Chapter 442
Liu Wen saw a minibus parked at the door, "Is this another visitor?"

For ordinary guests, they should be at the reception of the resort. Those who can come here must have a good relationship with Tang Hai.

Although he is Tang Hai's guest, he can be regarded as a neighbor, but he doesn't know if he is easy to get along with.

It's really a group of dumplings and meat buns here. It was a crazy fun. I still remember that when I came here last year, the two of them had a lot of fun with the children in the village.

If she came this time, Liu Wen guessed that it should be the same operation.

After seeing five children jumping out of the car, Liu Wen was stunned, "Oh my God, there are actually five children here."

In the past, Liu Wen was also worried about whether the neighbors would be bored when Tuanzi and the others made a fuss.

But now seeing that there are actually five children, Liu Wen's first thought was that they wouldn't be so noisy that she couldn't rest.

I just don't know how many days they will stay here. I hope that when they make trouble, they will stop making trouble in the open space downstairs and go to other places to make trouble.

Looking at Liu Wen, who was still lamenting that a neighbor with many children came, and who didn't know who it was, Song Boyang couldn't help laughing.

I didn't say it before because I wanted to surprise Liu Wen, but now that everyone has come, there is no need to keep it a secret.

Liu Wen heard Song Boyang's laughter and looked at him puzzled. Is there something wrong with what she said?

Otherwise, why did he have to laugh? Liu Wen just looked at him steadfastly, hoping to get an explanation.

"Look at their figures..." Song Boyang couldn't say directly, but let Liu Wen guess by himself.

Look at the figure of the other party?Could it be someone she knew?Liu Wen thought about it, "Could it be Tuanzi and the others?"

Look carefully, well, it seems that there are foreigners.

If it's a foreigner, don't guess too much, think and know, "That's Charlie."

But if you count Tuanzi and the others, there are three of them, and who are the other two.

Could it be Liao Jian and Liao Kang?But it's not right, obviously yesterday Liu Wen just talked with Liao Jian and the others on the phone, and they were still in Sucheng.

There is no reason to show up in Yangcheng today, it is very possible to fly.

But the question is, will Liu Shuhui's family be willing to fly?According to Liu Shuhui, anyway, Liao Jian and the others are not in a hurry, so there is no need to fly.

After Tuanzi and the others got out of the car, of course they wanted to ask Liu Wen if they had arrived. Although they felt that at this point, Liu Wen and the others should have arrived, of course the premise was that Song Boyang got off work on time.

But I was worried that Song Boyang would work overtime again. This person is a workaholic. When he knew that there were patients, he would definitely put down what he had to deal with and devote himself to seeing the patients.

It's not that they can't understand Song Boyang. They know that as a doctor, they must always be ready to treat patients.

Fortunately, Song Boyang didn't encounter unexpected incidents today, otherwise they would have to wait.

After asking the waiter, they knew that Song Boyang and Liu Wen had already gone boating on the lake, and several children excitedly rushed to the pond to call Liu Wen and them.

Tang Hai was so sour, "You said they are too, obviously Liu Wen just woke up, why is she tossing around like this, can't she stay in the room to read a book and take a rest for a while?"

"Really, don't they know how to do this, it's really not an ordinary stimulating bachelor."

"Really, although it's not a forced marriage, but their attitude, isn't it just..." Hey, Tang Hai thinks about it.

If you discuss this topic with Song Boyang, you will know who will lose at that time.

Tang Hai was ready to go upstairs with his luggage. Although he had to leave early on Monday morning, he would only stay here for two days, so of course he had to bring some things with him.

Song Bohua glanced at Song Boyang and his wife in the pond, well, he can only say that he was stimulated by the love of his younger brother and his wife.

Hmph, who doesn't have a wife, he and his wife have a good relationship, if not for taking care of the children, this time, the wife will definitely follow.

Song Bohua made up his mind to call his family later to ask if the family matter has been resolved.

Once it's resolved, then book a flight back home as soon as possible, otherwise, he will stimulate Song Boyang and the others every day, and Song Bohua doesn't know how long he can last.

Tang Hai didn't know that Song Bohua saw Song Boyang and his wife showing affection, and said in his heart that finding a wife was not difficult. After he knew it, he would definitely say that finding a wife was difficult. Didn't he even have a wife if he didn't see it?
The two went upstairs with their luggage. Although the third floor was Song Boyang's territory, generally speaking, Song Bohua should live with Song Boyang.

It's not that there are three more guests, and Song Bohua's head gets dizzy when he thinks about five children together.

In the car just now, although everyone chatted happily along the way, the car was also full of excitement.

But it was really too noisy. Song Bohua said that as he got older, he still prefers to be quieter.

In particular, he had to discuss some things with Tang Hai. Although it was the weekend, for businessmen, rest days did not exist, and making money was more important than anyone else.

Tuanzi and the others didn't know that Song Bohua, who said he liked them, actually disliked them for being more noisy.

They rushed to the pond now, jumping non-stop, "Dad, Aunt Liu, we are here."

"Aunt, Uncle." This is Liao Jian and Liao Kang.

Foreigners often call their names directly, but Charlie is not learning Chinese, he is also learning the customs. He knows that in China, elders cannot be called by their names.

Charlie called his uncle and aunt, "Uncle Song, Aunt Liu."

Liu Wen was thinking just now that it shouldn't be Liao Jian and the others, but after thinking about it, it shouldn't be them. They are in Sioux City, but she didn't expect that it was really them.

Liu Wen just wanted to ask Song Boyang if he knew that Liao Jian and the others had come by plane. After all, they appeared with Tuanzi and the others, and she knew that Tuanzi must have known about it, maybe they were accomplices.

I just don't know if Song Boyang knows, but Liu Wen's intuition tells her that the possibility is very high.

Oops, Song Boyang knew that Liu Wen must have guessed that he knew about this, so what to do.

At this moment, I heard Charlie shout, "Really."

"I don't understand, why Charlie called you, I knew it was Aunt Liu."

"But if you call me..." Although Song Boyang knew that Charlie's Chinese had improved a lot.

But how to put it that way, Song Boyang felt that every time Charlie greeted him, he felt that he was changing every time.

"Why do I feel that he is calling me a squirrel."

Yes, that's right, it's a squirrel, "Why am I a squirrel?"

Liu Wen smiled. She also felt that Charlie calling Uncle Song felt like greeting a squirrel.

But now is not the time to discuss this, "Don't change the subject, I'm asking your question..."

Hmph, want to change the subject with this?That's impossible.

Well, my daughter-in-law is not so easy to fool, "That daughter-in-law, I know this, it was discussed by Tuanzi and the others."

I'm sorry for Tuanzi and the others. Song Boyang didn't want to betray Tuanzi and the others, but there was no other way. To be honest, Liu Wen wasn't that easy to fool.

(End of this chapter)

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