Chapter 428
Although it was late at night, for Liu Wen, she was still in a relatively excited time, and she had no thought of going to sleep until now.

It happened that Song Boyang also had something on his mind, so he asked Liu Wen if she had dreamed anything during the time she was in a coma.

Just asking this, Liu Wen didn't think there was any problem with this, so she briefly explained the matter of her running non-stop.

"Really, you don't even know about dogs, no, you can't call them dogs." Anyway, Liu Wen has seen countless dogs, but to be honest, whenever Liu Wen thinks of such a powerful dog, she will be afraid of all kinds.

"I've heard people mention it before, saying how powerful the authentic Tibetan mastiff is."

"You also know that in my heart, Beibei is the most powerful, but outside, of course I have to be cowardly." No matter when, Liu Wen always remembers that people sometimes have to be cowardly, so as to avoid a lot of trouble.

Song Boyang hummed, "I know you are afraid of dogs."

Liu Wen didn't bother with Song Boyang on this topic either, "Don't say I'm afraid of dogs, you really don't know."

Although it is just a dream, but some things are really engraved in the bones.

Liu Wen roughly described the situation of the Tibetan mastiff, "You don't know, I always thought that Bei Bei's body was big."

"In the end, compared with that dog, there is really no harm if there is no comparison."

Thinking of that dog, Liu Wen's body couldn't help but tremble. At this moment, Song Boyang held Liu Wen's hand tightly.

"It's okay, I'm here, I'm here." Song Boyang finally understood why Liu Wen was so scared.

How can a dog bigger than Bei Bei not scare Liu Wen?

Although I know it is a dream, but sometimes I feel that it is not a general sense of reality.

"It's okay, you've already left, you're safe." Song Boyang held Liu Wen's hand tightly, trying to pass on his sense of security to her.

Liu Wen's originally messy heart, under the comfort of Song Boyang, she is much better.

"Really, you don't know how hard I am, I keep running and running."

"I wanted to stop and take a good rest for a while, but I could hear the Tibetan mastiff running behind."

"Later, I really couldn't run anymore. I felt that my heart and lungs were about to come out."

"And I've been running for so long, but I didn't see the end of the road, and I didn't meet people around, let alone buildings."

"In addition to the road, I just heard the sound of dogs running."

Liu Wen didn't know who attacked her, but thinking about the situation, she could only endure it.

I don't know how long I ran, "Forget it, forget it, I won't run anymore, I'm tired."

"But I didn't expect that I could run so far in my life."

Of course, Song Boyangyi didn't believe it. Although he had traveled a lot and done a lot these days, he thought that no matter how good he was at running, he wouldn't run for that long.

"Aren't you running non-stop in a dream?" Song Boyang understands why Liu Wen feels tired.

Liu Wen hummed, don't look at Song Boyang's reaction, you know that this guy must be laughing at her.

"But what I can know is that I am a person who must have good fortune." Liu Wen knew that many people regretted it, and wondered if they had chosen Liu Wen, would they have sued so much in the end.

After blessing?Song Boyang didn't expect Liu Wen to bring the topic up to this, so he was also stunned, "How could it be brought up on this?"

"Survivors will have future blessings." Liu Wen said very seriously.

Song Boyang didn't expect Liu Wen to say that, he couldn't help being stunned for a while, and then nodded slowly, "It should be counted."

Seeing that even Song Boyang couldn't stop nodding, he was startled, "At first, I thought it was Beibei, otherwise, how could it be so big."

"In the end, I didn't expect that a dog bigger than Beibei came. I was shocked. Didn't Beibei be considered a pretty big dog before?"

"There is no way to compare with that dog."

"You don't even know the size of that dog's mouth." Liu Wen gestured several times with her hands.

The last time I was sure about this size, "You don't even know, I really thought I was going to die."

"Then I heard you call my name, I thought about it, anyway, I still have to try."

"It's not in my nature to admit defeat like this."

"I obviously worked so hard and worked so hard, why the result is still like this, I am not convinced."

"I don't know where the courage came from. I kicked the dog's eyes and neck hard."

"I thought at the beginning that if possible, it would be a good thing to scare him away, at least it would buy time."

"It turned out that I didn't expect it. I actually won it for me." Liu Wen is still dizzy until now.

"Now I really understand a word, that is, people have no limits. You never know how much ability you will exert once you break out."

"It's a pity that it's a dream. If it's the real world, I don't think I'm at this level." It's a pity that it's just a dream, but thanks to it being a dream.

"If it was a real environment, I think I would be scared to death." Liu Wen said with lingering fear.

"After all, such a powerful dog." Liu Wen is still scared to death thinking about it now.

"There is actually a dog that is more terrifying and powerful than Bei." Liu Wen couldn't help but sigh.

"Tibetan mastiffs are very powerful." Song Boyang has never raised a Tibetan mastiff, but he has heard people mention it.

"The dog snow area is also very powerful, but it is difficult to tame it."

"Isn't it because the food is too big?" Liu Wen remembered that raising Tibetan mastiffs was popular in later generations. Of course, Gong Jun also followed suit, saying that the daily food was hundreds of dollars.

Of course, for Gong Jun, there is no possibility of not being able to afford it, but for people nowadays, it is rare for people to buy ten catties of chicken, beef and pork every day to feed a dog.

It's not that there are no rich people, but that rich people would rather spend their money on other things, such as eating, drinking, clothing, and women, rather than raising Tibetan mastiffs.

Is the Tibetan mastiff's food good?Song Boyang didn't ask the other party this question, but considering that the dog's mouth is so big and bigger than Beibei's body, it should be really expensive.

"But you are really good." After Song Boyang knew what was going on, he kept praising Liu Wen. His daughter-in-law was really good, and she was able to persist for so long in front of such a powerful dog.

At first, Liu Wen wanted to express arrogantly that she was so powerful, but after thinking about it, she was really a fool, "I am also stupid, if I gave up running for my life earlier, would I be able to wake up earlier?"

This, Song Boyang is not sure, "Whether I can wake up earlier, no one knows."

"You must know that the brain is a very complicated existence."

"Medical medicine has been developed for so many years. How to say that, the research on the brain has always been there, but it can be said that until now, we don't know if there is [-] to [-]% of the understanding of the brain."

(End of this chapter)

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