Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 392 We need foreign capital

Chapter 392 We need foreign capital

Tang Hai stared and stared at Song Boyang, but all kinds of hairs were showing him.

Song Boyang couldn't help it anymore, "I said, why are you looking at me all the time?"

"Tell me, what's the matter with you." If there is nothing wrong, it will never be like this.

"But let me tell you first, if it's an excessive request, don't mention it."

Song Boyang was worried that Tang Hai would ask for something beyond his ability. There was no other way. This guy didn't do it on purpose, but his brain turned faster and he thought more, and he would often ask for something that made Song Boyang dumbfounded.

These words made Tang Hai very unhappy, "Am I that kind of person?"

"Am I going to do this?" It's too much, it's really too much, Tang Hai never thought that Song Boyang would be such a task.

Song Boyang didn't make a sound, just looked at Tang Hai.

Under Song Boyang's gaze, Tang Hai was the first to give in, "Okay, okay, I admit that some of the things I did before were a little too much."

"But this time I promise, it's really not too much."

"I'm really just mentioning something that you can definitely do, and the requirements are absolutely not high."

Tang Hai has repeatedly stated that his request is not high, and Song Boyang will definitely be able to do it.

After Tang Hai said that, Song Boyang signaled to say it simply.

It must be interesting to let him talk, and quickly mentioned what he thought of on the way to the airport just now when he drove to the airport.

"I was just thinking, don't you have a company in the beautiful country?"

"It just happens to be an investment project, so this project has foreign capital's shares." Huh, yes, it is very easy for that guy to move him, but if he wants to use foreign capital, he has to weigh it carefully.

"Then I'll hire another foreigner to be the boss, and I'll see how he makes trouble." Although this way, the foreigner will have to be paid a lot of money, but it's better than paying that greedy guy.

Asking a foreigner does not know how many troubles he can help solve. The point is that the other party knows the bottom line and will never go too far.

Want to hire a foreigner as the boss?Wow, this idea is really good. Liu Wen knows that foreign capital alone may not be of much use if she wants to deal with some cruel people.

But once a foreigner really enters the company to manage the company's affairs, the other party really has to weigh it.

Now is an era of trying to win and attract foreign investment. If someone really insists on making trouble at this time, let alone whether they will succeed, maybe even the backers will be unlucky.

Such a request, Song Boyang said, "OK, I will talk to my brother then."

"By the way, how much do you want to invest, [-]%?" Normally, Song Boyang's investment of [-]% is enough.

Sometimes Tang Hai also has to attract some people in need to invest, and they also need shares.

This time, of course, Song Boyang followed the old rules.

Tang Hai was just about to nod his head. He did it this way before, and he does it now. Of course, there is no problem.

But if you think about it wrong, you can't do this, "No, at least a majority."

"Yes, more than half."

"In the past, I always thought that for the sake of convenience and saving a lot of trouble, I would bring some people along to make a fortune."

"As a result, they went too far one by one, and they didn't even want to contribute, and they wanted to take the big head."

"If that's the case, why do I have to take them with me?"

"It's not that I'm out of my mind, why can't I make money by myself." That's right, he really is out of his mind.

If he just confuses things like this this time, Tang Hai believes that those people will definitely attack him again, and they will definitely not be ambiguous.

If this is the case, take advantage of this opportunity, simply, and directly tear yourself apart with them.

"In the future, you will invest more than half of my new projects."

"There are still some old projects. I have also thought about it. Increase investment. If they have money, they will invest in it. The shares will remain the same. If they have no money to invest, sorry, their shares will be reduced."

"Continue to bother you to invest at that time." Since some people are used to taking money and don't know what it is, then simply don't take dividends.

Is this going to break off the relationship with those related accounts?Liu Wen knew that Tang Hai was able to make his career bigger in Yangcheng and other places, not only because of his clever mind, but also because of his backing in good times.

It's just that he didn't expect that he planned to take all those people away this time, and Liu Wen couldn't help but feel worried for him.

Song Boyang was also very frightened by Tang Hai's big handwriting. If it was someone else, he would think that it was just saying, but if it was Tang Hai, he knew that there was a high possibility of doing so.

"Don't do this either, don't rush some things, you take it step by step."

"You can't offend them all, right?" Although there is foreign capital support, the problem is that Tang Hai is not a foreigner, and if those people want to deal with him, they can still find a way.

Tang Hai snorted coldly, "Yes, that's right, I just thought about it, since I have fallen out with them, why not just take advantage of this time to fall out together."

"Otherwise, if you fall out with this one today and with someone else tomorrow, it will be a headache to think about it."

"And these years, I have also been very aggrieved. In addition to getting dividends, they also have to force some high-profile people into the company."

"It's okay to just keep them, I just want to change to be quiet."

"But I didn't expect that they are holding a high salary and want to dictate my territory. It's annoying to think about it."

"I see, they are also ready to move. If this is the case, simply do this all to make them all mess up."

Although there are conflicts among them, they will definitely be unanimous when they encounter problems. What Tang Hai wants is that they have no way to take care of others when they are too busy to take care of themselves.

Looking at Tang Hai's appearance, knowing that he already knew what to do, Song Boyang didn't say anything.

He has no contact with those people, and he doesn't know what the other party's temperament is, but he can make Tang Hai so angry, and he knows that the other party must have done something too much.

In a word, he is a person who protects his weaknesses and stands on the side of his friends.

Tang Hai knew that his friend would definitely help him, so he clapped his hands excitedly, "Dude, let me tell you, this project will definitely make money."

"I didn't have enough money before, so I had no choice but to give up, but I didn't expect that you were really..."

Tang Hai was really happy for his friend, "By the way, what do you think about Tuanzi's future?"

"What do you think?" Song Boyang didn't quite understand Tang Hai's meaning.

"The industry they will be engaged in in the future." Tang Hai didn't know if it was in front of Liu Wen, but he was embarrassed to say it, or he really hadn't thought about it.

This, Song Boyang is very straightforward, "I haven't thought about it, after all, I don't know what they think, in short, as long as they like it."

"The family doesn't wait for the money they earn to buy rice." Even if it is an art major, there is no problem. In short, Song Boyang let them develop on their own.

"Just don't do illegal things." This is the principle that Song Boyang insists on. Apart from this, they can do whatever they want.

(End of this chapter)

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