Chapter 461

After quickly scanning around, Liu Yi found that the layout on the first floor is really low-key, although it is Chinese-style furniture.

But how to say that, the materials used for furniture are not very good wood, or just ordinary.

Liu Yi really didn't understand. Obviously Liu Wen's house in Sioux City seemed to be built of mahogany.

Why did he keep a low profile after arriving in Yangcheng?

But it is said to be low-key, but if you look closely, you can find that it is not low-key at all.

If you were really low-key, you probably wouldn't drive the car directly to your home.

There are also four people, but the houses here are larger than those in Sioux City, and of course the garden does not seem to be as big as in Sioux City.

But didn't it mean that there is a terrace upstairs, which is quite big?Thinking of this, Liu Yi said that the house in Yangcheng is bigger.

As far as the furniture is concerned, it doesn't seem to be as good as Sioux City. No, this is the first floor, isn't there the second and third floors?

Maybe the good stuff is upstairs there?Liu Yi thought of his ex-wife who died young. Don't the Gong family just like to hide everything.

Unless they are willing to take it out for a moment, otherwise you have no idea that they still have such a good thing.

Liu Wen must have learned from Gong Jing, and must have put all the good things upstairs. Thinking of this, Liu Yi's heart was itchy, and he really wanted to go upstairs to have a look.

"You have moved to a new house. I think the decoration is quite good." Liu Yi knew that waiting for Liu Wen to invite him to go up and visit for a while, then he should not think about it at all.

Since Liu Wen won't take the initiative to invite, it doesn't matter, he can mention it.

"It's average, it's a comfortable place to live." Is this because you want to visit the house?It's a pity that Liu Wen didn't have this idea.

Liu Yi's position here is that she is not a family member at all, but a stranger with blood relationship.

If it wasn't for someone standing at the door, or not leaving, Liu Wen really wouldn't invite him in.

It's good enough to let him in. As for going upstairs for a visit, Liu Wen really doesn't think about it.

Is that how you dismissed him?Liu Yi thought that Liu Wen should at least be able to talk about the benefits of the new house, so that he could take advantage of the situation and want to go up and have a look.

In the end, I didn't expect that Liu Wen just mentioned such a sentence, and then there was no more text. This made Liu Yi a mess.

If he really didn't grow up by his side, don't expect to be filial. At this moment, he completely forgot that he never raised Liu Wen at all.

Liu Wen knew that Liu Yi was very angry, but there was nothing wrong with it. With such a small belly, it was super normal for him to be angry.

And once he gets angry, he has to coax him. Isn't it necessary to coax him every time?Liu Wen gets tired just thinking about it.

Liu Wen continued to drink tea calmly, thinking that she didn't know how many children were going to the party today, and whether it went well.

They are obviously children, and they only returned to Yangcheng from the countryside last night, but there is already a party for Tuanzi and the others to attend today.

Of course, even Liao Jian, who was a newcomer, wanted to participate. At first, Liao Jian thought about it and decided that he still didn't want to go, but the group pulled him and said a few words, and the kid changed his mind.

Even though Liu Wen didn't ask the reason, she figured it out. It should mean that now she attends more gatherings in the country. After arriving in the beautiful country, if there are such gatherings again, she won't be like a little fool who doesn't understand anything.

Liu Wen didn't think too far, she just felt that there were quite a few foreigners at today's gathering, and Liao Jian and the others were really chatting.

Tuanzi and the others learned English with Charlie before. Although they have made progress, Liu Wen feels that the biggest improvement is that Tuanzi and the others went out to parties with Charlie.

At that time, Tuanzi could chat with many young foreigners, and they could get in touch with the tone of voice and expression of different people.

And Liu Wen also found that Charlie would more or less let the dumplings and the others slow down, or use standardized words to communicate with the dumplings.

It's not that this method is bad, but how to say that, for a group who is going to study abroad in the future, it will not help them much.

And when communicating with those little foreigners, those talents don't care about these things, of course they use their accustomed speed and words.

As for whether they understand the dumplings or not, I'm sorry, that's not their consideration at all.

At the beginning, every time Tuanzi and the others came back from a party, they had bad expressions on their faces, as if they were being bullied.

But now they can not only understand what those little foreigners say, but also understand what they want to express.

And Liao Jian and the others are now going to the party with Tuanzi and the others, so don't worry about being bullied, after all, Tuanzi and the others are not just a display.

In this way, the two of them were thinking about their own thoughts, and neither made a sound. If it weren't for the sound of holding and putting a cup from time to time, the aunt who was busy in the kitchen would not have known that there were guests in the living room.

Liu Wen can stabilize Diaoyutai, but Liu Yi can't, even if he really wants to go upstairs to see the layout of Liu Wen's new home, and then estimate their family fortune.

But Liu Wen didn't open his mouth, and he also knew that there was no way to force him, otherwise he could really drive him away ruthlessly.

From now on, even if he kneels at the door until he grows old, this cruel girl will not care about him.

Helpless, Liu Yi could only change something more important, "I'm breaking up with Pang Yue now."

broke up?Liu Wen was a little surprised, but soon felt that this guy might be trying to cheat her sympathy.

"Whether you want to break up or get divorced is the business of your husband and wife."

"After all, you are the true love. You have been searching for a long time to find the true love. How can you be separated like this?"

That's right, isn't it just a breakup, what is a breakup between husband and wife?

It's not divorce, and even if they divorce, Liu Zhe still exists between them, not to mention that they can remarry after divorce.

"You are too. You are already a young man, why are you like an ignorant child, you can do whatever you want."

"And you also have to think about Liu Zhe, so you broke up like this?"

"Then Liu Zhe is like me back then, letting the woman raise her directly, and you just don't care about it."

"Anyway, since I was born and grew up to this age, Liu Yi, you have never taken on the responsibility of being a father at all."

"I didn't attend my parent meeting, didn't give me a penny, and didn't give my mother a penny."

"Plus, we have legal documents. If you don't raise me young, I won't raise you old."

"But Liu Zhe is so old, you have spent a lot of money in front and back, so why don't you just give up like this, what will you do when you get old?"

Liu Yi wanted to say whether there was Liu Wen, but he really couldn't say it.

"I can tell you, don't count on me, I really don't care about you."

"If you don't care about your son, then you should work hard to make money so that when you get old, you can rely on the money you earn for retirement."

"If you have some money, you should also remember to buy a house and a shop, so that when you get old, you can at least still have rent."

"I, I..." Liu Yi sighed helplessly, "Although I still have some money, I don't have a way to make money now. If I don't make money, what will I do."

Liu Yi didn't believe it. He didn't expect Liu Wen to give the money directly. Wouldn't it be okay to ask her to help introduce the job?
(End of this chapter)

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