Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 430 Arrangement

Chapter 430 Arrangement
Liu Wen, who had finished her breakfast, tidied herself up a bit, and followed Song Boyang and the others to the store.

After arriving at the place, Song Boyang took out the key and opened the door, and Liu Wen looked at the familiar door.

"It really feels like Sioux City." Liu Wen stood in front, looking at the decoration of the door and the facade.

It's really familiar, with the feeling of Su Cheng, "I know this, my brother-in-law must have gotten used to it."

Liu Wen pointed to a few familiar places, well, the embroidery workshop in Sucheng, Liao Feng polished it like this, and when he arrived in Yangcheng, he still polished it like this, it felt like his exclusive logo.

Song Boyang walked in and took a look, "It's true, brother spent a lot of time here at the beginning."

Taking out the key and entering the house, Liu Wen scanned around, "Brother-in-law has really worked out."

When he was first reborn, Liao Feng was not as powerful as he is now, and it can be said that he grew up step by step.

Song Boyang hummed, "So I thought about calling my brother and sister when the store opens."

"However, is there still time to decorate this?" Although the hard decoration is done, the soft decoration will definitely take a lot of time, and I don't know if one month will be enough.

"Why not enough?"

"For the furniture, I have already chosen it before." When the hard decoration is in progress, the soft decoration is actually also in progress, and Liu Wen has already chosen almost the same.

"In the afternoon, we will go to the factory to buy goods." Liu Wen thought for a while, "I remember to put some payment deposits in a drawer in my study."

Liu Wen pointed to a certain place and said what furniture she planned to put, "Just wait for the furniture to come in."

"After the furniture enters the market, we can start to furnish it."

"Then ventilate, some things are just right for my sister to bring when they come."

"It just happens to let my sister and the others take the plane." In such a hot day, Liao Jian and his two boys can just take the train as an experience.

But for Liu Shuhui and the others, they don't have to work so hard, and they still have to go back to look at the store, so it's better to take the plane quickly.

"Then take a look at what else is needed, just enough for them to bring health."

Liu Wen didn't have any embarrassment about ordering her two nephews, the little boy just wanted to use them in various ways, as a strong laborer.

Song Boyang was already used to Liu Wen encountering troubles, even looking for Liao Jian's behavior, he didn't find it strange.

Song Boyang looked at the huge store and couldn't help but sigh, "I was a little conservative back then."

If you ask Liu Wen if she has any regrets about this store in Yangcheng, she will definitely say that she really regrets not buying another store in the first place.

But if you buy one more shop, the shop will look bigger and more stylish.

It's a pity that there were no suitable shops around, and Liu Wen had no choice but to buy two.

Originally, she thought that the two shops were not bad, and there were also two shops in Sucheng, but she forgot a very important point.

"I even forgot that there are partitions in Sucheng, but here, there are no partitions."

Liu Wen is helpless, if she can choose again, she should have considered it at the beginning.

Song Boyang actually discovered this problem when he came here before, but he couldn't tell Liao Feng because Liu Wen wasn't there.

"It's okay. When the business gets better in the future, if there are shops around, we can think about it." Song Boyang noticed that there were already shops around.

When I came here last time, none of the surrounding shops were open, and they were still in the renovation stage, but now they have all started to open.

"I can only think this way." Liu Wen said helplessly, and could only comfort herself, but she felt that this was also very possible.

"Maybe we are waiting for their business to be bad and the store can be released, maybe they are also expecting our business to be bad."

Although he didn't communicate with the neighbors, but after a little thought, he could guess the owners of the surrounding businesses, and he might think that the embroidery workshop's business would not be very good.

Nowadays, how many people like silk products, and how many people like embroidery. People who like this kind of things are all elderly people.

Song Boyang knew that there were some things, and he couldn't hide them even if he wanted to. Looking at Liu Wen now, he had to admire her and gave her a thumbs up.

"Yes, I came here last time to ventilate the store." Although the materials used are all good materials, I have to say that if the windows cannot be opened for a long time to ventilate, the smell inside is really not very good.

If Song Boyang had some time, he would come here, open the doors and windows, and get some air.

Because he is busy and he doesn't have much time to ventilate each time, he always feels a smell.

Liu Wen went around for a while and suddenly thought of something, "By the way, what about the house?" The other party came to Yangcheng from Sucheng. No matter what the purpose of the other party is, at least he left his hometown and came to Yangcheng. two.

"I found it. There happened to be a two-bedroom house in the back."

"I bought it." Originally, Song Boyang was thinking about whether to rent or buy. He thought that he didn't have money. If he had money, he might as well just buy the house, so that when the price of the house skyrocketed, he might be able to make a profit. Pen.

Great, Liu Wen knew that this guy listened to what she said, and gave Song Boyang a thumbs up.

"Yes, in fact, the current house price is really not too expensive."

"It's fine if you don't have money, but if possible, you still have to buy a house."

"By the way, when brother and Mr. Tang enter the real estate business and start building houses in the future, tell me."

Generally speaking, as long as the current shops are not too unlucky, let alone soaring into the sky and making a lot of money, at least they will not lose money, and they can earn back several times.

Song Boyang hummed, "Brother, Tang Hai and I talked about it."

"If you have a good and suitable house, tell us."

"After all, we haven't bought any shops yet." Song Boyang always remembered what Liu Wen mentioned back then.

That's right, they didn't want to buy a few pieces of land here in Yangcheng, and then build a house, and then get a monthly rent, it's not beautiful.

Originally, Liu Wen was quite tempted to build an office building, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it. Although the rate of return is high, there is a problem, that is, it is easy to run out of space.

And when the apartment is rented out, it can be said that there is not much vacancy period, and, if Liu Wen thinks it is possible, it is better to keep a low profile and not be too arrogant, right?

In fact, Liu Wen also found a good business opportunity, which is definitely profitable, but not many people have noticed it now.

In other words, some people have already discovered it, but they don't think that the domestic development will be faster than that of Europe and the United States.

So even the plan from Hong Kong City has forgotten a very important point.

That is the problem of parking spaces. At this time, there are really not many domestic cars. According to the progress of foreign countries, it will take at least three to fifty years, so there is no need to consider too many parking spaces at this stage.

Liu Wen has seen the history of a rich man who owns parking lots in many places.

Although it can't be compared with those super rich, the speed of making money is also relentless, and the speed of wealth appreciation is a leverage.

Liu Wen also doesn't remember if she mentioned it to Tang Hai and the others, but even if she did, it is estimated that no one would take it to heart.

(End of this chapter)

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