Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 474 No need to visit

Chapter 474 No need to visit
Once the store opened, Liu Wen and the others started preparing to go to the beautiful country.

Liu Wen didn't know that people would bring those things when they went to the beautiful country, whether they were immigrants, to study, to run errands or to visit relatives.

Anyway, Liu Wen traveled lightly and didn't bring many things with her. One suitcase per person was enough.

And the point is that the inside of the box is actually empty, and there are not many clothes and the like.

This made Liu Shuhui, who wanted to help pack her luggage, feel a big headache when she saw it.

Pointing to the empty box, "Is this what you call packed?"

Liu Wen hummed, "Yes."

Liu Shuhui endured it for a long time, "Don't you think the things you brought are a little too little?"

"Brother Song said, if you run out of things, you can buy them there."

where to buy?Liu Shuhui has learned a little about the prices over there in the past few days. It sounds not expensive, but the problem is that it is not a small amount when converted into the currency here.

Just as he was about to say that even if he was rich, he couldn't be so rambunctious, but he remembered that Song Boyang was really not ordinary rich. To him, this money should be small money.

But it's not right, "You go this time, don't you want to visit the Song family?"

I heard from Song Bohua before that there are quite a few people in the Song family in the beautiful country. Although the relationship is not very good, you can't refuse to give it. Let people see it. I don't know how to say that Liu Wen doesn't understand the world.

A gift for the Song family?Liu Wen asked Song Boyang before, "Brother Song said, if you give it, people will look down on you."

"If you don't give it, I will look down on you."

"Since this is the case, why should I give even a small embroidery work to each person, can't I sell it?"

It is not difficult for Liu Wen to embroider some small things, but she just doesn't want to give them away.

But after all, they are relatives of the Song family, even if they don't send embroidery works, they still need to send some domestic specialties.

But in the end, Song Boyang didn't even think about it and said that there was no need to send it.

Since Song Boyang said so, of course Liu Wen was too happy to make such a fuss.

"Even if it's a worthless thing, but there are so many people over there, one for each person, it will cost a lot of money."

"Besides, I'm in the beautiful country, so I didn't see any good things, and I didn't eat any good things."

"They have a wide range of knowledge, and they don't care about these things at all."

"Since this is the case, why do we have to bring big and small bags over there?"

"And Brother Song also said that if there are no major accidents, we may not meet each other yet."

At first Liu Wen thought that no matter what, there might be a family reunion, but Song Bohua informed yesterday that many clan members either went to Europe or Australia for vacation in July and August.

I don't know if they deliberately avoided Song Boyang and the others. In short, even if they go there this time, they are unlikely to meet them.

Ah, those relatives are all away on vacation?No matter how much Liu Shuhui wanted to comfort Liu Wen, she couldn't comfort others.

"It's really too much, who are they looking down on?"

"Didn't they say that they look down on the poor, and my brother-in-law is not considered poor." I don't know Song Boyang's family background.

But Song Bohua mentioned that Song Boyang's family background in a foreign country can already suppress many clansmen, and he is richer than them, so why would he look down on Song Boyang.

Well, Liu Wen didn't discuss it with Song Boyang, she just analyzed it herself and felt that the biggest possibility was.

"They look down on the poor, but they think they are superior."

"Big brother went to the beautiful country back then, and after a lot of twists and turns, he got back his property, and he was richer than them all at once."

"Of course the eldest brother is the eldest grandson of the house, so it's fine if he gets such a big piece of cake."

"In the end, we are neither the eldest son nor the eldest grandson. We can get a lot of cakes, and we can crush them who have worked so hard for many years over there."

"Sister, would it be acceptable for you?" After all, it was possible to wince in front of Liu Wen and the others, and let Song Boyang know that their status in the family was the bottom.

As a result, Song Boyang came directly to airborne and completely shut up those people.

Although they didn't say anything, Liu Wen knew that they must be very unconvinced.

Liu Shuhui thought for a while, okay, it's a little hard to accept, "Then you go there?"

"If you don't contact me, don't contact me." Liu Wen was very calm, "Brother also said that those people may not be united."

"If a family encounters bad luck, the child does not get into a good university, or does not have a decent job, investment fails, or unemployment, it may be better in person, but it is ugly to say behind the scenes."

Liu Wen concluded, "It's actually plastic family affection."

"They have been together in the beautiful country for so long, and it's always like this. In the future, Tuanzi and the others will take care of one or two when they go to study?"

"I'm more worried about whether they will take the dumplings to places they can't go than if they will help out once or twice."

Liu Shuhui's mouth twitched, yes, after the family became rich these years, what many relatives said behind their backs was an ugly one.

Liu Shuhui has also seen this kind of thing by using various means to dig holes for people behind the scenes.

"That's right, don't contact if you don't contact. It's better to rely on yourself than relying on relatives."

Liu Shuhui also figured it out. Originally, she wanted to have a relative to take care of her, but if the relative was such a fool, then forget it.

Liu Wen hummed, "But it's all about the Song family, so I can't say much."

If it is related to Song Boyang, Liu Wen can speak freely, but if there are more Tuanzi and others, Liu Wen must pay attention to it.

"That's right." Sometimes Liu Shuhui really forgot that Liu Wen was not Tuanzi's real mother at all.

Indeed, no matter what the biological mother did or what decisions she made, no one would gossip about her, but if it were a stepmother, if she didn't pay attention, she would really be discussed by others.

The two of them packed their things upstairs and discussed things along the way, such as talking about the situation here in Yangcheng.

Although Liu Wen didn't know much about these things, she was better than Liu Shuhui and the others.

Liu Shuhui also listened carefully, asking a few questions from time to time when she didn't understand.

At this moment, Liao Jian entered the room with a strange expression, "Mom, Auntie, Pang Yue and his family of three came to see you."

Pang Yue came to look for her?Or a family of three?Liu Wen has already forgotten what Liu Yi said last time. In fact, it's not that she forgot, but who made them really good at acting.

Liu Shuhui didn't even hear Liu Wen mentioning this matter, so her first reaction was, "Could it be that they were angry because they knew our embroidery shop was open and we didn't notify them?"

But it's not right to think about it. It's impossible to be angry because of this. "When we opened the embroidery workshop in Sucheng, we didn't invite them, and we didn't see them angry."

Why are you so angry this time?Liu Shuhui didn't understand.

Liu Wen felt that Pang Yuezhen's troubles would definitely not be because of this.

After thinking for a long time, "Could it be that Liu Yi hasn't returned yet?"

If this is the case, Liu Wen really admired Liu Yi this time. He obviously relied on women every time, but this time he turned out to be a hero for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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