Chapter 472 Annoyed
Yao Ying couldn't help feeling at a loss, it was really a dilemma.

Say it, or you just don’t believe it. After all, such a thing as death and resurrection has never happened a few times, let alone people returning to their youth after death.

I also know that after Liu Bin heard about it, he would definitely spread it outside. Maybe after seeing her, he would keep mentioning it, making people think that she is a fool, a fool who cannot accept failure.

If they really believed it, it would actually be very bad, and they would definitely ask all kinds of questions, such as how Liu Wen can live such a good life when she is obviously a reborn person, but she actually lives like this.

Talk about why it is also rebirth, why can't the family make a fortune.

Then you should keep asking, what can you do in the future to make a lot of money and become a rich man easily.

Regarding this, Yao Ying said that it is really easy to help them, but there is also a very critical question, that is, do Pang Yue and the others have money?
Even if you want to make money easily, you still need a start-up capital, and of course, the more money the better.

It's not that Yao Ying looks down on them, but that as long as she asks them for money, she knows what the result will be, that is, she has no money.

Alas, after Yao Ying pondered in her heart for a long time, she finally made up her mind that it was about the fact that she and Liu Wen were both reborn people, so forget it.

Once she knew it, Yao Ying didn't know if Liu Wen was okay, but she would definitely be.

Yao Ying knew that as long as the other party paid enough money, Pang Yue would definitely let her go. She didn't want to be a guinea pig for some researchers, drawing blood, answering questions, and scanning her brain.

In short, just by thinking about it, you can know that the future will be difficult, so it's better to keep a low profile.

Just like Liu Wen, now that I think about it, apart from going to the capital on impulse, is there anything out of the ordinary?

Not at all, just the same as before, as low-key as you want, and you won't be noticed.

The performance is that she got in touch with Gong Li and the others later, and later married a man with two sons, and went to Sucheng to open an embroidery workshop. Everyone really didn't find any problems.

Yao Ying couldn't help thinking about it. She is also a reborn person. Looking at Liu Wen's appearance, she has already sorted out her time. What she usually needs to study, and the time for practicing embroidery for her second marriage every day, are all arranged.

On the other hand, she seemed to be on the way to find a man besides being with a man again.

As for relying on herself to live a life of adequate food and clothing, Yao Ying never thought about it, after all, it was really too hard.

In her previous life, she never thought about going out and being independent. It can be said that almost all her life was raised by men.

Her biological father, stepfather, and a man raised her. In short, she has been as leisurely as she wants until now.

That is, in her previous life, she was really not short of money, but in this life, she was really short of money.

There are so many beautiful things, and so many things she likes, she still wants to go around, see the beautiful scenery outside, and eat delicious food from all over the world.

In short, she feels that life should be so leisurely, it is not the same as now at all, get up very early every day, go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and then come back to choose and wash vegetables.

After all these are done, I still can't rest, because I have to be busy cutting vegetables, and then I have to make preparations before the opening.

I have been busy until one or two in the afternoon before I can take a break, and I have to start busy again at four o'clock, otherwise the evening market will not be able to open.

After the evening market was finished, it was already past ten o'clock, and after she got home, she washed up a little and cleaned up the housework. She would go to bed at eleven o'clock, after all, she would wake up at four o'clock the next day.

It can be said that Yao Ying really had enough of such a life. If she was so busy and gave her more money, she wouldn't be able to bear it.

Now Yao Ying really regretted it, she really shouldn't have provoked dissension, she really shouldn't have provoked Pang Yue's dissatisfaction with Liu Yi.

Even more, I don't think it's wrong to give Liu Yi a certain percentage of the monthly profit. This job is really not ordinary hard work.

Although it is possible to find people, none of the people they find are as good as Liu Yi. Not to mention that they will not be busy from early morning to night every day. Even if someone can do this, the salary is really not a small number.

I interviewed a few applicants before, and after talking about the workload just now, half of them left directly, and some stayed after the interview, and talked about the price, scaring Yao Ying away.

Yao Ying now hopes to find Liu Yi, even if she asks for it, she must let him come back.

But the point of the question is where to find Liu Yi, Yangcheng is so big, if a person wants to hide from them, it is not easy to find them at all.

As a result, she turned around and found a familiar person. She was stunned, "Liu..." just about to call Aunt Liu.

When I thought about it wrong, I couldn't call Liu Yi, "Uncle Liu, are you here to see the opening of Xiaowen's embroidery workshop?"

Liu Yi was not surprised to see Yao Ying, he noticed it just now, "Yes."

"Why didn't Xiaowen invite you?" Yao Ying asked habitually, but just said it was bad.

Of course Liu Yi was upset that Liu Wen didn't invite him to the opening ceremony of the embroidery workshop, but he hated Yao Ying even more than Liu Wen.

Liu Yi smiled and stared at Yao Ying for a long time, "I'm really curious, if you didn't provoke discord that day, would you have no way to live?"

"I really don't understand, don't you have time to learn something?"

At this moment, Liu Yi realized that Yao Ying had aged a lot, and looked at her hand again.

She also didn't miss Yao Ying's already rough hands. You must know that Yao Ying took good care of her hands in the past, and would make hand masks for her hands every now and then.

It can be said that it is white and soft, but now it is not white at all, and there are veins popping out on the hands. It can be said that no matter how you look at it, it looks ugly.

Thinking of Liu Wen's hands, I thought they were pretty before, but looking at them now, I feel that there are no wrinkles on the face, and it is rosy in the white.

The embroiderer's hands must be well maintained, otherwise the embroidery will make silk out of the silk, so it must be well maintained.

Now Liu Wen's hands are getting whiter and tenderer. Although he has never touched them, his intuition tells Liu Yi that they are definitely many times better than Yao Ying's hands when she was young.

Liu Yi didn't complain aloud, but from the expression he kept looking at her face and hands, Yao Ying knew it was contempt for her.

Yao Ying also knew that her current situation was very bad. When she saw Liu Wen from a distance a few times before, she wanted to ask if this person had grown backwards, and why did she feel that she was getting younger.

She felt that Liu Wen must have taken care of herself one or two times and used foreign skin care products.

Although some big foreign brands of skin care products do not have counters in China, many people do not know that there are such brands.

Yao Ying doesn't believe that Liu Wen's foundation is good at all. In her previous life, Liu Wen didn't take care of her skin well, isn't it just very dull?
So the skin will be good in this life, it must be spent a lot of money on the face, but if she can have this money, she can also become a little beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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