Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 408 She's Good

Chapter 408 She's Good

When they knew that Grandma Gong was going to introduce someone to Dad, they were looking forward to it.

If other people introduce the object, they will really think twice, think about the other party's motives, and worry that they will be tricked.

But if it's Grandma Gong, of course they are absolutely at ease, if they say that besides their father and son, there are people who want their family to be well.

Besides Gong Li, I really can't think of anyone else.

But Liu Wen is really a good mother, and she didn't force them to call her mother, even if they called Aunt Liu.

Every year during the Ching Ming Festival, I would take them to sweep the tomb, and once they had good grades, I would also take them to the sacrifice sweep, saying that this would make my mother happier.

And more importantly, Tuanzi could feel Song Boyang's happy mood.

In the past, Tuanzi would be very unhappy, thinking that Liu Wen would snatch Song Boyang away, but now he doesn't think so.

He knew that there was one more person in the family who cared about their father and son. Someone bullied them and their brothers before, and they could only rely on each other.

It's not that they don't want to talk to Song Boyang, but that he is very busy and cannot delay his work.

Later, after Liu Wen married Song Boyang, they went back to Shanghai once and met their old classmates. Tuanzi's first reaction when he saw them was to avoid them.

During the days of studying in Shencheng, there were happy days and unhappy days. If possible, he really didn't want to see those old classmates, it would remind him of some unbearable past.

In the end, he didn't expect that he didn't want to see the other party, but after the other party recognized them, he came up to them with a smile and said something irritating to them.

For a moment, he really wanted to be the same as before, just punching them a few times, even if he told them that he was a barbarian, it didn't matter.

In short, I have to let out this breath, otherwise I will keep it in my heart, and I will feel all kinds of uncomfortable.

In the end, before he could discuss with Meat Bao how to do it, Liu Wen stepped forward, and after setting the opponent's situation a little bit, he hit him hard.

Even if the classmate's mother ran over later and accused Liu Wen of bullying the child, there was no way to suppress Liu Wen one or two.

What makes the other party even more unhappy is that it's fine to suppress Liu Wen, but it also gets a bad reputation.

Tuanzi knows that Liu Wen is not good at remembering these things. She thinks these things are trivial and insignificant. If you have to keep an eye on such things, life will be really tiring.

But Tuanzi always remembered the excitement between him and Roubao at that moment, because they were also children protected by their mother.

He is no longer a child who can be bullied by others, and the other party is still apologizing in the eyes of many people at Liu Wen's request.

Tuanzi knew this apology, the other party didn't really think it was wrong, he didn't apologize sincerely, even if he apologized sincerely, there was no way to make up for the harm he and Roubao had suffered in the past.

But at least it made that kid lose face, and all kinds of gentleness fell to the ground.

Tuanzi has never been in contact with that mother, and she doesn't know much about it, but one thing I know is that the other party really cares about face.

As a result, he is in such a state of embarrassment and loses face now. After thinking about it, he knows that after their mother and son return, the boy must have no good fruit to eat.

If he hadn't insisted on jumping out, these things would never have happened, and their mother and son would not lose face.

Regarding what happened to this former classmate next, Tuanzi would not feel sorry for him anyway.

When they were bullying the two brothers, why didn't they see each other pity them.

It's a pity that we couldn't see the scene, otherwise, it would be very exciting.

Thinking of this, Tuanzi suddenly felt that he should call his mother.

Although she was not the mother who gave birth to them, in many ways, she really did a good job.

Go to parent-teacher meetings, communicate with teachers, take them out to play, and take them to eat delicious food.

When they are being bullied by others, they will stand up and reason with the other party very seriously.

When they are in a bad mood, she will comfort them, listen to why they are unhappy, and offer some of her thoughts and suggestions.

Compared with many, the mothers of the classmates he knew, did not know how many times better.

Such a good Liu Wen, can't she get their mother?

Although it was Tuanzi who took the initiative to find Song Boyang when he knew that Song Boyang was going to marry Liu Wen, and discussed with him for a long time.

The main reason is that their brothers don't know how to call their mother. It's not that they dislike Liu Wen and think she is bad, but that they want to remember that they still have a biological mother.

If they don't even remember her, who will remember her in a few years?

Originally thought that their proposal would be opposed by Liu Wen, but they followed Song Boyang's request and raised their request with Liu Wen.

Tuanzi still remembered that Liu Wen was stunned when she heard their thoughts, and she didn't make a sound for a long time.

And Liu Wen, who has been silent for a long time, also made Tuanzi and the others worried. Thinking that they would not disagree, they forced them to shout instead.

In the end, I didn't expect Liu Wen to agree to it outright, and said that they are good children, and they will remember their mother no matter what time it is.

The current Tuanzi is no longer the silly kid before, but a Tuanzi who has learned a lot and experienced a lot.

So when they heard that Liu Wen agreed readily, both the dumplings and the meat buns were stunned.

I don't understand that Liu Wen would take the initiative to agree. Tuanzi and Roubao were originally worried that Liu Wen would disagree, so this proposal could not be passed.

But it turned out that Liu Wen would agree so readily, which made Tuanzi and Roubao panic again, thinking that they would not make any plans, and just wait for them to make mistakes on their own initiative.

Although this is unlikely, there is always a contingency in everything. If such a routine is played, how can they deal with it.

But they can't control that much, the marriage is already discussed, and it's not something their two children can object to.

And this is what Liu Wen herself promised, even if she regrets it later, she can't go too far.

It turned out that Liu Wen really didn't care whether they called her mother or not, as she said, although in this world, a mother has too many family members, parents, brothers and sisters, sons and husbands.

But in the end, the person who will still remember her is very likely to be her own son. If it is a man, it is okay if he has never remarried.

If they are remarried, sooner or later they will forget Tuanzi's mother, and by then no one will remember them except Tuanzi and the others.

Either Liu Wen is as generous as the silly big sister, or she thinks of herself in her previous life, and Tuanzi and the others are not the same as those two children. She in her previous life can do it for us, there is no reason why she will not do it in this life.

And whether you respect her has nothing to do with whether you call her mother or not.

(End of this chapter)

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