Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 463 No suggestion

Chapter 463 No suggestion
Liu Wen looked at Liu Yi quietly, "Tell me, what is the reason?"

"I, I..." Liu Yi faltered, really didn't know what to say.

Since she didn't want to talk about it, Liu Wen didn't ask any more, "Go back and think about it."

"Actually, I think it's been so many years since you have not had a serious job. You must not be used to it."

"I know you might think, for my sake, Tang Hai will definitely take good care of you."

"But what I want to tell you is that you really think too much."

"Tang Hai is busy. There are many companies under his name. He is really too busy. He has to tell the people below to handle this matter."

"Don't say how bad my relationship with you is. Tang Hai knows a thing or two. Even if his own brother-in-law came to Yangcheng and wanted to work with him, he was a college student. What happened?"

Liu Wen looked up at Liu Yi, and the latter also looked at Liu Wen, expecting what would happen next.

"What should be done, even if it is a college student, because he is his relative, so the requirements are higher, starting directly from the workers."

"There is no preferential treatment, and the job requirements are higher. Maybe what they make, as long as it is qualified, but if it is his brother-in-law, it must be excellent."

"If you don't do this, I'm sorry, that means you haven't completed the work, and your wages will be deducted."

"By the way, this wage deduction is also deducted according to the highest standard, and there is nothing negotiable."

"I remember that time, when his brother-in-law worked in the factory for a month, he only got a few yuan. Thanks to the overtime wages, if there was no overtime wages, he would have to pay back."

"No, it's actually an upside-down post, because he still needs to eat and drink, and all of this requires money."

"You said that people came to Yangcheng to make money, but it didn't make it to the end. The money was not earned, but a lot of money was paid instead."

"Are you sure you want to go?" Liu Wen looked at Liu Yi.

Doesn't this guy hope that Tang Hai can take care of him?It's better to be more straightforward, "And the relationship between you and me, he knows how you treated me back then."

"I just don't know if he will ask you more."

"You should know that Tang Hai has nothing to say to his friends, absolutely good."

"At first, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't do anything to you, but now that you are in his hands, what do you think will happen?"

"And Tang Hai's mother also died young, and his father's current daughter-in-law is a stepmother, who treats him very badly, you say..."

Liu Wen didn't say it very clearly, let Liu Yi think for himself.

Thinking of this, Liu Yi gasped, "Okay, I see."

Although he wanted to say that Liu Wen was threatening people, he also knew that once Liu Wen asked Tang Hai to trouble him, it would really be a matter of minutes.

"If I do business, what should I do?" Since he couldn't go to work with Tang Hai and Song Bohua, Liu Yi didn't say he was going to work in a factory, but instead discussed what kind of business he should do.

Regarding this, of course Liu Wen will not give any advice, otherwise, if the business does not start and it loses money instead, isn't it her problem?
Liu Wen would not give Liu Yi a reason to demand compensation, "That's your business."

"I don't do business, no, I just do embroidery business. After all, I am an embroidery lady."

"As for you asking me, what kind of business is good, I really don't know."

"Haven't you been doing business in Yangcheng for so many years, how come you don't know what business to do?" Liu Wen asked back.

"Well, I'm not, I'm not..." Liu Yi really couldn't help cursing, "You really don't understand what I mean?"

"So what if I understand, so what if I don't know?"

"If you want to ask someone, please look at your current attitude?"

"If you insist on me giving you an opinion, please, do you look at the posture you are expecting me to give you?"

"And why do I have to help you, why do I have to give you advice?"

Liu Wen didn't understand, "Liu Yi, remember well, my mother helped you enough back then, everything in the first half of your life was helped by my mother."

"But what's the result? I'll give you children, but I'll give you a merciless sentence. You meet the woman you really love."

"Then he still blackmailed my mother outside, saying how my mother suppressed you and how unvirtuous she was."

"Of course I don't want a child born to a woman you don't love, of course."

"You are like throwing garbage, abandoning our mother and daughter, and now you want to use the name of the so-called father, let me give you advice?"

"I don't know how many people owe you, Pang Yue owes you, Yao Ying owes you."

"Your parents and brothers all owe you. When you asked for it, they all relied on you to live a good life."

"It's about moisturizing as much as you want."

"You have never thought about how my mother died early, and I am a ten-year-old child, how should I live."

"Whether I'm full, whether I'm scared to live alone, you never asked."

"Instead, after I encountered some incidents, all kinds of people laughed at me."

"You don't think I've forgotten it. When I broke up with Ge Tao, I will forget all the things you said outside."

Liu Wen said everything that Liu Yi and Pangyue's family said, "Now, I will give you back everything."

"I can still be happy now, really happy. As for you, I think you can do whatever you want when you are old. I am really looking forward to how your life will be when you get old."

Liu Wen felt that he should really remind Aunt Liu more, "This man is really a chicken belly. I have been looking forward to your bleak days in the future."

"Is it because I can't eat enough, because I don't have money to see a doctor, and I can only die of helplessness in the end?"

"Wow, to be honest, I'm really looking forward to it, super looking forward to it." Liu Wen took a deep breath.

Liu Yi looked at the indifferent Liu Wen, and he really regretted it. He knew Liu Wen was a cold-hearted person, so why didn't he give up.

"No matter what, I am your father after all." Liu Yi shouted loudly.

"I know." Liu Wen plucked her ears again, "I have never denied this."

"But what I want to tell you is that you have forgotten the agreement you owed when you divorced my mother."

"Why, you don't think that when you move to Yangcheng, no one knows about the shitty things you did in your hometown. They think I'm a woman again, and I have a thin skin, so I shouldn't say these things."

"This time I slept at home and said, that is to say, my two nannies and aunts knew."

"But if you insist on making a fuss, it's not impossible for me to deal with you."

"For example, I can spend money on newspapers to record the judgments of the court at the time."

"By the way, I'll be kind. I'll also tell you who you cheated on."

"Of course, don't think that if you don't open a shop, I can't do anything to you."

"I can also do something with you. For example, if I know you are dishonest, I will announce your place of work by the way."

"Don't you want people to point fingers at me and say that I am not a filial daughter?"

"It doesn't matter, I can let you bear it too, you feel like giving pointers."

"You, you..." Liu Yi knew that Liu Wen could really do these things.

"You know, I have enough money to support me, and I can put this in the newspaper every day."

"By the way, if you want to make a fuss, then go ahead and I can call the police."

"I just don't know how you should live in Yangcheng."

"You have no money, it should be difficult to survive here."

"And I don't have a job, so don't worry about not being able to live."

"Don't even try to trouble Song Boyang. He has no job, so we can live in another place."

Hmph, when dealing with some people, you should threaten them once or twice when you really should, otherwise you really think she is easy to bully.

"Okay, you can get out of here."

(End of this chapter)

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