Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 414 How did you wake up

Chapter 414 How did you wake up

Song Boyang turned his head to look at Liu Wen, and instantly became happy.

Just now he put Liu Wen in the middle of the bed, he can absolutely guarantee that her body is in a straight line.

But now, Liu Wen's head has been tilted to one side, and the quilt, which was originally very neat, has become a little distorted now.

This should mean that Liu Wen woke up, even if she didn't wake up, it means that she has reacted.

As long as people react, it's a good thing, and it's better than nothing happening all the time.

Song Boyang took a deep breath and originally wanted to find a doctor. Although he is also a doctor himself, at this moment, he was really worried about himself.

He had just taken two steps, and he still asked the nurse to go to the doctor. In case Liu Wen woke up during the time he left, he felt that he would really regret it.

As for picking up the dumplings, I'm sorry, Song Boyang has long forgotten that they are already grown-ups, and they don't know how many places in Yangcheng they have been to. It can be said that they are very familiar with each other.

It really doesn't work, what's under their noses, is it just for eating?

Not to mention that these two children are rich masters. They have money in their hands, so they can just take a taxi when the time comes.

Gong Li doesn't care about Tuanzi and the others now, of course she is always watching Liu Wen.

The nurse heard Song Boyang's voice and rushed out quickly, while Song Boyang and Gong Li walked to the bedside, wanting to see what was going on with Liu Wen.

The doctor knew about Liu Wen's existence, and he was also a key figure. Besides Song Boyang's wife, he even hired a nurse and lived in a single room.

The point is that these are all at their own expense, and there is no unit reimbursement.

Ever since this woman was hospitalized, Dr. Song would buy a bouquet of flowers every two days, just because his wife liked flowers at home.

Well, with such an operation, he often brings flowers when he visits the family members of patients.

No matter how well the flowers bloom, they will be replaced every other day, and Song Boyang will put the replaced flowers at the nurse's desk.

Oh, by the way, the vases were all bought by Song Boyang. He said that this kind of flowers can make the flowers bloom longer and make people who pass by feel better.

I have to say that the nurse's desk is originally white except for white. With a few more flowers, every time I pass the nurse's desk, I feel much better.

Everyone is talking about how much money Song Boyang's family has. They really didn't think Song Boyang was a rich man before, because they felt similar to them.

As a result, Liu Wen was hospitalized this time, which can be said to let them know that they are both doctors. In fact, there is still a big gap between everyone.

The doctor has just taken over, and the patients in the ward have already patrolled around. It can be said that if there are not too many problems, the next work will be relatively easy.

Doctors are going to pick up books and read conferences. Now the requirements for doctors are higher. They need to improve their education, write papers, and take professional titles.

It's really not easy to be a doctor these days. While improving yourself, you can't let go of your job. It's really not easy.

I can only take a little time to read while I am working in the unit.

As a result, I didn't even read two pages when I picked up the book, when I heard footsteps outside, thinking what's going on?Could it be that the condition of a certain patient has changed.

Putting down the book quickly, I kept praying in my heart, hoping that the illness would not get worse, otherwise, not to mention being able to read quietly this night, whether I could rest well would be a problem.

I also hope that it is not the few patients whose family members are more troublesome, otherwise there will be no good fruit to eat.

After seeing the familiar figure, the doctor couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It was the nurse of Dr. Song's family.

Wait, no way, the doctor thought of this, and the heart that had just let go increased again.

Although Dr. Song is not an unreasonable family member, as a colleague, if something is really wrong and you want to fool him, then don't think about it.

Don't use work to make the other party give up pursuing one or two, because the family has money, and they don't expect to live on such a small salary.

In the end, someone will take the responsibility for this matter. If you think about it, you will know that this matter will be a burden. Who else can it be except him, the doctor on duty.

Thinking of this, the doctor on duty felt that his legs were shaking, as if he was about to faint all the time.

The nurse didn't know that it was because of her figure, but she frightened the doctor on duty quite a bit.

He didn't enter the office either, but stood at the door and shouted excitedly into the room, "Doctor, it's possible that Dr. Song's wife is awake."

What?The doctor on duty was still thinking about what to say when they met Song Boyang and how to rescue him.

In the end, before he could think it over, he actually heard such a sentence from the nurse, which made him happy.

Although I don't know how to wake up properly, but these are not important.

The important thing is that people wake up, and this is a good thing, an absolute good thing.

The doctor, who was originally all kinds of apprehensions, walked with wind, so he picked up some simple tools and walked to the ward.

When the nurse saw the nurse, she wondered if something was wrong with Dr. Song's wife.

Especially the thoughtful nurses among them were so happy in their hearts. Some people expected Liu Wen to get better, but some people expected Liu Wen to have an accident instead.

Only in this way can there be a possibility of success in the upper ranks. Even if she is married to Song Boyang for the third time, if the rumors spread, her reputation will not be very good, but what.

Song Boyang himself is promising, so he can barely be regarded as a wealthy son-in-law, but considering Song Boyang's overseas connections, if he still has assets overseas, he is a proper wealthy son-in-law.

In short, everything is complete now, only one most important thing is missing, and that is when the second Mrs. Song will pass away.

I really don't understand, I have been in a coma for so many days, even the doctor said that I am not sure if I can wake up, it is already like this, but why don't I give up.

Isn't this a waste of money?Really, as medical staff, they often see that the money has run out, and people have not been rescued.

But she can't say it, and she can't complain in front of her colleagues, otherwise, once it reaches Song Boyang's ears, even if Liu Wen dies, it will have nothing to do with her. ,
But it turned out that Liu Wen, who had been lying on the hospital bed like a living dead, she, she would wake up.

This made her so angry that her face twisted.

I also want to know, once Liu Wen wakes up, can there still be her business?
The nurse kept cursing Liu Wen in her heart, but unfortunately, if cursing was useful, there would be no one left in this world.

The nurse thought that no one knew about her little thoughts, and she didn't think that the hospital was so big, and some news spread quickly, but before, everyone didn't care too much for her family's sake.

This time, I saw that every time Song Boyang appeared in the ward, she took the initiative to take care of the situation and understand the situation. No one of you knew her little thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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