Chapter 403 Thoughts
Liu Wen yawned and was about to rest, only to find that Song Boyang hadn't returned from the Winter Olympics yet.

What's the situation?Still working on a case study?When he was in Sioux City, Song Boyang would often study the best surgical plan in his study.

Liu Wen thought for a while, and went downstairs to go to the first floor to have a late-night snack for Song Boyang. After all, she had to eat and drink enough to use her brain.

But as soon as she opened the door, she saw Song Boyang push the door and enter. Looking at his expression, he didn't feel tired.

Shouldn't it be a case study? "Are you hungry?" Although he was puzzled, he didn't study the case in the study until now, so why did he come back so late.

Song Boyang shook his head, "I'm not hungry, just now I chatted with my eldest brother and ate something."

Ah, with Song Bohua?Have you been together all this time?Liu Wen was very curious. After talking so much today, plus Song Bohua came back on an intercontinental flight, isn't he hungry?

"Did brother rest?" Liu Wen asked casually, "Is it a little difficult to get jet lag?"

That's right, although she has no experience of jet lag, but I heard someone mention it, the last time Song Bohua came back, feeling jet lag was quite hard.

Couldn't it be because of jet lag and feeling unwell today? Before, they were worried that Song Bohua would feel unwell after a long-distance flight, so they urged him to go to rest early.

But in the end, he said that he should persevere and rest at night, so that he could adjust the jet lag faster.

It turned out that Liu Wen glared at Song Boyang viciously, unexpectedly pulling Song Boyang to chat until now.

"You really are, no matter how much you have to say, you can't say it tomorrow?"

"Brother Mingming lives at home, and he has plenty of time to chat." Liu Wen knows that Song Boyang, once the mood gets better, will really pull you to talk for a long time, without even noticing whether you want to rest.

At the beginning, Liu Wen felt embarrassed to mention it, so she endured it.

But now that she has been married for several years, Liu Wen is also not polite. After all, her physical strength is really not comparable to that of Song Boyang.

I don't know what this guy is made of, even if he stays up all night, he can still be full of energy the next day.

I remembered that they used to say about the people in the medical school, that they were all responsible for staying up late, that studying medicine is not a general brain drain, especially before the exam, it is common to stay up late.

Now Liu Wen absolutely believes that for Song Boyang, who is about his age, staying up late is nothing to him.

But the problem is that Song Bohua is an elderly person, how can he stay up late with Song Boyang.

From the look in Liu Wen's eyes, Song Boyang knew that his daughter-in-law must have thought he was pulling Song Bohua.

God knows that he really kept persuading Song Bohua to go to bed early, after all, there is really no rush for things like signing a will now.

How much danger can he be in if he stays in such a place with one-third of an acre of land.

Most importantly, if something happens to him, the property will be inherited by Liu Wen and Tuanzi, there is no problem with this.

As for Song Bohua's concern that Liu Wen, his wife, could get a big head, he really didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Liu Wen is his daughter-in-law. If something happens to him, it is absolutely normal for Liu Wen to get the bulk of the inheritance.

Song Boyang knew what Song Bohua meant, but he just felt that once he passed away, Liu Wen might remarry at some point, so wouldn't he take his money to support irrelevant people.

But Song Boyang knew that if there was such a day, Liu Wen would never do such a thing, and she would definitely stay at home and raise Tuanzi and the others.

Although Song Bohua is his elder brother and Song Boyang respects him, if he is allowed to choose, he still hopes that Liu Wen can take care of Tuanzi and the others.

Song Boyang briefly mentioned to Liu Wen what the two brothers had discussed in the study before, and the latter was stunned.

Liu Wen really thought they were chatting inside to pass the time, such as talking about how to decorate and other issues.

In the end, I didn't expect that they were discussing this issue. Although I was surprised, Liu Wen soon adjusted.

Just like what Song Bohua said, it is better to be prepared for some things earlier than to be unprepared.

"I think what elder brother said is right. You should really consider writing a will or something." In this matter, Liu Wen definitely stood on Song Bohua's head.

What?Song Boyang thought that Liu Wen would feel uncomfortable, but unexpectedly, she agreed to Song Bohua's proposal and stared at her for a long time.

What is certain is that this is really Liu Wen's idea, "Do you also think it is necessary?"

Liu Wen couldn't help nodding, "Of course it is necessary. I don't know the laws of the beautiful country. If you have an accident in China, your money must be left to Tuanzi and the others. Don't worry about it."

She didn't think about Song Boyang's inheritance at all, and there should be her own share of ideas.

Compared with Tuanzi and the others who are still children, Liu Wen said that she can still support herself.

"As for the inheritance in the beautiful country, having a will can save a lot of effort and trouble."

"If someone jumps out and says that Tuanzi and the others are not sons, it will be troublesome to prove it."

After all, once a person becomes shameless, he really cannot use common sense to deduce it. In short, everything can be referred to what happened to Song Bohua after he went abroad.

The main reason is thanks to the people on my uncle's side, standing on Song Bohua's side, otherwise I don't know how long it will be.

"And just like what the elder brother said, it's just a preparation, and it's not really going to happen." Liu Wen looked at Song Boyang's depressed expression, and took it for granted that he should be unhappy because of writing this.

If it were a lot of people, they would be unhappy, as if they were going to burp soon.

"I think I also need to write one." Liu Wen suddenly remembered that if something happened to her, she would burp all of a sudden, which would actually be a lot of trouble.

Maybe Liu Yi will come out of nowhere to fight for the inheritance under her name. After all, he is the biological father and the heir of the inheritance.

Thinking of her hard-earned money, she still has to give Liu Yi part of it, even if he should take a small share, it is disgusting enough for Liu Wen.

In the legal sense, there is no Liu Shuhui and no Gong Li's family. This is also a point that makes Liu Wen not very happy.

Along the way, the two of them really helped her a lot, at least to leave them with a thought.

What's the situation?Isn't it talking about Song Bohwa wishing he could write a will?How did it become so good that Liu Wen also wanted to write this?
Up to now, even though Song Bohua has said a lot, Song Boyang still feels a little strange in his heart, but he didn't expect that Liu Wen would accept it so quickly, and even planned to write a copy himself?
After thinking about it, Song Boyang quickly guessed the real reason why Liu Wen did this, "Are you worried about your father?"

(End of this chapter)

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