Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 446 No Eavesdropping

Chapter 446 No Eavesdropping
The pond is not far from the house, even if Song Boyang and the others walk slowly, they still have a leader.

Tuanzi glanced at the door in front of him, and sighed in his heart, what to do.

When Charlie heard Tuanzi sigh, he thought he didn't want to betray him, and couldn't help being moved by his friend's loyalty.

Do you know that there are still few people who betray their friends?Even Charlie once betrayed his friends, but what happened.

No matter how much you hate each other, you still see them occasionally at parties.

You can't ignore the other party because you are angry, but you have to greet the other party with a smile, and you have to exchange pleasantries.

God knows how many times Charlie almost couldn't bear it, wishing he could punch him a few times.

In fact, this time when his father came to work in China, even if Charlie didn't go to his mother's side, he could still stay in school and be a boarder. He was a boarder before. When it's vacation, he can come to China or go to his mother's place.

But when he knew that the person was going to transfer to the school he attended, he directly asked him to study at home.

Anyway, he has good grades, even if he doesn't take classes, his grades can crush all his classmates, and he can easily enter a prestigious school.

Of course, for those of his classmates, it is not difficult to get into an Ivy League school, it is just a matter of graduating with some grades.

Anyway, Charlie just didn't want to see the other party, even if the other party said he was a coward, it wouldn't matter.

Even if you tell people you're a coward, it's better than seeing him all the time.

"Friend, it's okay, you tell your dad, it's not impossible to say."

"You don't count as betraying me." Charlie said seriously.

sell?Charlie's words stunned Tuanzi for a moment, and soon he understood that the foreigner saw his embarrassed expression and thought it was because he didn't want to betray his friend.

Tuanzi wanted to explain a thing or two, but it was too late, they had already entered the room, and saw Song Boyang sitting on the sofa seriously.

The most important thing now is to explain a thing or two to Song Boyang. He didn't advance this matter because he knew that if Song Boyang knew that they planned to trade stocks in the beautiful country, he didn't know how angry he would be.

Song Bohua mentioned that many people have stock market accounts over there, and of course many people hold them for a long time.

Tuanzi also asked Charlie and confirmed that what Song Bohua said was correct. Many people will increase their wealth through stock trading. As for bank deposits, it seems that there are not many.

There is a big gap between this and domestic people, who have money and store it in the bank, and think that this is the only way to be safest.

Like Liu Wen, many people find it unbelievable that she buys shops when she has a little money, and thinks she is a prodigal son.

Don't ask why Tuanzi knows, because it's very simple. Tuanzi has often heard those people in the town say behind their backs how Liu Wen wasted money, and if he has a little money, he wants to do all kinds of things.

Forget it, don't think about it, isn't it just to tell the truth, then make an agreement with Song Boyang, anyway, regardless of whether he agrees or not, they have already made a plan.

As far as money is concerned, of course, they are also prepared, and they will start to show their talents when they arrive in the beautiful country, and they will make a lot of money there.

Thinking of this, Tuanzi was full of confidence. After all, it wasn't just about him and Roubao, there was also Charlie, Liao Jian and Liao Kang.

In short, this time it was a collective action. He and Roubao were the middlemen. Without them, would Charlie and Liao Jian be able to cooperate?
They have been preparing for this project for a month, after all, it takes time to raise money, and they also need to research materials.

Even if Charlie has some inside information, the more this is the case, the more careful they must be. After all, the so-called inside information is sometimes a trap. If you are not careful, it is really easy to get into it.

They combined some data, and then Charlie inquired appropriately, including Tuanzi, they would also ask Song Bohua some information.

In order not to let Song Bohua notice something, they asked a lot of questions, probably because Song Bohua didn't notice something.

"Speak." Song Boyang saw Tuanzi standing in front of him for a long time, but he was silent for a long time.

"What's the matter, standing in front of me in a daze?" Do you think this question can be avoided?
"No, I was just wondering if we should talk in another place." Tuanzi was really worried that Song Boyang would hit him when he got angry.

Tuanzi has often heard classmates mention that their parents would beat them if they did something that made their parents unhappy.

The dumplings and meat buns are so big that they have never been beaten, but everything has a beginning.

In fact, Tuanzi was also worried. If Song Boyang didn't hold back and attacked him, he should find a room with only their father and son.

At least the face will still be there, so that the rest of the people won't laugh at it.

Song Boyang hummed. The children are grown up and have their own ideas. As an old father, he has to think about it.

"Go upstairs and talk in my room." Song Boyang stood up and went upstairs.

Ah, what's the situation?Tang Hai thought that they should talk downstairs, but he didn't expect them to talk upstairs, and only the two of them talked.

What's the matter, you didn't take him with you?We must know that Song Boyang should know his thoughts, shouldn't he know the first-hand thoughts?

If the project is really good, shouldn't he be brought along?

Just when Tang Hai was about to speak out, he saw Song Boyang stop in his tracks, and he was pleasantly surprised. He thought it might be because his friend remembered him and wanted to call him.

Song Boyang was worried that Baozi and the others would feel uneasy, so he lay at the door and eavesdropped on their chat.

"No eavesdropping, you know?"

"Otherwise, if you let me know..." Song Boyang scanned around, but of course he didn't jump over Tang Hai.

"Including you." After speaking, he turned and went upstairs.

Let me go, under what circumstances, Tang Hai didn't expect that Song Boyang not only didn't call him up, but also refused to let him go up, it was too much, it was really too much.

Especially after scanning around, he stared at him, signaling him not to go up, oh, yes, he still called his name.

Hmph, since you don't want him to go up, then don't go up, he doesn't believe it, how long can this matter be hidden.

"rest assured."

"I won't go up." Tang Hai said that it is impossible that only Tuanzi and Roubao know about this matter.

According to their behavior, and the relationship with Liao Jian and the others, if it is really a profitable business, there is no reason not to bring them along.

As for Charlie, Tang Hai couldn't make up his mind. Foreigners pay great attention to keeping a distance in many matters, such as funds, investment, etc., which will definitely become the top priority.

If Tuanzi and Charlie had known each other for a long time, maybe they would invest together, but now they have a good relationship, but they have only known each other for so long, so how could they invest together.

Do you want to ask about meat buns?Forget it after thinking about it, just now because of what this kid said, Song Boyang found out the problem, if you ask him now, he probably won't answer one or two.

As for asking Liao Jian and Liao Kang, to be honest, Tang Hai was really not sure that he could get one or two news from them.

After looking around, Tang Hai reluctantly gave up this idea, and decided to ask Song Boyang later.

He was obedient and didn't eavesdrop, there's no reason not to tell him a thing or two.

(End of this chapter)

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