Chapter 416 Sit Up
Gong Li thinks she has experienced a lot. Her parents passed away, her sister passed away early, and Tao Zeming wandered on the edge of life and death several times, but she carried it all by herself.

In the end, she didn't expect that just when she thought the good days were coming, things would develop in this direction.

The more Gong Li thought about it, the more she cried, and the tears flowed down uncontrollably, and her crying like this scared Song Boyang a lot.

Although Liu Wen is Gong Li's niece, there are some things that Liu Wen doesn't know, but Tao Yu and Tao Shan, two of Gong Li's biological children, have never experienced it with Gong Li, but he has been with her. experienced.

It can be said that even if Tao Zeming was on the verge of life and death, and even the medical experts were not optimistic, Gong Li did not cry, but persisted firmly.

In the end, I didn't expect that now that Liu Wen is like this, the old lady is crying.

The doctor on duty was dumbfounded. He knew that what he said was routine, which should dissatisfy Song Boyang and the others.

He was also ready to be scolded, but he didn't expect that no one scolded him, but cried out instead.

But the problem is, if he had a choice, he really didn't want to see Gong Li cry, that would really put him under a lot of pressure.

But for the rest, he didn't know what to say or what to do, the doctor on duty panicked.

It can be said that after being a doctor for so long, today is the most embarrassing moment for him.

Just when the doctor was thinking about how to speak, he heard a voice from behind, ah ah ah.

What's the situation?The doctor on duty turned his head and looked back in fear, only to find that Liu Wen, who was lying on the bed, sat up.

Oh my God, what's the situation, his eyes were still rolling around before, and he still thought it was good news.

However, it will take a lot of time to recover completely.

In the end, I didn't expect that the development would be so fast, and Liu Wen would sit up. What's going on.

He has never encountered such a patient, but the director has encountered it, and he has also checked medical books. It seems that there are really not many patients who develop so fast.

But no matter what, at least it's a good thing for Liu Wen to wake up. No matter what, it's better than lying on the hospital bed without knowing anything.

After the person wakes up, he can be treated as he should be treated, and he can also ask Liu Wen's reaction, unlike the treatment plan they formulated before, whether it is effective for the patient or how the patient feels is useless.

No, the patient woke up. As the doctor on duty, shouldn't he report the good news to the patient's family?
Just when he was about to make a sound, Gong Li squeezed over, and Song Boyang also ran to the other side of the bed early.

Compared with the on-duty doctor who is still stuck at the bedside, the nurses are many times stronger. Although Liu Wen was surprised that Liu Wen recovered so quickly, they also quickly made room.

"Don't eat me, don't eat me."

"Beibei, Beibei." Liu Wen in the dream subconsciously shouted, although she knew it would not work.

Song Boyang just wanted to ask Liu Wen how she felt, whether she wanted to eat, and how her limbs felt.

Although these days, nutrition injections are given every day, there will be no lack of nutrition, and the glucose has not been stopped. Liu Wen should not be hungry, but these are not food. Liu Wen, who loves to eat, should want to eat .

If there are only four limbs, Song Boyang will tell the nurse to give Liu Wen a massage every day even if he is lying down.

Including Song Boyang himself, he would help Liu Wen massage once or twice when he had time, but the massage from the outside world was not as good as his own exercise.

As a result, I didn't expect that before the words were asked, I heard Liu Wen kept yelling not to eat her, calling Beibei's name.

Could it be chased by some kind of large carnivorous animal?Then he caught up with Liu Wen, and now he wants to eat Liu Wen in one bite?
Don't look at Liu Wen raising a big dog like Beibei, but Song Boyang knows that Liu Wen is really afraid of big dogs.

Every time Beibei meets a big dog, she will feel better. If she is alone, she can be said to be the kind who immediately retreats.

But now that Liu Wen can be so terrified, she also knows that she must have dreamed of some bad things during the days when she was in a coma.

Yes, that's right, Song Boyang, who is studying cardiology and brain surgery, has read some books about the inside of the brain these days.

Although to him, it feels like reading a bible, but at least let him know a little bit about the situation, for example, he knows that a person is in a coma and may enter a space.

Looking at Liu Wen's appearance now, it should be like this, and this space is a very dangerous place.

Song Boyang knew the current situation, and it was best not to help Liu Wen, but seeing Liu Wen's staggering appearance, he couldn't bear it.

He rushed up quickly and sat behind Liu Wen as her backer.

"Xiaowen, Xiaowen." Song Boyang didn't know what was going on with Liu Wen, whether she was still in her dream, or had woken up.

If it was in a dream, then he couldn't scare Liu Wen seriously.

Thanks to Song Boyang's operation, Liu Wen, who thought she would kill the Tibetan mastiff, thought that she had a hard life in her previous life, she was finally reborn, and her life was on the right track, so why is she so unlucky.

Liu Wen is really unconvinced, obviously her wonderful life has just begun, so she can't admit defeat like this.

Unable to just admit defeat, Liu Wen raised her fist and punched the Tibetan mastiff in the eyes.

Knowing that this should be her last chance, if she succeeded, she would be able to survive, if not, she would almost die anyway.

Knowing that it was the final blow, Liu Wen exhausted all her strength.

The Tibetan mastiff did not expect that Liu Wen would fight back. In addition, Liu Wen hit her eyes again, and after whining a few times, she turned and left.

After seeing the Tibetan mastiff leave, Liu Wen let out a long breath. Although she was very tired and really wanted to rest, she knew she couldn't rest.

What if the dog didn't know where to hide and was waiting to attack her again.

Liu Wen didn't dare to rest either. After swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva, she ran towards the front where the light appeared just now.

Just now she vaguely heard Song Boyang's voice calling her name.

Although there may be a pit ahead, Liu Wen also wants to try one or two.

Anyway, she has already lived again, there is nothing she can't try.

It can be said that in the end, Liu Wen felt tired even when she lifted her legs, and felt that her heart and lungs were about to explode every time she took a step.

But she had no choice but to know that she must be truly safe.

I don't know how long they ran, but after seeing Song Boyang, Liu Wen breathed a sigh of relief, "Brother Song, it's really great to see you again."

After Liu Wen touched Song Boyang's face, she fell down again, because she felt so tired, and if she could see Song Boyang now, it meant that she was really safe.

(End of this chapter)

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