Chapter 388 Discussion
It wasn't until later that Liu Wen found out that it wasn't that they weren't jealous, or that they didn't want it, but that they were worried that if the puppy was brought back like Beibei, what would they do if they insisted on eating beef?
You can't abandon the dog because there is no way to provide food for the dog. If such news spreads, can they still go out?
Liu Wen could only smile at the neighbors' guesses. No matter what the reason was, at least it saved her a lot of trouble.

Song Boyang parked the car at the entrance of the hospital and waited for Song Boyang to come out, then took out a book from his purse and read it.

Song Boyang changed his clothes, said hello to his colleagues, and left immediately after get off work.

Originally, he was not a person who was very good at dealing with people. Now that he came to Yangcheng, he discovered his shortcomings more and more, and he was working hard to read books, trying to improve his level in various ways.

As for the relationship with the new colleagues, Song Boyang kept getting to know them, knowing their names and departments, and their general medical level.

If you discuss medical issues, you are absolutely welcome, and of course you can also discuss interdisciplinary issues.

Don’t think that if you are not in one department, you can’t discuss it. You must know that sometimes a person’s body gets sick, and several places are not good. Sometimes several departments need to work together to discuss the condition and give the patient the most appropriate treatment. Method.

Liu Wen knows that Song Boyang's temperament is like this, and she is also worried that his behavior will make the colleagues around him think.

He didn't mention it, but Liu Wen asked Gong Li, and the latter couldn't stand Liu Wen's questioning, so he said helplessly that Song Boyang's popularity in the hospital could not be said to be bad.

It's just that everyone thinks he is more noble, yes, that's right, he is noble.

When Liu Wen heard Gong Li say that, she was stunned, not understanding why she would say that about Song Boyang.

Anyway, based on Liu Wen's understanding of Song Boyang, he really has nothing to do with Qing Gao.

In the end, Gong Li said that Song Boyang was either busy with work or had some time to spend with his family, not to mention that he usually went out to eat with the representatives of the pharmaceutical factory.

It is rare to go out to parties with colleagues or to participate in departmental parties.

Song Boyang participated in such activities, not to mention not many times, it can be said that the number of times he participated in such activities was very small. In addition, it was later reported that the conditions of the Song family were good, and some gossip spread in the hospital.

It means that Song Boyang looks down on his colleagues, thinking that they are either not as good as him, or they dislike them for being poor.

Liu Wen still remembers that when she heard this, she was dumbfounded, and she didn't understand how it was so good that such rumors would spread.

What she didn't expect was that there were still people who would believe the rumors and rumors about this kind of problem.

And Song Boyang changed to work in Sioux City Hospital, because he knew that he would stay for three years at most, and he would definitely leave when the time came, so he was busy imparting experience and lessons.

As for getting along well with those people, it's really not what Song Boyang is good at. It's still the same sentence, it's better to improve medical skills than to have a good relationship with people.

After coming to Yangcheng, even if he knew that there were not too many accidents, they would live here for a long time in Yangcheng, but he still didn't want to make any changes.

After Song Boyang said goodbye to his colleagues one by one, he went outside. He was not in the mood to care about how his colleagues would discuss after he left.

Anyway, it was nothing more than hurting him. If his daughter-in-law came to pick him up every day, he could only say that if they were jealous, they could ask their daughter-in-law to pick them up.

You don't necessarily need to have a car, you can also have a bicycle, or a motorcycle. Anyway, the point is that you can do it when you want it.

Just as Song Boyang left, the doctors and nurses walked to the window and looked down. They saw a familiar car parked below without any surprise.

"I really envy Dr. Song."

"Good medical skills and money."

"I heard that his sons are also amazing. They are friends with foreigners. Last time I met his two sons on the road, I heard them speak English."

The doctor who said this was dizzy when he recalled what he heard at the beginning.

"When I took the college entrance examination, I gritted my teeth and memorized English words in order to read literature."

"As a result, my English level is just the same. As for speaking English at the beginning, forget it." Every time I open my mouth, I am always worried that I will make a mistake.

As a result, I didn't expect such a young child to speak English easily, which is really incomparable.

A nurse came in to deliver the materials, and happened to hear the doctor discussing that the two sons of Dr. Song Boyang's family communicated with foreigners in English. She couldn't help being very surprised, "Could it be that the sons of Dr. Song's family are planning to study abroad?"

The doctors present all looked at the nurse in surprise, "Don't you know?"

The nurse gave all kinds of answers to the two doctors, "What should I know?"

Several doctors looked at each other, anyway, these are not secrets, "Don't you know that Song Boyang's eldest brother has immigrated to the beautiful country?"

Ahhh, the nurse knew that the conditions of Song Boyang's family should be good, otherwise he wouldn't live in such a big house in Yangcheng, and he wouldn't know how to drive.

Unexpectedly, Song Boyang's eldest brother lived in the beautiful country, and the nurse said that he did not expect it.

Soon she didn't understand, "But why doesn't Dr. Song go abroad?"

Whoever has an overseas relationship now is a shame, and they all try to find a way to go abroad. After all, even washing dishes abroad can make a lot of money.

But the problem is that Song Boyang has such a relationship, so why not go out.

Regarding this issue, how could the people present know, or they also had guesses, for example, the relationship was mediocre, and the other party was unwilling to help, maybe Song Boyang had no money.

That's right, Song Boyang has no money. Regardless of whether he has a big house to live in and a car to drive in China, but with this money, after arriving in the beautiful country, is he considered a rich person?

Maybe it's better than the poor. All kinds of nourishment in China, but not necessarily in foreign countries.

A doctor who knows a little bit about the situation abroad, "I think there may be another reason. We can be doctors in China, but once we go abroad, we can't be doctors."

Ah, as soon as these words came out, all the doctors present exclaimed, "If we don't become doctors, what can we do?"

"I won't really wash the dishes." Although they all joked that if they want to go abroad to work as a dishwasher, they will earn more money than domestic doctors.

But if you really want to be a dishwasher there, no matter who you are, you won’t even think about it. It doesn’t matter if the dishwasher earns a lot of money. This dishwasher will be a dishwasher all his life and has no future. , couldn't find a job.

But being a doctor is different. The older you are, the more popular you will be, especially the better you can raise your children.

Of course, there are also some people present who have different ideas, "Being a doctor in China is good, but we only have a small income, and if we are abroad, we earn more."

Being a doctor is really busy, but the income is really far away

(End of this chapter)

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