Chapter 406

Song Boyang knew the idea he had come up with before, and it felt a bit deceitful.

But think about it again, at least it doesn't solve part of the problem, the problem should be nothing.

As a result, I didn't expect that the problem was not missing one or two at all, but the problem became more and more difficult.

It is really necessary to take it seriously and think about how to complete these problems.

But he really doesn't know how to run a school, and he has never participated in the experience of running a school. Even if he has the opportunity to participate in the future, someone will take the initiative to handle these procedures.

A school like a medical school must be a public school, and it cannot be a private school. After all, doctors are such an important position. If teachers do not teach them well, students do not take classes seriously, and do not study hard, it will really cause big troubles.

But if you think about it again, the higher-ups will definitely raise the requirements for schools such as medical schools, but if it is a school like embroidery that promotes traditional crafts, there is no need for higher-ups to object.

The procedure shouldn't be too difficult, Song Boyang couldn't help hesitating, and he was a little undecided.

Since you can't make up your mind, don't think about it. After all, you want to break your head and don't know how to operate it. You should first ask Tang Hai if he has such an experience.

Or among the people he knows, has anyone ever run a school, which is the kind of private investment.

I am used to encountering some things. When I can’t make up my mind, I will consult Song Boyang of Tang Hai’s first and second. I have never thought about it. His question is really not an ordinary question, and it is really likely to scare a group of people. people.

Song Boyang didn't even notice the problem, and Liu Wen didn't even notice it. She really didn't think that running a school was such a terrifying existence in this era.

She just felt that there were too many procedures to go through, so she tried to dispel the idea of ​​people who had such thoughts.

They don't consider the current vocational education at all, and many people don't realize the importance. After all, the impact of the previous movement and the education industry is not ordinary.

There are really too many talents that are lacking, and it is really impossible to take care of one for the time being, and in some large factories, there are also technical schools belonging to them, which are slowly being established.

In short, Liu Wen at this moment doesn't know about these at all. What she thinks is that Song Boyang knows about these troublesome things. Although he probably doesn't know how to deal with them, it's not because he has his think tank.

If even Tang Hai and the others feel that there is no need to bother, then don't bother now. In a few years, the school should still be able to run.

But there are also troubles. At that time, everyone's life is easier. Although Xiu Niang's income is good, there are many jobs that can make a lot of money. Why do you have to suffer so much?

Troubles, really all kinds of troubles, Liu Wen sighed helplessly, forget it, don't care, let's go to sleep.

There is no need for mediocrity for problems that she can't solve.

Liu Wen turned over and continued to rest. The decoration of the store was almost completed, and it was in a state of finishing, and the next step was the soft decoration.

And this is also very time-consuming and energy-consuming. It can be said that the decoration is not good enough, and it can be supplemented by soft decoration later.

But if the soft decoration is not done well, it will really expand the bad place again, or infinitely magnify it.

Liu Wen thought that it would be best for the store in Yangcheng to have the same decoration style as the store in Sucheng, so that when customers go to Sucheng and see the embroidery workshop, they will feel so familiar.

But it can’t be too uniform, or it will make you feel that there is no new idea, that is, if you look at it roughly, you think it is the same family, but when you look carefully, you can find the difference.

In this way, it takes a lot of thought and thought. If it is the first store, it can be arranged according to Liu Wen's preferences.

But when opening a second store, you really can't be willful, but you have to think more and follow the style of the first store.

Hey, Liu Wen finds it troublesome when she thinks about it, no wonder it is said that it is easy to open a shop and difficult to keep a shop, and now she is facing such a problem.

But no matter how difficult it is, Liu Wen also knows that she can't give up. In the future, Song Bohua will often be on this side of Yangcheng. How about his own shop, let Song Bohua know our strength better.

And there is such a well-decorated shop popping up, it will definitely be discovered by passers-by.

Even if they may not have the spending power, but they can remember our shop, Liu Wen thinks it is already very good.

Maybe when they chat with friends, they will mention such an interesting store. As long as there are many people who spread the word, many people will know about it.

Maybe some people will spread this as a joke, but if it falls into the ears of some caring people, they should remember this shop.

Even if they don't need it for a while, they will remember it once they need it.

Anyway, the embroidery business, not to mention not opening for three years, but three years after opening, but as long as it is opened once or twice a month, it can make money, not to mention there are other businesses to support it.

All she had to do was to guard the shop. Liu Wen was in a bad mood when she thought of guarding the shop.

When they were in Sucheng before, Liu Shuhui and his wife knew that she didn't like to guard the shop, so they guarded the shop most of the time.

Although Liu Wen went there every day, she mostly went there to chat with people, and when she stayed in Yangcheng, she had to look after the shop alone. .

Thinking of this, Liu Wen felt bad again. In short, she must be a salesperson, at least she can be lazy for a while.

But there is also a problem, if you want to recruit a salesperson, it will be done quickly, but if you want to find a salesperson who understands embroidery, Liu Wen feels that the difficulty is not ordinary.

Perhaps very likely, the salesperson should still be recruited from Sioux City, if he really recruits from his hometown.

Although it is impossible to find people in minutes, at least the people recruited, they still know some things about embroidery, so that they can better receive customers.

However, if you can find suitable candidates from your hometown, the question is how many people are willing to leave their hometowns and come to Yangcheng to seek a living these days.

The point is that it is impossible for Liu Wen to give the other party a high salary, not to say that she is stingy, but that she hopes that the basic salary is not high, and if she wants to earn a high salary, then she will get a commission.

Only in this way can the other party be stimulated and have more motivation. In this way, Liu Wen knows that there are not many people who will agree to come with the basic salary alone.

If you are a native of Yangcheng, at least living is not a problem. This kind of operation method should be accepted one or two.

The only disadvantage is that the other party doesn't know anything about embroidery. If you want to recruit such people, Liu Wen must first teach them.

And to turn a person who doesn't know all kinds of embroidery into a person who has passed the theoretical knowledge will definitely require a lot of energy.

Liu Wen's head gets dizzy thinking about it, forget it, don't think about it, don't worry about things that can't be solved even if you think about it.

And it's getting late, go to bed early, or you'll get old quickly, Liu Wen doesn't want to become a yellow-faced woman early.

(End of this chapter)

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