Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 412 Foreshadowing

Chapter 412 Foreshadowing
In the past two days, Song Boyang has not noticed that people around him are looking at him, which is so strange, but when he asked his colleagues, no one answered him.

Either he said he was busy and avoided his question, or that all kinds of words didn't convey his meaning. It sounded like he said a lot, but after listening carefully, he said loneliness, which didn't explain his question at all.

He couldn't get an answer, although Song Boyang was a bit strange, but since the leader didn't look for him, and nothing happened, and he had to take care of Liu Wen, he didn't have the time and mood to worry about these things.

In the end, I didn't expect that the whole story turned out to be like this. It can be said that I was really surprised.

Gong Li knew that Song Boyang was not a person who was willing to share his private life with others, so he could not talk about some family matters. ,
As a result, it's late now, and she even told Song Boyang what she cared about. If she had told Song Boyang immediately after she knew about it, maybe things wouldn't have turned out like this.

But she was busy with all kinds of things before, and after arriving at the hospital, she was too busy asking about Liu Wen's situation, and she had to enlighten Song Boyang a little bit, so she forgot to mention such things.

"Well, it's all my fault." Gong Li wanted to explain one or two things, after all, they didn't think carefully about this matter.

When Song Boyang knew at the beginning that it was Gong Li and his wife who said it, if Gong Li hadn't admitted it himself, he really couldn't believe it.

Because they also want to explain a thing or two to him and Tuanzi. Even people nowadays want to go abroad, but they don't want people to think that they are xenophiles.

In addition to their words, Song Boyang really doesn't think there is any xenophobia, so such a big hat, he thinks there is no need to let his children stay, and give it to those who need it.

"Auntie, I know Uncle is also doing it for our own good."

"Actually, what I say now is the same as what I will say in the future. My brother is not going to return to China to invest. Before that, Xiaowen followed them and met to see the land."

"Now that I have a satisfactory land, I'm waiting to buy it, and I'm ready to start work, and I've also invested money."

"Including Tang Hai, he has recently taken a fancy to a good industry and asked me to invest, and I also invested."

"Originally, we used domestic money to invest, but recently, something happened, and the speed of capital return could not keep up with the speed of investment."

"Whether it's Tang Hai or my brother's investment, it's the feeling of needing money immediately and starting construction immediately. I really can't afford that much money."

"Later, I thought, we don't have money in the beautiful country, and the rate of return there has been relatively stable. There is no investment in the country, and there are many crafts."

"I just thought about whether I can transfer the funds back, and it would be a waste to save the money there."

"By the way, it's also for Tuanzi and the others to save for college expenses." If you go to a public school, the tuition fee is of course not expensive, and given their current situation, it is affordable.

But once he went to some expensive private schools, Song Boyang was really worried that the fund dividends there would not be enough for the two brothers Huo Huo.

In order not to let them go to college, they would turn into paupers with no previous life. Maybe they were in the third year of college, but because there was no tuition fee, they couldn’t even graduate from a prestigious school. It’s incredible to think about it.

Gong Li didn't study abroad, so she didn't know how expensive the tuition was. She heard Liu Wen say that they had to work hard to make money so that they could send Tuanzi and the others to study abroad.

At that time, she was still thinking about how to let them spend money abroad. She felt that although the family's finances were good, she shouldn't be so fussy.

Later, after hearing Liu Wen mention the tuition fees abroad, Gong Li was stunned. Before hearing a question about tuition fees from a person who went abroad to study abroad at public expense, although Gong Li was shocked, she thought it should be the same. Song Boyang can afford it.

In the end, she didn't expect that most of the schools that Liu Wen and the others chose for Tuanzi were private universities, and the tuition fees really scared people to death.

She also asked why she wanted to go to these universities and could not change to a few universities, and she heard Liu Wen talk a lot about these universities.

She has already forgotten the specific content, but she just remembers one thing, that is, the school is not ordinary, and the alumni who graduated are all well-known people who have lived abroad.

He also said that since he wants to study abroad, as long as Tuanzi and his grades are good enough to go to such a university, there is no reason to give up.

Although the tuition fee is a bit expensive, it will help Tuanzi and the others in the future.

She thought that making money would not be too difficult for Liu Wen and his wife, but she never thought that Liu Wen and his wife would transfer their investment from Pretty Country to domestic investment this time, and how much money they planned to make.

"The money we have over there now is enough for them to go to university in a beautiful country. If they still want to study for a master's degree, I can afford this money."

"After Xiaowen and I have children, I can also send them to study abroad." Song Boyang worried that Gong Li would spend all the money on Tuanzi and the others, and promised that even if Liu Wen gave birth to a child, he would not worry about money.

Gong Li snorted, "I know, you will definitely be level with a bowl of water."

Maybe after Liu Wen has her own child, she will become partial and take care of her child in various ways.

But for Song Boyang, whether it is the eldest child or the third child who was not born, they are all his children, and he will definitely hope to train all the children.

Song Boyang sighed softly, "I don't know when Xiaowen will wake up."

Song Boyang thought for a while, "By the way, aunt, if someone asks you about my brother's investment, ask if you have my shares..."

"I just said I don't know." After Gong Li thought for a while, she still felt wrong, "I said you didn't invest."

That's right, how can I forget that Song Boyang is a low-key person, and of course he doesn't want others to know his family background.

Song Boyang shook his head with a smile, "Say it, auntie, just say that I invested part of it."

"I don't know exactly how much."

"Otherwise, when we buy a car in the future, we don't know how sour it will be." Song Boyang originally wanted to use one car, and there was no need to buy two cars.

But after Song Bohua said that he could get a cheap imported car, he was moved. The shape of the car is more beautiful than the domestic one, and it has high performance.

As for the price, it is a little expensive, but it is comfortable to drive.

Want to buy a car again?Gong Li knew that Liu Wen was the one who picked up Liu Wen before, so it was not a good arrangement. If this is the case, there is no need to buy a car.

"When I used to work overtime, Xiaowen always drove to pick me up at night. It was too hard for her."

"My brother said that you can buy a cheap car, that is, a car with a black plate." Song Boyang mentioned it a little, knowing that Gong Li should know.

A black brand car, Gong Li understood, "It can be bought."

Thinking about it, they are busy with work, and it is convenient to travel with a car.

(End of this chapter)

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