Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 418 Excited 2 Little Ones

Chapter 418 The Excited Two Little Ones
Liu Wen didn't know that she woke up and fell asleep again, which would make Song Boyang all kinds of worried. Now she intuitively felt that she could finally have a peaceful sleep.

In the dream, there is no longer a Tibetan mastiff chasing her, and there is no road that can't be seen at a glance, and there is no foggy environment.

It can be said that she didn't dream of anything, which made Liu Wen breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, when she just closed her eyes and rested, she was really worried that the nightmare would recur.

But now that this has not happened, it is really a good thing. Of course, it is time to take a good rest.

Song Boyang took out a book from his bag and continued to read it quietly.

The nurse also found a corner to stay quietly. She thought again, Liu Wen had already woken up, and she should be discharged from the hospital soon, and she didn't know what would happen to the next patient.

The nurse hopes that she is not a troublesome and picky patient, otherwise she will be tired physically and mentally, and she will not be able to get a good one like this, and will keep muttering about how bad she is doing.

The doctor on duty returned to the office easily. Although Liu Wen woke up and explained, he also knew that he did not do a good job.

But it doesn't matter, many people actually don't know much about coma.

The most important thing is that Liu Wen has woken up, and waking up is the best news. As for why he fell into a coma, why he fell into a coma for so long and other reasons.

Is this important?It doesn't matter, after all, it's a good thing when people wake up, right?

When the nurses saw the doctor coming back, they surrounded him one after another, asking if he had woken up.

The doctor hummed, "Yes, I'm awake."

"But fell asleep again."

"By the way, keep an eye on what's going on over there."

"Although people have woken up, the standard of care cannot be lowered."

The doctor on duty glanced at a young nurse with her head down, shook her head and went back to the office. It was really Liu Wen who woke up, some were happy and some were not.

After the doctor dropped such a blockbuster, he went back to the office and continued to read.

Obviously it is Song Boyang from the Department of Cardiology and Brain Surgery, but now because of Liu Wen's illness, he started to read books on the Department of Neurology, how not to stress people.

As a neurologist, doesn't he have to work harder?
Thinking of what the director had been saying before, he felt that he should also work hard. Everyone around him was working hard, so wouldn't he work hard?
Especially Song Boyang is so rich, and he doesn't rely on this job to live, but is still working hard, why doesn't he work hard.

After the nurses knew that Liu Wen had woken up, they said a few words, and then dispersed to continue working.

As for the upset nurse, I'm sorry, it has nothing to do with them, so I don't have the time to take care of her mood.

What's more, it's a joy to see someone deflated, otherwise every time I see her deflated, I feel uncomfortable.

When a certain nurse heard the news that Liu Wen had woken up from the nurse, her first reaction was, how could it be possible, that she had been in a coma for so long.

Although she didn't ask the director and the doctor to find out about Liu Wen's condition, she actually overheard the director and the others discussing the condition. In her opinion, there is basically no possibility of waking up from the illness that even the director can't help.

In the end, I didn't expect that a person who shouldn't wake up would actually wake up again. How could this be, how could this be possible.

Rao is all kinds of puzzled and ignorant, but people have already woken up, no matter how unwilling they are, they can only be buried in their hearts.

Originally, she just wanted to try one or two, and she wasn't sure if there was any hope, but now that it's all over, everyone has woken up, and there is absolutely no hope at all.

Moreover, Dr. Song's failure was not because he had other goals. A certain nurse was not reconciled, but so what.

In addition to cursing the injustice of God, how could Liu Wen wake up, and he could only bleed in his heart.

Tuanzi and Roubao were stunned when they saw that it was Gong Li who came to pick them up, "Grandma, why didn't my father come to pick them up?"

Mingming morning, Song Boyang mentioned that he would come to pick them up, why is Gong Li picking them up now?

It wasn't that Gong Li had to come to pick them up, but seeing her words frightened the two children quite a lot.

The two thought of a possibility at the same time, could it be that something happened to Liu Wen?
Otherwise, there is no reason not to pick them up?

Of course, there is another possibility that there are temporary patients, so please ask Gong Li to pick them up.

At this moment, the dumplings and the meat buns kept praying in their hearts, hoping that Liu Wen would be okay.

After Tuanzi was mentally prepared, he slowly asked Gong Li, "Grandma, Aunt Liu, is she okay today?"

After Gong Li saw two people getting into the car, "Charlie?"

"He left with his neighbor next door. He was going to see us off, but we said someone would pick him up." Tuanzi explained why Charlie wasn't there.

Gong Li knew that old man Charlie was very busy with work, so she originally thought that they would drop by and send him back together. Now that someone has already sent him back, it will save trouble.

Start the car, "Your Aunt Liu has woken up."

Gong Li was just about to say something more about Liu Wen, but the two children were excited when they heard that Liu Wen had woken up.

"Grandma, is Aunt Liu awake?"

"I'm going to see Aunt Liu." Roubao shouted excitedly.

Tuanzi was also not to be outdone, "Yes, I also want to see Aunt Liu."

"But she didn't say a word when she woke up, and fell asleep again." Gong Li worried that the two children would be disappointed to find Liu Wen fell asleep again after arriving at the hospital, so she gave them a vaccination first.

What?Liu Wen actually fell asleep again, and this remark made Tuanzi and Roubao quite frightened again.

"Didn't you say you woke up? Why did you fall asleep again?" Tuanzi really didn't understand. You said that a person who has been resting for so long is still resting now, what is the situation.

Roubao kept nodding on the side, "Yes, yes, too much sleep is not good for your health."

Roubao looked at Gong Li with a worried face, "Grandma, this time Aunt Liu will not be resting for a few months again."

Tuanzi also raised his heart high, "Obviously he said the problem was not a big one at the beginning, but it turned out..."

In the end, they waited and waited, until now, Liu Wen finally woke up, and ended up saying something again, and fell asleep again, how can the two children not be scared.

"This time, he should wake up soon." Gong Li promised.

It's a pity that the dumplings and the meat buns have heard it countless times in the past. For them, these assurances from adults really have no credibility.

Tuanzi didn't care if he said it politely or not, but he just wanted to say, "Unless I see Aunt Liu wake up, otherwise, I don't believe it."

Roubao kept echoing, "Yes, I want Aunt Liu to wake up. If she wakes up, it will be really good."

They didn't know how many times they had listened to the guarantee before, but each guarantee disappointed them again and again.

In short, they will not be fooled like a fool, they are all smart children.

(End of this chapter)

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