Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 401 Ways to Avoid Taxes

Chapter 401 Ways to Avoid Taxes

Liu Wen has been dizzy until now, knowing that the Song family's family background is not weak, it should be quite thick.

But I didn't expect that it would be so thick, although what I'm talking about now is the situation of several funds under the name of the Song family's great-uncle.

But I also want to know, can the total assets of the Song Family Fund, that is, the family fund in name, be low?
Also, as Song Boyang mentioned, they seem to have a separate fund for their long-term family. Liu Wen reckons that he should have learned from his great-uncle.

After all, no one can bear such a calculating person.

"There's nothing to be jealous about." Song Boyang said indifferently, "If it were you, you would also want to start your own business."

"The more things the elders leave behind, there are actually disadvantages. It's easy to make people not want to work hard."

"People have worked hard for a year to earn more money, but if they don't go to work and lie at home, they can get more money. After a long time, some people don't want to go to work."

"There are good ones, at least you can have the capital to start a business." Tang Hai couldn't help but think of those bad things in his family.

"If my mother knew that she could still do this, she set up a fund and the money would be used for me."

"I don't think I'm going to have such a hard life." Although Tang Hai didn't know how much his biological mother left him, he knew that even if there was only a little thing, his life would be much easier.

"Forget it, don't mention this, it's meaningless to mention it."

"I'm doing fine now."

"They took what my mother left me, and there was no sign of them getting rich."

Although Tang Hai said so, it is impossible to just let the Tang family go like this, and they still have to toss them.

As for how to toss this time, Tang Hai also had an idea in his mind. Although it is still an old routine, as long as it has an effect, is the routine important?

It doesn't matter at all, because they are selfish and greedy ghosts, let them eat dogs.

"I think I can do the same thing." What Tang Hai thought was that there was no way to think about his mother's assets.

Although it's not impossible to get it back, but thinking about it, it's not easy, and he doesn't have so much time, and all kinds of troubles for such a small amount of money.

It's better to think about how to deal with his assets, which is the most critical.

Regarding how to operate this area in China, don’t say that Song Boyang doesn’t understand, even Song Bohua, who has already established a fund in the beautiful country, doesn’t know how to operate it.

"Everyone hasn't considered this yet, and they all feel that the money must be left to their own children when the time comes."

"There is no inheritance tax." Song Bohua's body trembled when he mentioned the tax. "Really, you can avoid dealing with many people over there, but you have to deal with the tax bureau."

"You can owe money to anyone, including the bank, but you can't owe tax money."

"That department is really..." Song Bohua once heard Tang Hai complain about the national taxation.

"Tang Hai, you have never been to the beautiful country. If you have been there, you have dealt with the tax there, and you will know that compared with the tax there, the domestic tax is really much better."

Ah, no way, Tang Hai didn't expect that the taxation could be even stricter in foreign countries, and what he didn't understand was that.

"My hard-earned money, which I leave to my children, should, unexpectedly, have to pay taxes?"

When I think about it, I really find it incredible, "When I got the income, I have already paid taxes, so why do I have to pay taxes?"

Tang Hai really couldn't understand, "This is not a sum of money that needs to be taxed twice, this, this is not an ordinary excessive."

"Isn't it that we used to say that the team led by someone Jiang is the one who pays thousands of taxes?"

Tang Hai was speechless when he thought about it. He felt that no matter what, in a word, taxes must be paid.

"But, I didn't think about setting up a fund at first, but then I thought, no, if I don't do it this way, in case something happens to me."

Song Boyang didn't like to hear this word, "Brother."

"Okay, what to say."

Song Bohua knew that Song Boyang didn't like to see people close to him die, so he patted his hand gently.

"Don't worry, your brother and I will definitely be careful and careful."

"But you also need to know that there are some things that I really can't just be careful about."

"There are really too many accidents in life, and now I have to fly frequently."

"Although it is said that the plane is relatively safe, but this thing, if there is no accident, if there is an accident, it is really not a trivial matter."

"Even if it's not an airplane accident, cars are prone to accidents, and many people die in car accidents every year."

"Not to mention drowning, choking to death and so on." Although some death methods are in the minds of many people, they find them particularly interesting and incredible.

But it happened, Song Bohua just knew too much, "I hope to live a good life more than anyone else."

"Otherwise, wouldn't I be bullied by the clansman over there again? I have to live well, and I want to live better."

"In this way, those relatives who look down on us and think that we are bumpkins from the mainland are so angry that they don't talk about it, and they can only swallow all their dissatisfaction in their stomachs."

"But sometimes you have to be prepared, and it's better to be prepared than not to be."

"I also made a will."

"Ah, a will?" After getting in touch with the people in Hong Kong City, Tang Hai already knew what a will was.

Tang Hai never thought that people of their generation would have already written this thing early.

"Write this now, don't you think it's bad luck?" Tang Hai said that if he was five or sixty years old, he would not hesitate to write a will.

But how old is Song Bohua now, that is, in his 40s, is he already going to write this?

Tang Hai became confused, he felt that in front of Song Bohua, he was really a fool who didn't understand anything.

"Everything is prepared for the unexpected." Tang Hai felt tired after thinking about it.

It was already tiring and tossing enough, but in the end he still had to think about it. Really, Tang Hai wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he shut up and didn't want to say it.

"Accidents don't know when they will come. If possible, no one wants accidents to come to your door."

Song Bohua said so much because he wanted Song Boyang to make a will. Although in the eyes of the country, he felt that he was cursing himself by making this when he was only in his 30s, but he still wanted to persuade Song Boyang.

After discussing for so long, seeing Song Boyang's appearance, he didn't have much objection to the will. Song Bohua couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. He felt that maybe this matter would really follow his will.

Song Boyang didn't know that Song Bohua had said so much eloquently, and it was this idea.

He really thought that it was Song Bohua who saw the situation of Tang Hai's family, so he made such a point.

(End of this chapter)

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