Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 394 Different ideas

Chapter 394 Different ideas
Tang Hai didn't understand Song Boyang's idea, "Since everyone is already planning to eat land, why not build an office building."

"We did a survey, and to be honest, there are more and more people starting companies and doing business."

When Tang Hai first started his business, many people were peddlers. Of course, he also made his first pot of gold in this way.

But when he transformed into a company and expanded his business scale, although it was a bit difficult at the beginning.

It's not like he didn't think about why he had to choose such a path, wouldn't it be good to continue to be a street vendor like before?

But this thought just passed by in a flash, because he was not reconciled, because he knew that there were more people entering this industry, and if he didn't make changes, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stand out and earn more money.

Along the way, he can say with certainty that he is very grateful to himself who persisted at that time, and of course Song Boyang and Tao Yu.

Although they are not in business and cannot give him more advice on this, at least they will make him feel at ease.

And this project, for Tang Hai, he can definitely be regarded as a new milestone in his life.

After thinking about it, he decided to pull Song Bohua, but he couldn't say it yet, he had to ask Song Boyang what he thought first.

After all, he said before that he was allowed to take the majority of the shares, but now with the addition of Song Bohua's words, how to distribute the shares is another problem.

Although perhaps Song Boyang should have no objection, it also conflicted with what he said at the beginning.

Forget it, anyway, this time Song Bohua will stay for a long time when he comes back, and the project is not going to start production right away, anyway, it won't be loaded for a day and a half.

Song Bohua didn't know that Tang Hai was distracted, he just didn't understand, "Why don't you build an office building for rent?"

"The last time I came here, I did some research, and the office building is really not worrying about being rented out."

"And the return on investment of the office building is even greater." Song Bohua could only say that if he was out of his mind, he wouldn't even settle this account.

Although the investment in the office building is a bit large, it is not that big. On the contrary, the return on investment is not ordinary.

Don't Song Boyang know?Of course he knows, but he also has his own considerations, "Now there are more people looking for jobs in Yangcheng, some of them work in foreign companies, their income is high, but the unit does not have a house allocation."

This is one of the reasons why the status of many foreign companies is not as high as that of state-owned enterprises: "They either buy a house by themselves, or they go out to rent a house."

Tang Hai took this very seriously, "Yes, so I have to arrange dormitories for some foreigners I recruit."

There is no way, if the dormitory is not provided, Tang Hai is worried that the company will not be able to recruit talents.

Even so, not many people are willing to come to work. After all, they are not state-owned enterprises, do not have the treatment of state-owned enterprises, and are not foreign companies, which have no development potential.

So even though Tang Hai thought the salary he offered was good, it was difficult to find someone.

But it doesn't matter, once foreign capital joins, will there be no one to invest?

There are a lot of people who invest in China and Hong Kong, let alone Chinese and foreign investment, which also strengthens the idea of ​​finding a foreigner to manage the company.

It's best if you have the ability. If you don't have the ability, it doesn't matter. Tang Hai is sitting behind anyway, so don't worry that that idiot will mess up the company's projects.

"So if I build a house like this, do I still worry about no one renting it?"

"I'm doing a good deed." Song Boyang said that making money is important, but people don't just have to make money, there should be other things.

While waiting for the red light, Tang Hai turned his head to look at Song Boyang in surprise, "Really, sometimes I feel that the gap between me and you is not so big."

"You are too thoughtful." Well, Tang Hai thinks his bottom line is that as long as he doesn't break the law, he can make money.

Song Boyang smiled, he insisted on some things, and Tang Hai was not wrong, "I made money, enough for our family to live on."

"We don't have too much pressure, it's much easier than you, but you are different, you have so many people under you, you have to think about them."

"Really, you really did a good job." Song Boyang really wasn't trying to comfort Tang Hai, but really felt that his friend was already very good.

Regarding Song Boyang's praise, Tang Hai said arrogantly, "Yes, I think so too."

"It's a big burden on my shoulders, and I really have to think about them."

When it's time to praise yourself, of course you can't miss it. After all, if you think about it carefully, he is really not ordinary.

After a while, the car stopped at the door of Song Boyang's house, "I got the house key, do you want to go and see the house?"

Liu Wen knew that Tang Hai had bought the house next door for Song Bohua, but she never went in to see it.

The only thing they know is that if their current house is a dilapidated version, the one next door has been renovated.

It seems that a lot of money was spent on the renovation. The neighbors around said that the previous house made a lot of money, and it was more profitable than my cousin, the former landlord of Liu Wen's house.

But it's a pity that after the house was renovated, they bought a new house not long after they moved in, and the whole family moved out to live in the new house, which is considered to be [-]% new.

It's a pity that no one has lived in a house for a long time. After so many years of decoration, it must be outdated, not in line with the current trend, and of course not in line with Song Bohua's requirements.

Song Bohua hummed, "Okay, I'll go and have a look."

Also think about how to plan the house. Although I don't know if I will be able to live in this house, Song Boyang's house is next door, and it is not very far from Tang Hai's house. It is a very good living environment.

As soon as the luggage was put in the yard, the four of them went to the next door to look at the house. Among them, Tang Hai was the only one who went in to see the house, and he said how well the house was decorated.

It can be said that the other three people want to see how luxurious the decoration is, and they are all looking forward to it.

As a result, the disappointment was as great as the hope. When the door opened, what came into view was a room like a construction site.

Although this is the back door, it can be called the entrance or the storage room if you count it seriously, but it is not so dilapidated.

No, it's not dilapidated, but it feels like a construction site. No matter how you look at it, Liu Wen looks like, "Why do I feel like the decoration was demolished?"

Song Boyang also felt the same way, "How could this be?"

It was even worse than when they entered the next room. The house was not decorated and it felt dusty, but at least it didn't feel like a construction site.

Song Bohua was also stunned, what was the situation, how could there be a gap between the situation of the house and the house that Tang Hai said.

(End of this chapter)

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