannies. As long as they work quickly, there is really no shortage of jobs.

Liu Wen couldn't stop nodding, "Auntie, don't worry, I'm not such a person."

"I would never do such an unqualified thing." What's the point of bullying a nanny?
When you are in a bad mood, you should vent your dissatisfaction at work, strive to get one or two more orders, or expand the company's scale again, or simply recruit talents.

In short, there are many ways to vent your dissatisfaction. There is no need to target a nanny. Such a person, even if he has achievements in the future, it will not be a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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