Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 444 You need to exercise more

Chapter 444 You need to exercise more
The boat just stopped, and Tuanzi and the others rushed down, just about to help Liu Wen.

"I think the terrace at home, the flowers and vegetables on it, will be in charge of Duanzi and the others in the future."

"Just let them know how hard it is to make money." Song Boyang thinks this arrangement is better.

What?Tuanzi and Roubao originally thought they could give Liu Wen a surprise, but they didn't expect Song Boyang to give them a big surprise.

Duanzi and Roubao didn't know what to say, "We always know that making money is hard."

"We don't have to..." Tuanzi and Roubao didn't understand why it suddenly became like this.

When I went out in the morning, everything was fine, it was just that I hadn't seen him for a day, how could it be like this.

He looked at Liu Wen in confusion, hoping she could give them some answers.

"Your dad thinks that you don't have much to do at home, so you can get busy and exercise." Liu Wen thinks this answer should be enough.

What?Do you think they have nothing to do at home?Tuanzi was very angry, "We are very busy, we are super busy."

Roubao kept nodding on the side, agreeing with Tuanzi's words.

"Time is enough." Song Boyang said very calmly, "Don't you want to experience the happiness you have gained?"

"Don't you want to eat the vegetables and fruits you grow?" Song Boyang asked seductively.

"What do you think, when you grill on the terrace and pick lettuce directly on it, it will be absolutely fresh?"

"When the fruit is ripe, don't you just pick it and eat it right away?"

If they were replaced by other snacks, they might be really attracted, but the question is who are the dumplings, "Grapes are already planted under there, so we don't need to work so hard."

"Is it because Aunt Zhang is busy with work?" After thinking about it, Tuanzi thought that there should be only one possibility.

Thinking about it, it is true, such a big house, and buying vegetables, washing, cooking, cleaning, and going upstairs to grow vegetables, think about it, I feel very busy.

In this case, Tuanzi thinks that the best way is to hire one more aunt. Wouldn't hiring one more aunt solve these problems?
Listening to the eldest son's calm words, Song Boyang originally wanted to describe a more beautiful scene, but those words were all stuck in his throat, and he didn't know how to say them.

But as their father, how can he easily embarrass the children, "Yes, hiring an aunt can solve these problems, but do you know how much it costs to hire an aunt?"

"And if you want to go abroad in the future, you still need to exercise." Song Boyang quickly found a breakthrough.

"You should also know that if you are abroad, the labor cost is very expensive, you should think about it carefully."

Labor costs are expensive abroad, so of course Tuanzi and the others know, "It's okay, we can work hard to make money."

"As long as we earn more money, we can hire people to work." Tuanzi said arrogantly, they can make money and solve these things easily.

make money?Well, there is no problem with this topic, Song Boyang said with a smile, "Then you should also know that the labor costs after going abroad are very expensive, can you bear it?"

"How much money do you think you children can earn?" It's not that Song Boyang doesn't know that since Tuanzi and Liao Jian reunited, they have been messing around a lot to make money.

But when he thought about it, no matter how much money a few children could earn, how much could they earn.

Song Boyang's attitude provoked Roubao, and he was very unhappy and said, "We don't earn small money."

"We're making a lot of money."

"There will be a lot of money." Roubao was worried that Song Boyang would not believe it, and made an embracing gesture, which meant that there would be so much money.

Liu Wen knew that the children were trying to make money, so she didn't ask any more questions as she thought it was just pocket money.

But now it seems that although their children are small, they are not small, and they can still earn a lot of money.

If it is a small matter, the adults will know it, and it is unlikely that anything will happen, but if it is a big money, no matter whether it is Liu Wen or Song Boyang, it is impossible not to ask.

Song Boyang looked at Tuanzi seriously, "Go back, talk to me slowly."

"I hope you will be honest and not fool me."

After Song Boyang helped Liu Wen go ashore, he walked back at a high speed, ignoring Liu Wen.

It wasn't that Song Boyang took his anger out on Liu Wen, thinking that she knew about it, but it was to save Liu Wen from the two children begging for mercy when the time came.

Tuanzi would be very angry when he found out that Song Boyang knew about it, so he made up his mind from the very beginning, not to tell Song Boyang and the others first, and then give them a big surprise when the matter came to fruition.

In the end, he didn't expect his little brother's mouth to be so unreliable, just like that, before they acted, they stabbed the matter out.

What to do?Don't look at the previous Tuanzi who always had a confident look, saying that there is no problem, if there is a problem, he can solve it.

In fact, he is also flustered now, or terribly flustered, but in front of Charlie and the others, can he admit defeat?

Absolutely can't admit defeat, after all, he hasn't explained why he did this.

Tuanzi looked at Liu Wen who was quietly walking beside, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, how could he forget that Liu Wen is still there.

You must know that no matter how angry Song Boyang was in the past, he would never leave Liu Wen alone, and would definitely advance and retreat with her.

It turned out that it was all right now, and Song Boyang went back on his own, without caring about Liu Wen, what does this mean?

It shows that Song Boyang is very angry, and he vents his anger on Liu Wen. Perhaps their behavior made his father think that Liu Wen also knew about it.

"I'm sorry." They didn't do a good job, and Tuanzi apologized in a low voice.

Liu Wen looked at Tuanzi with a worried face, "It's okay, your dad is angry because he doesn't know how you plan to make money."

"Children as old as you earn a small amount of money, just like you used to make all kinds of troubles. Have your father and I stopped it?"

"No." Tuanzi shook his head. When they were in Sucheng, they followed Liao Jian and the others to go out to make money. Except for telling them to pay attention to safety, they never stopped them.

"I guess, you didn't mention it in advance this time, did you already know that we would object?" Liu Wen also thought a lot just now, such as how a few children can make a lot of money.

Is it through Tang Hai to make money?It's not impossible. Don't look at Tang Hai's current investments in a lot of industries, but as far as Liu Wen knows, Tang Hai still has a mainstay of making money is loans.

Of course, he is not that black-hearted usury, but a normal financial transaction, which is a little more interest than bank loans.

So in terms of funds, Tang Hai sometimes needs quite a lot, and it seems that it is not impossible for Tuanzi and the others to make this money.

But Tuanzi and the others only have a few dollars, so can they catch Tang Hai's eyes?

There is another channel that can make a lot of money, and Liu Wen can only guess that, but the question is, do their children have the courage to do so?

Liu Wen glanced at Liao Jian and Liao Kang who were quietly walking behind her. She was really curious, did they know?

(End of this chapter)

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