Chapter 470 Peeking
Liu Shuhui glanced at the two children who were snickering beside her, and sighed helplessly.

Then look at Liu Wen who is pulling herself and constantly imparting experience, well, this is the family, otherwise they would never worry about it.

"I know those members of the Liao family are incompetent, but they are pretentious, similar to those of Liu Yi's family."

"With your brother-in-law here, I trust him." Although I don't know why those people didn't make trouble with her, since they didn't tear their face apart, of course Liu Shuhui couldn't jump out by herself.

More importantly, Liu Shuhui believed that Liao Feng would definitely deal with those in the Liao family.

If it was said that she was angry because her in-laws abandoned Liao Feng after they had used Liao Feng and knew the seriousness of the disease.

Then Liao Feng hated his parents and brothers even more. They are blood relatives, so he just watched his wife and children worry about his illness, so he didn't do anything.

When he recovered from his illness and had money, he pretended to come out, saying that it wasn't that they didn't want to save him at first, but that they had no choice.

"I know your brother-in-law. This incident is a thorn in his heart."

"It's fine if those people don't come out for a dance or two. If you insist on jumping out for a dance or two from time to time, your brother-in-law will definitely not let them go." Liu Shuhui said softly.

Well, after all the parties have said that, what else can Liu Wen do, saying that it is Liao Feng's family after all, so she will always soften her heart?
Also mention your own experience in your previous life?That's going to be a big deal.

Moreover, Liu Shuhui is Liao Feng's daughter-in-law, so she should know more about him.

Liao Jian snorted a few times, "Those people really have too thick skins."

Liu Shuhui glared at Liao Jian, Liu Wen is already busy enough, there is no need for her to worry about these trivial matters.

Liu Wen didn't say a word, in fact, Liao Kang had already said a lot when chatting with Tuanzi and the others.

After Tuanzi and the others found out, of course they wanted to tell Liu Wen. Since Liu Shuhui didn't want her to know, of course Liu Wen wouldn't rush to mention it.

Just like what Song Boyang said, with Liao Jian and the others around, don't worry about the Liao family jumping around, and it's really too much, don't let Liao Jian and the others make a move, Liao Feng will definitely be the first to make the move.

It's not that Liao Feng is cruel, but that if Liao Jian and the others are really allowed to take action, everyone in the Liao family will be even more unlucky.

Of course, Yao Ying kept the opening ceremony of the embroidery workshop in mind, so she sneaked over to watch the opening ceremony of the embroidery workshop at a good time.

I haven't seen the opening ceremony of Liu Wen's Embroidery Workshop in Sucheng, but of course Yao Ying has seen the opening ceremony of many shops here in Yangcheng.

It's not that she doesn't like Liu Wen, but she really didn't expect that Liu Wen, who is obviously not short of money at home, would actually make such a deduction. I really don't understand.

But she quickly laughed at herself, "No matter how shabby the opening ceremony is, after all, there are salespersons below."

"She doesn't want to do so much rough work."

"The housework at home is done by a nanny."

Yao Ying had inquired. Before Liu Wen's accident, Song Boyang hired a nanny, and now he hired another nanny, that is to say, there are two nanny.

Liu Wen is not required to do any work at home, but the house repair here in Yangcheng is more straightforward, and someone is invited from his hometown of Sucheng.

Stretching out her hand to look and look again, Yao Ying sighed helplessly, "Really, it's different."

When she was young, no one would say that she was great, that she was promising, and that anyone who married her was really lucky.

But whoever still mentions this now will only say that Liu Wen is very lucky. As for Yao Ying, it is expected that whoever marries her will be unlucky.

Yao Ying looked at the embroidery workshop from a distance, forget it, it's the same again, and Liu Wen needs to rely on the embroidery workshop to live?
Even if he didn't know how much Song Boyang's family background was, people with connections overseas, plus Tang Hai in China, knew that there would be no shortage of family background.

Maybe, the family is no worse than Gong Jun at this time in his previous life.

Yao Ying couldn't help being stunned, she really didn't expect to think of Gong Jun, when he was just locked in, she would think of him.

Thinking about how well she would live now if he was here, many people would call Mrs. Gong, maybe she should be a mother too.

Yao Ying has always known that Gong Jun is a fickle person, he was fickle in his previous life, and he is fickle in this life, and he will only become more fickle in the future.

But it doesn't matter, Yao Ying never cared about these things, what she cares about is how much money can be given to her.

As long as Gong Jun gives enough money, she can buy whatever she likes, so what if there are more women out there?
She will not be like Liu Wen in the past, worrying about this and that, making wedding dresses for others.

Anyway, she held on to the money tightly, and when Gong Jun was in the mood, she bought more properties under her name, and raised her son well along the way.

Women, when they are young, rely on men, but when they get older, there are no men or no men. Of course, everything depends on their sons.

As long as the son is smart enough to let Song Boyang know that only her son can push his career to the highest peak.

Everything Gong Jun did was to work hard for her son, and in the end he made a wedding dress for her.

So someone can spend whatever they want, after all, when the property is left to her son in the future, Gong Jun will find that no one likes him as a bad old man.

Of course, Yao Ying doesn't like Gong Jun either, she just likes his money, as long as the money is in place, as long as the company shares are given to her son, who would talk to such a bad old man.

Anyway, which kind of she likes, just follow to live a good life, each play their own.

Alas, Yao Ying let out a long breath, "Forget about such a dream, it's better not to do it, Gong Jun doesn't know which prison he is in for reform."

"Even if you come out now, there is no way to adapt to this era."

In Yao Ying's heart, Gong Jun always felt that he was very powerful, otherwise how could he create such a big family business and raise so many women.

But now that she is not by Gong Jun's side, and seeing many capable people, and seeing Gong Jun in her previous life, Yao Ying knows that Gong Jun is really not that powerful.

In his previous life, he was so powerful because he entered the sea early and started doing business very early. In fact, at that time, he had a good face and couldn't make ends meet.

If it wasn't for Liu Wen's marriage to him, a few embroidery works made friends with a few upper-level people, and gave Gong Jun a few projects that made money without losing money, so that he knew the importance of upper-level contacts.

Not to mention later, through Liu Wen's embroidery works, he met a few rich men. Under his flattery, those big men casually shared some news, and Gong Jun made a lot of money.

It can be said that if it weren't for Liu Wen, Gong Jun could make a fortune, know so many leaders, and know those bosses?Can you slowly become richer and at the same time slowly whitewash yourself?
It can be said that without Liu Wen, even if Gong Jun has such an idea, there is nothing to get through the link.

That's right, all this has changed since Liu Wen came back from the capital?
No, it has changed since receiving that letter. Obviously Liu Wen did not go north, but this time she actually went north.

(End of this chapter)

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