Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 476 Who is the one who has no rules?

Chapter 476 Who is the one who has no rules?
Liu Wen stopped Song Boyang, who wanted to go downstairs with her, not because he was worried that he would seduce Yao Ying, or because he was worried that he would see her true face.

Liu Wen knew that Song Boyang was busy, so she was busy to confirm with Song Bohua and Tang Hai what they should do after they went to the beautiful country this time.

In short, it is really a brain-consuming process. Of course, if it goes well this time, you can really make a lot of money.

"Don't worry, you don't even think about whose territory this is."

"I'm Liu Wen, how could I lose to Pang Yue?" As long as she is in a match with Liu Yi and the others, Liu Wen can guarantee that her fighting power will improve immediately.

Listening to Liu Wen's assurance, Song Boyang also knew that he was right, "Success, if you encounter trouble, please call me."

"I don't have the habit of not hitting women." For Song Boyang, it's either his family lover or outsiders. He is not polite to protect others who bully him.

That's what she said, but Liu Wen knew that Song Boyang was really just talking, anyway, she had never seen Song Boyang beat anyone.

Even if Roubao didn't know how many troubles he caused because of his too skinny relationship before, Song Boyang would slowly reason with him no matter how angry he was.

Just because he said that boys are normal, as long as they know the truth and beat them, can they solve the problem?

Slowly reason with your child. It is best if the child listens.

If the child doesn't listen, there's no need to be in a hurry. When he becomes an adult, he will be kicked out directly and go out to accept the beatings of the society.

People at home will be used to one or two, but how can outsiders be used to it? They really teach you how to be a man every minute.

Fortunately, whether it is dumplings or meat buns, they are all people who can listen. After making a mistake at least once, they never make another mistake.

After Song Boyang touched Liu Wen's face, "Okay, let's go, Auntie and the others are right below."

"I'll tell them, let them keep an eye on it." If he didn't go down or express it, he would be completely relieved, anyway, it was enough if someone was watching.

Liu Wen already knew that Song Boyang would not go down, so it didn't mean he just let go, "Don't worry."

"I'm not stupid, and I won't be bullied by her."

"It was really a big mess. I called the police directly and let her go in for a few days of education."

Hmph, a person who runs a business by opening a snack bar can still stay closed for a few days, especially to buy a store, and they owe a lot of money.

At that time, I don't know how many people will come to ask for money, and I really have to do business.

Pang Yue and the others were really getting impatient, especially Liu Bin, if Pang Yue hadn't pulled him along, they would have gone to see what he was interested in long ago.

Pang Yue knew that her son was not serious, and if she really broke something, she believed that Liu Wen would not let Liu Bin go.

Liu Bin waited until it was an impatience, and when he saw Liu Wen, "Why are you so annoying."

"Really, I didn't know we were waiting for you." She didn't understand any manners.

Does it feel like she's coming down slowly?Liu Wen found a seat to sit down, and Liu Shuhui took advantage of the opportunity to sit on the side.

"I didn't ask you to come, so it's better if you don't come." Liu Wen said bluntly.

"Really, I don't know any rules, and I don't even know. Before you come, ask about the situation first."

"It's really shameless to say that she is the daughter of a rich family all day long."

"If the ancestors knew that the descendants had such behaviors, the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren would all be the third generation. I don't know how to be ashamed to face others." Liu Wen sarcastically said.

Pang Yue and Yao Ying knew that this was scolding the old lady, so they could only pretend that they didn't understand.

"Xiao Bin, you child, you don't understand anything, what are you talking about over there?" Hmph, you are already married, and you still have trouble with a child, it's really a chicken belly.

This is obviously talking about Liu Bin, but it is actually talking about her. Liu Wen is happy to argue with a child.


"It's not too young. When I was in my hometown, I already learned to lift girls' skirts."

"That's right now. In the past few years, it's time to go in to receive education and eat free meals."

"Of course, if you meet someone who is strict, you may still eat peanuts." Liu Wen really doesn't understand how a person who has already done this is a child.

Pang Yue's embarrassment, she really didn't know how to explain it, she said it was just one time, but many people said that Liu Bin often did this thing, and the teacher found out several times.

It is said that this kind of thing happened because of the girl hooking up with Liu Bin, but that is also not possible. It is a big trouble in my hometown.

Pang Yue gets angry when she thinks of this. When they didn't go south, Liu Bin just didn't study hard, but other aspects are really good.

Those in the Liu family, for their selfish desires, didn't even care about Liu Bin's future, they only cared about getting money from Liu Bin, and took him to this bad thing.

"It's all from the Liu family, if it wasn't for them..." Pang Yue knew that Liu Wen actually hated Liu Yi's parents and brothers.

"Don't shirk responsibility, if your precious son is not happy, who will do that."

"Actually, your son has this idea."

"By the way, I'm in Yangcheng now, so I shouldn't be doing such a thing."

"After all, this is Yangcheng. You don't even know the family background of the person you are bullying."

"In Su City, you can rely on the so-called relationship and give me a little money, and this matter will be over."

"But in Yangcheng, it may not work." Liu Wen kindly reminded one or two.

She also knew that Pang Yue wouldn't listen to it at all, anyway, she was just reminding one or two things.

Yao Ying felt that Liu Wen's words were right. Although they were all small problems, many things developed from small things.

As far as Liu Bin's temperament is concerned, if he is not strictly controlled now, he doesn't know what will happen in the future. If his family members don't educate him a little bit, after he leaves the society, he will really be beaten severely by the society.

Pang Yue didn't like people saying that Liu Bin was bad, especially when Liu Wen said that. She thought it was Hong Guoguo's satire on her, and she didn't know how to educate her children.

"Did your dad come to see you, just a few days ago." Pang Yue explained the purpose of coming quickly, otherwise it would be a waste of time to focus on Liu Bin's education all the time?
It was really related to Liu Yi, Liu Wen hummed, "Come here."

"You said that you looked down on him, that he lived on soft food and was supported by women. He was very angry. He hoped that I could introduce him to a job."

Liu Wen said all the things Liu Yi complained that day, and she was satisfied to see the expressions of Pang Yue's mother and daughter, which were like a color-changing palette.

"Then, did he mention divorce?" Pang Yue asked cautiously.

"I mentioned it, I just asked him how to think about the life of the divorce."

"I don't care about him anyway, and if he divorces again, he will have nothing to ask for."

"At the beginning, I didn't raise my own daughter, but I insisted on raising a foreigner's daughter. Once I got divorced, people would not care about him at all."

"And if you divorce, will you give up Liu Bin's custody?"

"Not in the end, after two marriages, not a single child was kept."

"It ended up being nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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